Physio Network

[Physio Explained] Motivational interviewing essentials: a guide for clinicians to inspire change with Dr Tim Anstiss

In this episode, we break down motivational interviewing into bite sized useful skills that you can implement with your patients in the clinic. We discuss: 

  • Microskills of motivational interviewing
  • The different stages of change
  • How to facilitate a conversation with your patient
  • Unhelpful beliefs and the impact this can have on a patient’s pain

Dr Tim Anstiss is a medical doctor, educator, coach and coach trainer. After working various NHS jobs including in cardiology, orthopaedics, psychiatry and occupational health, Tim developed and led an MSc in Exercise and Behavioural Medicine at Thames Valley University. Tim has trained thousands of health professionals in motivational interviewing and health coaching, has been involved in several national and international behaviour change initiatives and has written several book chapters on different coaching approaches. 

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Our host is @James_Armstrong_Physio