Outside of Sunday

Episode 76 - Winnie McClutchie, Part 2: Escaping Drug Addiction & Debt

Christa Season 1 Episode 76

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In this episode, Winnie shares more of her powerful testimony. Winnie talks about being able to trust her children to her abusive mother, her half-siblings being kidnapped, and her struggles with alcohol and meth addiction. But through it all, Jesus was calling her back, and in 2014, she rededicated her life to Christ, committing to serve Him no matter what.

Winnie also reflects on God's provision during tough times and her journey out of debt with the help of Christians Against Poverty (CAP). We end the episode discussing the concept of taking thoughts captive to Christ, Winnie answers a listener's question and shares how she’s living her faith outside of Sunday. It's an inspiring and hope-filled conclusion to Winnie's heart-wrenching testimony of abuse and poverty - you don't want to miss this!

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0:00 - Previously 
0:54 - Intro
1:09 - Trusting her babies to her abusive mother
1:48 - Winnie's older half-siblings kidnapped by their father
5:12 - Becoming an alcoholic after having her first drink at 4 years old
6:06 - Overcoming meth and alcohol addiction
10:28 - Jesus says 'come to me'
13:12 - Re-dedicating her life to Christ in 2014
20:06 - Choosing to serve the Lord no matter what
21:34 - The Kawerau Revival 2014
24:06 - God will give you all the things you need, not all that you want
26:49 - Miraculous healing
28:45 - God showed he was with Winnie always
29:37 - Debt catches up with Winnie
30:43 - Black market loan sharks
32:56 - Getting out of debt with the help of Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
35:33 - The power and gift of repentance
41:06 - Taking thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ
44:49 - Message for the listeners
46:32 - What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
48:39 - How is Winnie living her faith Outside of Sunday?
49:58 - Coming up next week

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Outside of Sunday is part of the Outsider Network and is made with the help of Inspirational Media.

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