Everyday Oral Surgery

Finding Harmony with Surgery and Family Life (with Dr. Anthony Morlandt)

Grant Stucki - oral and maxillofacial surgeon

Being an oral surgeon is difficult enough as it is, but when you try to juggle that with raising a family and maintaining a marriage, it can feel impossible. Today on Everyday Oral Surgery, Dr. Anthony Morlandt joins us to share how he found harmony with surgery and family life. In this episode, you’ll hear all about his career and family, why he believes having systems is imperative in oral surgery, and how you can set them up. We delve into how to balance family life, work, and hobbies before discussing some tips for getting through residency as a spouse and parent. We even discuss the resilience of oral surgeons’ children and why they should be put above everything else. Finally, our guest answers our usual rapid-fire questions. This episode is incredibly helpful for any oral surgeon who has or wants to have a family and a successful career, so be sure to press play now!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • A brief overview of today’s guest, Dr. Anthony Morlandt. 
  • Dr. Morlandt tells us about his children and incredible wife. 
  • The importance of having highly reproducible systems in oral surgery. 
  • Key pieces of advice for anyone wanting to set up systems. 
  • How to balance family life and work while trying to have hobbies. 
  • The importance of communicating with our spouses well. 
  • How Dr. Morlandt leverages calendars to balance his life. 
  • Some tips for getting through residency while having a family. 
  • Why children of oral surgeons are particularly resilient. 
  • Dr. Morlandt reminds oral surgeons that your children are most important. 
  • Our guest answers some of our rapid-fire questions. 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Dr. Anthony Morlandt on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-morlandt-md-dds-facs-493a4090/ 

Dr. Anthony Morlandt Email Address — morlandt@uab.edu 

Dr. Anthony Morlandt on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/anthonymorlandt/ 

Illness as Metaphorhttps://www.amazon.com/Illness-Metaphor-AIDS-Its-Metaphors/dp/0312420137 

Everyday Oral Surgery Website — https://www.everydayoralsurgery.com/ 

Everyday Oral Surgery on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/everydayoralsurgery/ 

Everyday Oral Surgery on Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/EverydayOralSurgery/

Dr. Grant Stucki Email — grantstucki@gmail.com

Dr. Grant Stucki Phone — 720-441-6059