Pod's Burgers: A Podcast Chronicling a Bob's Burgers Obsession

29 - Lorenzo's Oil? No, Linda's

Jen and Briddany Season 2 Episode 28

We took our sweet, sweet, horribly sweet time to get this one out, but it's here - we chat about Lorenzo's Oil? No, Linda's and we promise that if you listen your digestion will be vastly improved and your restless legs will take a long quiet chill. Or, neither of those things will happen but you'll hear us talk about the time a mattress pinned Briddany down and attempted to remove her pants so she can totally relate to Bob's stuck-between-a-mattress-and-a-closed-door predicament and also we discuss how toilet paper can really build solid friendships if you let it and how if you think about it, most of us really do have our very own A-chili's heel.