Tabletop Tiddies

Chapter 2, Pt. 4: Back To Reality | Tiddies By Night - Season 3

Tabletop Tiddies Season 3

The IOU continues to deal with the aftermath of coming back to reality, in the last episode of Kelly Wright Storytelling TBN this season!

Content Warnings: vampirism, blood, bees

Storyteller: Kelly Wright
Executive Producers: Charlene Bayer & Emily Matchette
Cast & Producers: Charlene Bayer, Katrina Teitz, Rachel Theilade, Kelly Wright, Dare Hickman, CasperDaNBGhost
Patreon Producer: Paresh Maharaj (@NobleKind92)
Octavia Miller: Charlene Bayer
Evelyn Stormloft: Rachel Theilade
Abbigail Summers: Katrina Teitz
Belgium Jerry: CasperDaNBGhost
Leon Cavallo: Dare Hickman
Video Editor: Emily Matchette
Sound Engineer: Kelly Wright
Logo Design: Kelly Wright
Overlay Design: Kelly Wright
Character Artist: 

Tiddies By Night is a weekly Vampire The Masquerade V5 Actual Play livestream that’s run entirely by people of marginalized genders, with YouTube videos typically released every Monday. If you’d like to support our show, please subscribe on Twitch/YouTube and leave us a comment! Tell your friends about us!

Tiddies By Night will always be free for everyone, for more information visit our website at You can support the show and buy Tabletop Tiddies merch at 
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Thanks for watching Tiddies By Night!
Our music was found on Pixabay, Incompetech Music, and Free Music Archive.
“Pixabay is a completely free resource for quality royalty-free stock music, images, and even video. The platform lets you browse music based on genre and mood and offers a wide variety of sound effects perfect for audio dramas and narration.”
Music from by Kevin MacLeod and the Free Music Archive are Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 
You can find a full list of music used in our series on our website.

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