Plants Grow Here - Horticulture, Landscape Gardening & Ecology
Come along with horticulturist Daniel Fuller as we enter a hidden world of horticultural, ecological and landscape gardening knowledge with featured experts, industry professionals and enthusiasts. We inform and inspire you with weekly episodes to help you become an unstoppable plant whisperer.
Plants Grow Here - Horticulture, Landscape Gardening & Ecology
Ep.208 Right plant, right place: Site parameters x plant functions - Daniel Fuller
Yeah, yeah yeah - right plant, right place. But what does this old cliche mean in the real world? In this episode, I break down the old concept into site parameters (restrictions) and plant functions (desirable traits).
Site Parameter Examples
- Available space
- Temperature
- Frost
- Wind
- Altitude
- Humidity
- Topography
- Substrate
- Mulch
- Average rainfall
- Drought
- Irrigation
- Sunlight
- Salt
- Micro climate
- Aspect
- Slope gradient
- Reflected light
- Reflected heat
- Rockeries
- Pathways
- Wind corridors
- Depressed areas
- Raised areas
- Flat areas
- Common pests/diseases
Plant Function Examples
- Biodiversity resources
- Playgrounds
- Rockeries
- Grey water
- Fire retardant
- Growth habit
- Erosion control
- Rain gardens
- Micro-catchments
- Bioswales
- Water cleaning
- Sensory
- Maintenance budget
- Order and creativity
- Layering
- Repetition
- Unity
- Rhythm
- Contrast
- Balance
- Colour
- Form
- Texture
- Line
- Proportion
- Focal points
- Seasonal interest
- Mass planting
- Specimen planting
- Feature
- Sightline preservation
- Screening & privacy
- Wind break
- Hedging
- Borders
- Roadside planting
- Parkland
- Street tree
- Modern garden
- Traditional garden
- Native garden
This episode is based on my experiences as a qualified horticulturist of over a decade, and a webinar presentation I developed with Todd Layt for Ozbreed of the same title.
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You’ll find heaps of educational blog articles, including How To Prune For Natural Shape, What Relationships Do Plants Have With Other Organisms?, and What Is Healthy Soil, And How Can We Build It?.
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