The Next Great Thing
An exploration into new digital products and experiences — and conversations with the people making them great. What separates a good digital product or experience from being the next great thing in our lives? It’s not just one thing, it’s lots of things — ideas, people, inspiration, distribution, longevity, luck. Host Andrew Greenstein talks with founders, CEOs, product heads, makers, producers, designers, and digital creationists about how they’re coming up with big ideas, pushing creative boundaries, and expanding what’s possible in the digital space. The Next Great Thing podcast is a production of SF AppWorks. Learn more at www.sfappworks.com.
The Next Great Thing
Rahul Roy-Chowdhury, Global Head of Product, Grammarly - The Rise of AI Communication Assistants
The robots are coming! Actually, they’re already here. Every day there’s a new story in our newsfeeds about how AI technology is disrupting everything from education to healthcare to the workplace. Remarkably, one of the greatest benefits of AI is its ability to improve human communication. AI communication assistants are quickly becoming our trusted advisors, stealthily upgrading our language skills and making us sound like bona fide geniuses across all of our digital platforms. But according to Rahul Roy-Chowdhury, we haven’t even scratched the surface of what’s possible. He should know. Rahul spent more than 14 years at Google, where he served as the company's VP of Product Management, and today is the Global Head of Product at Grammarly, one of the most popular and advanced AI communication assistants. Grammarly’s platform reaches more than 30 million users and 50,000 organizations worldwide. It uses natural language processing and AI to check written digital text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, and it can even give you suggestions for improving your tone, sentence structure, and clarity, and help you make your writing sound more engaging. Rahul joins the podcast to talk about how AI communication assistants like Grammarly won’t replace human communication but, rather, through improving our communication, give us the capability and confidence to be our best selves.
Show notes, episodes, and more at thenextgreatthingpodcast.com. For more information on SF AppWorks, visit sfappworks.com.
Follow Andrew on LinkedIn at @Andrew Greenstein
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