Time To Simplify Podcasting | 90-Day Sprints for Entrepreneurial Podcast Hosts + Guests

The #1 Reason High-Level Entrepreneurs Are Launching Podcasts Now | #256

Episode 256

Right now, you think launching a podcast = creating MORE content. But what if I told you… it’s actually the opposite? 

There's no short cut to creating a great show.

There are plenty of detours.

And still...

You can save time creating content with podcasting.

If you believe launching your podcast requires you to spend more time creating content, today's episode is for you.

➡️I'll prove why you must launch now (619M podcast listeners projected in 2026)

I'll share 4 proofs that refute the notion you have to *fit* podcasting into your schedule.

You can use podcasting to grow your business in less time, whether you host or guest.

💡 What This Episode Does:

  • Breaks the belief that podcasting = more content work.
  • Positions podcasting as a business growth multiplier (not just content).
  • Shares how you can profit faster than you think.

📲Tell Me More! What do you want to know about podcasting for your business?

📲Book a call with me when you're serious about monetizing podcasting. 2025 is the year of PODCASTING WINS with explosive growth + booming sales! www.coachjenrogers.com/VIPCoach


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Time To Simplify Podcasting
Jen Rogers | Creator of the
90-Day Sprint | Certified Coach | Keynote Speaker

I teach experienced Christian entrepreneurs how to leverage podcasting so they can grow their impact, influence + income.

If you’re a successful business owner and you haven’t launched a show, it’s time to talk about how to put your voice and proven offers to work for you!

📲Book a call with me when you're serious about monetizing podcasting.

2025 is the year of PODCASTING WINS with explosive growth + booming sales! www.coachjenrogers.com/VIPCoach

The #1 Reason High-Level Entrepreneurs Are Launching Podcasts Now | #256

Jen Rogers: When I was brand spanking new into the military, I was stationed in then West Germany in the big city of Augsburg for a short time before I got transferred about 30 clicks south of the Danish border in Schleswig, west Germany.

Jen Rogers: While I was stationed there, my brother came to visit, so I picked him up at the airport in Frankfurt. I picked him up in my teeny tiny blue Honda Civic hatchback. Now, he was excited to come on over and drive on the Audubon. That teeny tiny Honda Civic hatchback was not a Mercedes.  

Jen Rogers: It was not an Audi. It really was not autobahn worthy. That didn't matter to my brother. He took over the wheel and drove anyway, but when the car wouldn't go faster than about 85 miles per hour, he was more than disappointed. Listen, sometimes that's what happens when we podcast. We think we're got to get on the Autobahn and we're got to have all these downloads and things are got to go amazingly well because we know our stuff.

Jen Rogers: We know we want to help. We have a heart to serve, and yet 

Jen Rogers: when we launch it is eerily quiet. 

Jen Rogers: There is a number one reason why high-level entrepreneurs are launching podcasts right now. There's also a number one reason why high-level entrepreneurs are not launching podcasts in 2025 

Jen Rogers: I am curious! Right now, are you thinking launching a podcast equals creating more content? Come on now. Be honest. Is that what you think? I used to believe it as well. In fact, I used to live it. I got so pulled into creating my podcast. I forgot what my podcast was supposed to do for my business.

Jen Rogers: That's not going to happen anymore. I have a very distinct purpose for podcasting. [00:02:00] I often say there are two things to keep in mind when you podcast. Number one is your business purpose, and number two is your audience problem you are solving. The problem we're solving today is too many high-level entrepreneurs.

Jen Rogers: Think launching a podcast creates more content work. Nothing could be further from the truth, and I'm not talking about just splicing and dicing things out of your show. While you can do that, there are other ways for you to leverage your podcast content. listen. Podcasting is a business growth multiplier.

Jen Rogers: It is not just content. You use the content to establish your authority, your thought leadership, your credibility to lead people into your offers. You can also use podcasting for training. Here's what I mean. If you find yourself responding to the same questions repeatedly from your clients or would be clients, you can create a quick audio podcast and refer them to that episode. 

Jen Rogers: You can augment this with video, however, that is not necessary. 

Jen Rogers: While many are into video, as for me, I understand the holy ground, the sacred space I have when my audience places me in their earbuds. So when you listen to me, I am 18 inches away from your heart. that sacred space. Is exactly where I long to be with you.

Jen Rogers: I want you to decide, am I in or am I out. Fully know that, yes.

Jen Rogers: This podcast is for me, and your podcast needs to do the same thing. When somebody comes to your show, they need to have an understanding of what that show is about quickly. There are a multitude of ways to do that. Before we get into the number one reason why high level [00:04:00] entrepreneurs are launching podcasts right now,

Jen Rogers: I'd love to welcome you to Time to Simplify Podcasting. Hey, there I am. Your hostess with the most is Jen Rogers, and I absolutely adore podcasting.

Jen Rogers: I love the microphone. I've loved the microphone from an early age. When I discovered what podcasting could do for my business, I knew this was the direction to go to teach other entrepreneurs how to leverage their proven offers, you need a proven offer. So every episode you release drives people to your proven offer in a loving way, in a servant-minded manner.

