Parkinson's Pathway Pals Tuesdays with Teresa

Season 3 Episode 4: When both of your parents are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. A candid discussion with Laura Mosley-Manthey on her parent's journey with Parkinson's and the impact it has had on her and her family's life.

Teresa Jackson Season 3 Episode 4

Do you have a parent living with Parkinson’s?  Can you imagine what it would be like to have both parents with Parkinson’s?

Please join me as I chat with Laura Mosley – Manthey, as she candidly shares her parent’s journey with Parkinson’s and the impact it has had on her life.  

Laura inspires those around her with her strong faith and her selfless giving in so many ways. 

Listen in as she talks about her family life, and the unexpected blessing of freedom to love her mom that came from this time.