Plants Grow Here - Horticulture, Landscape Gardening & Ecology
Come along with horticulturist Daniel Fuller as we enter a hidden world of horticultural, ecological and landscape gardening knowledge with featured experts, industry professionals and enthusiasts. We inform and inspire you with weekly episodes to help you become an unstoppable plant whisperer.
Plants Grow Here - Horticulture, Landscape Gardening & Ecology
Ep.190 Assessing tree health & safety - Gary Moran (Treeside Arboricultural Consultancy)
Do you know how to assess a tree's health and safety? And do you know how to do so in a systematic way to ensure you don't miss any major clues?
This episode is designed to teach non-arborists within the landscape and horticulture sector what to look for when inspecting trees. What signs tell us that a tree is doing well? And what signs tell us we need to contact an AQF Level 5 consulting arborist for a closer look?
Starting at the ground and surrounding environment, moving up the trunk, and out toward the branch tips, there are a number of things to check to ensure our trees are heading in the right direction.
Gary's Twitter: https://twitter.com/arborsmarty
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-moran-786240164
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tree_side_arboriculture/
Treeside Arboricultural Consultancy Services: https://treeside.com.au/
Ozbreed root rot treatment trial. https://www.ozbreed.com.au/summary-plants-in-various-wet-feet-conditions/
- Trial tested root rot treatments on Tanika Lomandra longifolia, known for thriving in dry slopes and flat areas and temperate wet, but struggling in humid, wet conditions. The trial year was humid, the soil extra wet and Phytpothera was present.
- 8 plants were in each treatment. Agri-Fos treatment resulted in 0% survival, indicating ineffectiveness against root rot diseases in Tanika. Control group showed a 25% survival rate, while Phyto guard and Rhizovital treatment had a 62.5% survival rate.
- For humid wet soils with root rot diseases, treating Tanika Lomandra longifolia with 1 g/L Phyto guard and 4 mL/L Rhizovital increases survival rate
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You’ll find heaps of educational blog articles, including How To Prune For Natural Shape, What Relationships Do Plants Have With Other Organisms?, and What Is Healthy Soil, And How Can We Build It?.
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