Physio Network

[Physio Explained] Corticosteroid Injections: when, why, and how with Dr. Sharon Chan-Braddock

In this episode with Dr Sharon Chan-Braddock, we dive deep into corticosteroid injections. We discuss: 

  • How corticosteroid injections work
  • How long corticosteroid injections last
  • How has has the use of corticosteroid injections changed over time
  • Use of local anesthetics with corticosteriod use
  • When we should be using corticosteroid injections
  • Repeated corticosteroid injections

Dr Sharon Chan-Braddock is a highly experienced Musculoskeletal Medicine clinical academic and Advanced Practice physiotherapist, with many years of diverse experience of MSK across clinical, academic, education and quality agenda areas regionally and nationally. In 2024, Sharon became the first physiotherapist in the UK, and internationally, to gain dual SOMM Fellowship and MACP Membership, which is a recognition of meeting consultant level of practice and International MSK standards of practice set by IFOMPT.

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Our host is @James_Armstrong_Physio