Parkinson's Pathway Pals Tuesdays with Teresa
Teresa Jackson from Lean On Me Coaching, shares resources and strategies for thriving with Parkinson's. Join her and her guests to learn how to live your best life in spite of living with a chronic illness.Opinion Disclaimer:The views and opinions expressed in Parkinson’s Pathway Pals Tuesdays with Teresa, are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Teresa Jackson and Parkinson’s Pathway Pals Tuesdays with Teresa. Any content provided by our guests are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything and is not intended as medical advice.
Parkinson's Pathway Pals Tuesdays with Teresa
Episode #3 Season 2 Dr. Soania Mathur Living with Parkinson's disease as a young praciticing family phyician in Toronto, Canada. Join me as Dr. Mathur shares how she has successfully lived with Parkinson's for over two decades.
Teresa Jackson
Dr. Mathur is a family physician from Toronto, Canada who resigned her medical practice following a Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis at age 27. Having lived with the disease for over two decades she now spends her time writing, educating, and advocating for those living with Parkinson’s.
Dr. Mathur works with organizations such as The Michael J Fox foundation, The Davis Phinney Foundation the Brian Grant Foundation, Parkinson Canda, Lakeridge Health Foundation and co founder of PD Avenger’s. She is also an author of the patient education and medical blog UnshakeableMD, and she has authored two books, Shaky hands, and my grandpa’s shaky hands.