Jen Rogers: We all know that in order to experience transformation, we need to do work that we have not done in the past. We need to do a new thing, and the best way to do a new thing is to partner with someone who has gone before you. That's my invitation to you to partner with me on this podcasting journey so you too can monetize every episode and spend less time creating new content.

Jen Rogers: If you've been on the fence about launching your show, or you know your show needs a serious makeover It's time to rev up your engine to drive down a new road. Now listen, we're not got to throw everything out that you know; we'll take what you have and incorporate it into monetizing your podcast. Whether you host or whether you guest, there are key things you must know and key things you must do.

Jen Rogers: If you are like me, you'd rather follow a proven strategy than trailblaze every single thing on your own because there's only so much time. If you want to learn what you need as a host or a guest 

Jen Rogers: so you can leverage podcasting as a revenue generating asset, [00:06:00] I have the roadmap for you. Now, I didn't call it a roadmap, but I could have. I called it the standard operating procedures. Whether you host or guest, you can find your copy to learn what works.

Jen Rogers: These SOPs will support your podcasting goals. It’s kind of like, driving on the concrete that supports your car. Head on over to coachjenrogers.com/podcastsop to get your copy right now.

Jen Rogers: A quick note, when you download the standard operating procedures, print them off and read them. Go through them. You will hear from me a couple of days after you download those SOPs.

Jen Rogers: It is a part of my leveraging podcasting. Do you have email sequences in place when your audience downloads your lead magnet? Make sure you do. Hey, this is something we're got to get into in future episodes.

Jen Rogers: in today's episode number 256 of Time to simplify podcasting, I'm going to prove it does not take nearly the amount of time you think it takes to create incredible content that converts. I'll share the monetization strategies you 

Jen Rogers: can leverage, so you can save time. And who knows? With all that time, you're saving from not creating content because you do have a show that converts. You might partake in one of my favorite pastimes, Driving down the highway maybe a little too fast with the windows down and the music blaring as you sing along. And it doesn't matter if you sing out a key because nobody can hear you. Alright, let's get into today's episode.

Jen Rogers: The number one reason high level entrepreneurs are launching podcasts right now? 

Jen Rogers: They understand it is a business growth machine. It is an absolute machine you can leverage in a multitude of ways. 

I'm not throwing my opinion out there. This is based on podcast listenership. It is growing rapidly. More than 450 million people listened to podcasts in 2023, and those numbers are climbing. They are expected to reach 619 million by 2026. 

There are beautiful, numerous aspects of podcasting. Here are a few of them. 

 You build trust in an environment of people where skepticism is incredibly high, because there's so much uncertainty in other areas. When you show up consistently and you serve your audience well, you build trust faster.

Jen Rogers: you create exactly what you want, exactly what you know your market needs right now. You can release podcasts as frequently as you want. I dare say you cannot release them as infrequently as you want. In order to build trust, you must show up consistently.

Jen Rogers: Now, if you've been around podcasting for a half second, you already know that. If you've been in business, you know. You need to keep showing up. You also need to keep performing market research because the environment right now, my gosh, it's a whirlwind. When you podcast, you can hop on and record a quick episode acknowledging what's happening right now, and you can share that with your audience.

Jen Rogers: Whether or not they're podcast [00:02:00] listeners, You may be that gentle nudge they need to join podcasting. When you send out an email and you are sharing a nugget of what they need to know right now, you can send them over to your podcast. Heads up. Avoid sending out an email that says, go listen to my podcast.

Jen Rogers: Offer some sort of value already in that email. If you'd like to know more, be sure you click on the link to this episode and send them to the episode. It's important, it's very clear the purpose of the email and that the email could stand alone from the podcast episode.

Jen Rogers: no matter your audience's preferences, when you create content for your podcast, you can easily extract pieces of it for social media sharing, for newsletters, for email, because remember. 

Jen Rogers: you are serving different types of audiences within your ideal client base. People who listen to podcasts and people who don't, people who prefer video and people who don't. People who only read blogs and sometimes they'll only read them after they print them off. And people who don't. All the content you create for your podcast leads people to the next logical step how to work with you.

Jen Rogers: Do they book a call with you?

Jen Rogers: Perhaps you're sending them to a download where they can experience the next step in transformation. No matter what your offer is, the things that you do on your show, highlight your expertise. No matter where someone is in your pipeline, hearing your voice is powerful. And again, it all goes to building trust, to building into that relationship.

Jen Rogers: And the way that we do that is through time. We know relationships do not grow when you do not spend time with each other. 

Jen Rogers: One favorite strategy is when I'm sharing an episode, [00:04:00] I refer people to other episodes. If you are looking for more information on this, head on over to this episode. If you are focusing on this area, head on over to this episode, instead. When we give people options, they feel like they have more control, and who doesn't like having that feeling, even if it's just an illusion. We like the feeling of control.

