Business of Endurance

Welcome to Season 8!

Charlie Reading Season 7 Episode 14

Welcome to Season 8 of The Business of Endurance podcast!

We're back with an exciting lineup!

Highlights of the upcoming season include interviews with a clinical dietitian specialising in eating disorders and Olympic sports, a writer on the cusp of a new book launch, an endurance athlete with a transformational story from alcohol dependency, and a dynamic professional triathlon couple.

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This episode was sponsored by The Trusted Team and 4th Discipline

Speaker 2:

I'm. Charlie Redding and I'm Claire Fudge.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Business of Endurance. As we pause between Season 7 and Season 8 of the Business of Endurance podcast, we've had a catch up on how amazing Season 7 was and the quality of the guests that we had on there and the inspiration, as well as the incredible learning opportunities. I'm really looking forward to season eight. We've got a treat in store again. Shall we sow a few seeds as to who we've got lined up for season eight of the Business of Endurance podcast. Who are you looking forward to interviewing and what are you excited to declare?

Speaker 2:

I think we've got a fantastic range of different guests again, which are all going to bring something different to the interviews. A well-renowned clinical dietitian working in eating disorders. Has worked with Olympic Paralympic sports. A writer that's going to be fantastic, so I'm really excited about that one.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking forward to you interviewing her and that's going to be an interesting conversation, I think. Yeah, I'm really excited about that one. I'm looking forward to you interviewing her. That's going to be an interesting conversation.

Speaker 2:

I think yeah, I'm gonna, I'm looking forward to it, hey, if we've got the timer on, so that won't be three episodes or something after that, also looking forward to interviewing and this really is going to be exciting about a story behind somebody who's really come from the depths of being dependent on alcohol and a story of transformation from that place to an endurance athlete, to having a business. I think that is going to be phenomenal just to hear that journey. And also some more writers another rugby player writer again. I think this is fantastic in terms of learning a bit more about business, a bit more about different sports as well. Give us an insight into some of the guests that are coming on that you know about.

Speaker 1:

I'm really excited about season two. We've got another one of my favorite authors, an author that writes an absolutely brilliant running book, but he's about to launch his next book, so I'm really excited about interviewing him. That'll be a great episode. Really excited to share the episode we've recorded with some phenomenal business Cycling. That interview took us on different avenues and conversations I never expected, so that's a brilliant one that I'm really excited about sharing. I'm excited about interviewing a professional couple in the world of triathlon. I think that is going to be a fascinating interview with some phenomenally successful athletes, but also the dynamics of them being a couple in that space. So there's loads to go after. It's going to be a great season eight For all listeners out there.

Speaker 1:

Stay tuned for when season eight goes live, because the Business of Endurance is going to take it up another notch again with some really amazing guests. If you want us to keep getting amazing guests onto the Business of Endurance podcast, we don't ask for you to pay for us. We don't ask for patronage. All we ask for is that you subscribe to the podcast, ideally on Apple. Give us a five-star rating because it shows us you care and, if you've got time, leave us a comment. One word is fine, something like inspiring or amazing or something like that, but we really do appreciate it and it will help us to continue to deliver amazing guests on what we hope you find to be an amazing podcast. Thanks very much.