NFU Talk
As the voice of British agriculture, the National Farmers Union (NFU) is always making sure it's ahead of the curve when it comes to farming headlines, information and guidance. The brand-new podcast, NFU Talk, is dedicated to unpicking the detail of the hot topics affecting agriculture, with expert insight from the NFU's farming specialists.
NFU Talk
Hearing from members in Dartmoor
NFU Talk
Season 4
Episode 3
In this week’s Farming in Five, you can hear Tom's download on a member meeting in Dartmoor which featured Secretary of State Steve Barclay, Natural England's Marian Spain and Sir Geoffrey Cox MP.
Also featured this week:
- Tom recaps on his appearance at the City Food Lecture (0:53)
- Taking a closer look at the latest farm business income figures from Defra (1:33)
- NFU Vice President Rachel Hallos reveals the incredible reach of the NFU's Science Farm Live (2:02)