817 Podcast - Fort Worth's Monday Morning Show

Colin Allred and Ted Cruz Hosted Events in Tarrant County: Who will win?

Fort Worth's Monday Morning Show

Ann and EJ record early in the week due to some travel. They share updates about Mercy Culture, FWISD's Supt Payments, and Anthony Johnson's Lawsuit. The big story is Colin Allred's and Ted Cruz's visits to Tarrant County, and national progressives are campaigning in Texas.

SHORT STORY #1: Mercy Culture Mobilizes Congregation: Will It Matter?
- Mercy Culture accuses Fort Worth of discrimination over plans for human trafficking shelter
- Watch Full Message

SHORT STORY #2: Fort Worth ISD to pay Angélica Ramsey $500K+ as part of superintendent resignation
- These are the best public schools in Texas, Niche says. Is your child’s on the list?

SHORT STORY #3: 15 Tarrant County jailers now named in Anthony Johnson Jr. wrongful death lawsuit
- Another family hunts for answers after loved one's death in Tarrant County Jail 

BIG STORY:  Ted Cruz and Colin Allred Host Dueling Events in Tarrant County
- Allred, Cruz fling barbs from opposite ends of Tarrant County a month before election day
- Prominent Texas Republican endorses Democrats Kamala Harris and Colin Allred
- Texas Take Podcast

 Ann shares some events and opportunities