Outside of Sunday
NZ-based Christian women's podcast. Genuine conversations, inspiring testimonies, and biblical encouragement to live out our faith both on Sundays and throughout the week.
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Outside of Sunday
Episode 85 - Cora Dawson: How to have THAT Conversation with Your Husband
In this week’s episode we are diving into the intricate dynamics of faith and marriage, with practical wisdom from Team and Personal Mentor Cora Dawson of Restoring Connections. We begin the episode with Cora reflecting on growing up in France and how her faith has evolved over nearly three decades, sharing the contrast between the passion of fresh belief and the endurance required for a long walk with Christ.
In the second half of the episode we get to sit in on what feels like a personal coaching session with Cora, as she draws from her expertise to guide us through how to approach sensitive topics—like pornography addiction—with grace and love. Her gift for communication shines through the whole episode as she shares practical, empowering advice to help listeners navigate tough conversations, while maintaining and building connection in our relationships.
Click here to watch this episode on YouTube.
0:00 - Coming up
1:00 - Intro
8:58 - Growing up in France and the beginning of a faith journey
15:28 - Exploring the contrast between fresh faith and 29 years of walking with Christ
18:43 - Parallels between a relationship with God and married life
19:13 - Cora shares how she met Matt
22:58 - Facing challenges and conflicts in married life
24:50 - Learning the meaning of tested love
25:40 - Practical advice on how to navigate hard conversations
27:15 - Has pornography ever been an issue in your marriage?
30:22 - Discussing sexuality: Is it a need or a gift?
36:10 - Understanding Job 31 and its relevance for men today
36:51 - God's introduction of Eve to Adam
38:30 - Coping with difficult seasons in marriage and tips for discussing sensitive topics like pornography
44:12 - Preparing your heart and mind for challenging conversations
50:58 - Choosing the right time to have a serious discussion
57:50 - Differentiating between communication and manipulation in relationships
59:15 - What to do if past conversations haven’t worked: Setting healthy boundaries
1:03:50 - Learning to love even when you’re hurt
1:10:50 - Finding follow-up support after tough discussions
1:14:04 - How a personal relationship with the Lord strengthens a marriage
1:17:30 - How Cora lives her faith outside of Sunday
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Outside of Sunday is part of the Outsider Network and is made with the help of Inspirational Media.