Everyday Oral Surgery
Everyday Oral Surgery
Advocating for Women in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (with Dr. Erin Sheffield and Dr. Jaclyn Tomsic)
Women are still not treated as equals in medicine, and the poor treatment of women by both patients and colleagues is particularly prevalent in oral and maxillofacial surgery. In this episode of Everyday Oral Surgery, we welcome Dr. Erin Sheffield and Dr. Jaclyn Tomsic to the show to discuss women in oral and maxillofacial surgery and their recent study and lecture on advocating for women in the industry. Tuning in, you’ll hear all about Dr. Sheffield and Dr. Tomsic’s study on how women are viewed and treated in the world of oral surgery as opposed to men. We delve into some of the problems women face in the industry before hearing a bit about their findings. Our guests discuss things like the complexities of the gender pay gap in oral surgery and how to solve it, the importance of supporting your female colleagues, some ‘dos and don’ts’ for addressing women in medicine, why standing up for your female colleagues is imperative, and so much more! They even tell us about their upcoming retreat for female oral surgeons! Finally, we hear about the unifying factors between men and women in surgery. Be sure to listen to this informative episode now, and if you want access to our guest’s lecture on this topic, be sure to email Grant to get hold of it!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Welcoming Dr. Erin Sheffield and Dr. Jaclyn Tomsic back to the show.
- Some issues women face in oral surgery when trying to progress.
- A brief overview of the findings from their study on how women are viewed in oral surgery.
- What we can do about the pay gap between men and women in medicine.
- Why women in medicine really need to have each other’s backs.
- Some ‘dos and don’ts’ when it comes to addressing female medical colleagues.
- The importance of standing up for female colleagues when they’re being treated badly.
- Their retreat for female oral surgeons and how to find out more about it.
- A comparison between sport and surgery and the unifying part of both.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Dr. Erin Sheffield on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/drerinsheffield/
Dr. Jaclyn Tomsic — https://www.jaclyntomsic.com/
Dr. Jaclyn Tomsic on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/doctorjacci/
Everyday Oral Surgery Website — https://www.everydayoralsurgery.com/
Everyday Oral Surgery on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/everydayoralsurgery/
Everyday Oral Surgery on Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/EverydayOralSurgery/
Dr. Grant Stucki Email — grantstucki@gmail.com
Dr. Grant Stucki Phone — 720-441-6059