Jen Rogers: That is the first of four ways. I am refuting the notion that podcasting equals more content creation time. In fact, I spend less time creating content and more time using it to connect with you.

Jen Rogers: that covers repurposing content. Next up is batching and efficiency. I suspect you have heard of the power of batching. It's like making five dozen chocolate chip cookies instead of one. I mean, why not just make a bunch to begin with so you can have them in the freezer if they last that long so you don't have to do all of the prep work later on. When you batch.

Jen Rogers: You do experience efficiency because you know it is podcast Creation day, and I highly recommend you pick a day at the beginning of the month, at least a month ahead of when your episodes are going to release and record all four episodes. I say four because I do a weekly show. If you do more than that, then you know, let's say you do five a week, then you know, well, for the next coming month I need to create 20 episodes.

Jen Rogers: When you have a content creation day, you prepare for it in advance. It's working in the back of your mind that you know, this is content creation day. What are my offers coming up? What do I want to lead people into? What is the market research telling me right now?

Jen Rogers: And then you create those episodes with calls to action that lead into your upcoming offers. [00:06:00] The third way, I'm refuting the notion that podcasting equals more content Creation time is the power of evergreen content. Podcasts often focus on evergreen topics, so these topics, they remain relevant over time.

Jen Rogers: Remember when I shared earlier that you could use podcasting for training? It's exactly like that. When you get the same questions repeatedly, you can direct people to the episode that they need, right in that moment. When I think about the clients I serve, I have several who are just starting out.

Jen Rogers: They have not yet launched a show, and they want to avoid the tech overwhelm and the frustration of not knowing how to put episodes together that convert. So they hire me to help them create their show from scratch, and we do that in the power of a one-on-one 90 day sprint.

Jen Rogers: It's one of my favorite creation opportunities. I love working one-on-one because there's so many ideas that pop up in so many different directions. You can take your podcast, you know how we decide which direction is the right direction? The one that's aligned with your business plan, the one that creates content that will convert your listeners to take the next step on the journey with you.

Jen Rogers: If you're farther along in your journey and your podcast isn't performing 

Jen Rogers: the way you expected it to, You're thinking of joining the more than 360 plus podcasters who quit podcasting each day. Hold the phone. I've got you! Your podcast, it can be saved. 

Jen Rogers: Whether you want to launch your show or you have the sense that you need a podcast mechanic to take a look and see what's going on underneath the hood, then book a call with me. Head on over to www.coachjenrogers.com/VIPCoach .

Jen Rogers: There you'll find ways we can work together. And when you're ready, click the link to book a call with me [00:08:00] to find out if we are a good fit to leverage podcasting for your business. 

Jen Rogers: I have one more point to refute the notion that podcasting equals more content creation time. You get to leverage your existing knowledge. Listen, podcasting, it allows you to monetize what you already know. You are the expert in your field.

Jen Rogers: You know what you're about. You have a proven offer. You know what works for your clients. There is no one else who can explain it and who can connect with your audience the way that you can. You are the only one. And when they hear you show up, the same way that you show up on the calls, the same way that you show up in the boardrooms, the same way that you show up for coffee.

Jen Rogers: No matter who we spend time with, and no matter how we were brought together, when we spend time with someone, we want there to be something in it for us.

Jen Rogers: Let's be real. We want a benefit from spending time with someone else. So when you share your expertise with your ideal client, they are benefiting from the expertise that you're sharing. There's a lot that you can share on your podcast. There's so much you can do that help people along the way, even if they never hire you.

Jen Rogers: let's remember something about podcasting. I don't see anyone here physically in person when I'm recording this episode. However, I. I do have my ideal listener in my mind, and I'm continually asking myself, what do you need right now? How can you leverage podcasting to grow your business footprint?

Jen Rogers: How can you create content once and use it in ways that compliment your current and upcoming offers. Let's face it, you've already [00:10:00] created this content repeatedly when you've worked one-on-one with clients. When you've done your group cohorts, when you've created your lead magnets, you've already done the work. So hop about the microphone and start talking about them with a purpose. And I believe you will find that when you say yes to podcasting.

Jen Rogers: You'll have more time to hop in the car and drive down that highway with the windows down and the music blaring on a sunshiny day. Let's be sure that we do that on a sunshiny day. 

Jen Rogers: In the next episode, I'll share why your business simply cannot afford to ignore podcasting any longer. Hey there, I'm Jen Rogers. Thank you for putting me in your earbuds today.

Jen Rogers: If you are new to this community, I am so grateful for you.     

Jen Rogers: if you have not downloaded the podcast Standard operating procedures for either side of the microphone, if you're a host or a guest, or if you're both, grab both of them.

Jen Rogers: Be sure you head on over to coachjenrogers.com/podcastsop. Before you go, if this episode encouraged, supported, or blessed, you will you share it with a friend? That's the number one way. Your voice has power, you have influence, which is why I recommend podcasting for your business.

Jen Rogers: When you recommend this show to someone else, you help our community grow and I'd be very grateful for your recommendation. Alright, I'll catch you in the next episode.


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