Physio Network

[Physio Explained] Strengthening for plantar heel pain: does It really work? with John Osborne

In this episode with John Osborne we explore all things plantar heel pain. We discuss: 

  • Is a foot and ankle strengthening regime helpful for this patient population?
  • Current research in this realm
  • The short foot exercise: is it still relevant to use? 
  • Calf raises: are they helpful for this patient population? 
  • Discrepancies in morphology and capacity between people with plantar heel pain and those without

John is currently completing his PhD about the association of muscle strength and plantar heel pain. He has had a systematic review published in Journal of Orthopaedic Sports Physiotherapy in 2019 titled Muscle Function and Muscle Size Differences in People With and Without Plantar Heel Pain: A Systematic Review. The focus of John’s PhD includes exercise prescription for plantar heel pain, which muscles function during exercises for the foot and ankle and the association of foot muscle strength and size to plantar heel pain.

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Our host is @sarah.yule from Physio Network