Everyday Oral Surgery

Non-Surgical Treatment of TMD with the Urbanek Device (with Dr. Anthony Urbanek)

Grant Stucki - oral and maxillofacial surgeon

Tennessee-based oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. Anthony Urbanek pioneered a new style of TMJ device that resolves TMJ disorders effectively and comfortably by eliminating jaw joint inflammation while you sleep. Today, we learn about the Urbanek Device and how it works, and we begin with Dr. Urbanek’s professional history and how he developed his non-surgical TMD treatment protocol. We unpack the Urbanek Device in detail by exploring its origins, how it’s used, and how it has redefined how TMD is treated. Then, we look closer at the history of TMJ and TMD, TMD patient demographics, why the Urbanek Device and NTI are non-comparable, and why today’s guest felt drawn toward a non-surgical solution as a practicing surgeon. To end, Dr. Urbanek describes the conditions under which his device wouldn’t work, and he explains why having gardening experience will give you a leg-up in oral maxillofacial surgery. 

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Dr. Anthony Urbanek’s professional history and current practice setup. 
  • How he discovered his non-surgical treatment protocol for TMD. 
  • The ins and outs of the Urbanek Device. 
  • Unpacking the history of TMJ and TMD treatments.
  • Exploring the demographics of TMD patients. 
  • Why Dr. Urbanek, as a surgeon, felt compelled to find a non-surgical TMJ solution. 
  • Comparing the NTI device with the Urbanek Device. 
  • Understanding the causes of TMD. 
  • The shared characteristics of the patients on which the Urbanek Device didn't work.
  • How to learn more about TMJ, Dr. Urbanek, and his TMD treatment protocol. 
  • Crossing the Chasm, gardening, removing tooth number 12, and Being There.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Dr. Anthony Urbanek — https://www.urbanektmj.com/

Dr. Anthony Urbanek on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/drtonyurbanek/ 

Dr. Anthony Urbanek on X — https://x.com/anthonyurbanek 

Dr. Anthony Urbanek on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/drtonyurbanek/ 

Dr. Anthony Urbanek on Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/drtonyurbanek/ 

Urbanek TMJ Device & Protocol |Brentwood — https://www.tmjservicesofbrentwood.com/  

Urbanek Seminar | November 1st — https://www.urbanektmj.com/urbanek-seminar 

Crossing the Chasmamazon.com/Crossing-Chasm-3rd-Disruptive-Mainstream/dp/0062292986 

Being Therehttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078841/ 

Everyday Oral Surgery Website — https://www.everydayoralsurgery.com/ 

Everyday Oral Surgery on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/everydayoralsurgery/ 

Everyday Oral Surgery on Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/EverydayOralSurgery/

Dr. Grant Stucki Email — grantstucki@gmail.com

Dr. Grant Stucki Phone — 720-441-6059