Classroom Caffeine

A Conversation with Tom Bean

Lindsay Persohn Season 1 Episode 21

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Dr. Tom Bean talks to us about his work with incarcerated adolescents, building relationships, hearing what kids have to say, and challenging our own assumptions about how we label our students. Tom is known for his work in disciplinary and content area literacy, adolescent literacy, and his work with incarcerated youth. Dr. Bean is a Professor of Literacy/Reading in the Department of Teaching and Learning, Darden College of Education and the Rosanne Keeley Norris Endowed Professor at Old Dominion University.

To cite this episode:
Persohn, L. (Host). (2021, Apr. 6). A conversation with Tom Bean. (Season 1, No. 21) [Audio podcast episode]. In Classroom Caffeine Podcast series. DOI: 10.5240/442F-6B61-75DA-D2F2-411D-5

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