Outside of Sunday
NZ-based Christian women's podcast. Genuine conversations, inspiring testimonies, and biblical encouragement to live out our faith both on Sundays and throughout the week.
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Outside of Sunday
Episode 86 - On the Ground at 'The Send' New Zealand
This week, Christa takes you to The Send New Zealand, where she interviewed three incredible women on the ground, capturing their passion for Jesus and passion for living our faith every day:
Introducing Soko, a pastor’s kid from Auckland Soko shares her unique perspective on embracing her 'P.K.' role as a calling and the importance of staying rooted in the Holy Spirit and Scripture.
Next up, Sarah introduces The Living Rooms, a home church movement based in Tauranga inspired by Scripture, and talks about nurturing deeper connections within the body of Christ.
Last but not least, Asha shares her heart for missions, her passion for living in continual prayer and communion with God and overcoming her fears with the Lord. If you would like to support Asha as she fundraises to go to YWAM click here.
These spontaneous and heartfelt conversations from The Send will leave you inspired to step out boldly in your own faith journey. Don’t miss it!
Click here to watch this episode on YouTube.
0:00 - Coming up
0:55 - Intro
1:22 - Soko shares why she attended 'The Send'
3:20 - Viewing the title of 'Pastor's Kid' as a divine calling
5:03 - Embracing boldness in stepping out in faith
6:24 - Soko on staying connected to the Holy Spirit and Scripture
9:26 - Meet Sarah and explore 'The Living Rooms' home church concept
11:59 - Rethinking traditional church practices
14:26 - Pros and cons of gathering in homes
16:28 - The key focus for the NZ body of Christ
18:31 - Sarah's insights on nurturing faith in family life
22:13 - Introducing Asha and her passion for missions
23:45 - The significance of Christian missions
26:40 - The blessing of a Christian upbringing
28:50 - Living every moment in prayer and God’s presence
34:11 - Overcoming anxiety by walking in the Spirit
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Outside of Sunday is part of the Outsider Network and is made with the help of Inspirational Media.