Alien Agenda
The Universe is a fascinating place. Mankind is evolving. Isn’t it time for mankind to know the truth about its place in the universe? At Alien Agenda we plan to investigate the truth about man’s role in the universe. Is there an Alien presence on planet Earth? Is the an ‘Alien Agenda’ ? And if so, what is it? We believe mankind is not only ready for the truth, but that only through public disclosure will humanity evolve into a more spiritual species worthy of collaborating with extraterrestrial entities. Question: Should we only trust our governments to work with ETs? Will that be in mankind’s best interest?At the Alien Agenda podcast we will discuss information related to disclosure and allow the public to come to their own conclusions. Isn’t it time to finally learn the truth? The truth might set you free but first it must be discovered. Follow us as we work together to discover the truth and build a better society on planet Earth.
Alien Agenda
Constitution Cast- Tony & Ron Show - Episode 1- Make America Healthy Again
Tony Teora
Tony Teora and Ron Watkins host a new show called the 'Constitution Cast'. This is a special exclusive for Alien Agenda. On the premiere episode they discuss the loss of our freedom of speech, tyrannical demonetization of truth tellers, the failing economy, the upcoming election and some anonymous MRI scans of possible ET bones sent to Alien Leaks. Guaranteed to have a few laughs while the two discuss the raw unedited truth that our deep state gatekeepers are trying hide from the public.