What About Water?

Drought - East vs West

Suffolk County Water Authority Season 1 Episode 17

Summer is over and for the second year in a row Long Island experienced a significant drought. In fact since just 2016, Long Island has experienced five summer droughts and with climate change we could see even more in the future. That means residents fighting against nature to keep their gardens blooming and their grass green with huge amounts of lawn watering. 

Today we are talking about droughts, long periods of dry weather that leave our lawns scorched and keep our sprinklers running. 

While droughts aren’t uncommon on Long Island, our plentiful reserves of water leave us in a very different position than other parts of the country. So, we are going to look westward to Las Vegas, Nevada where drought and water availability are always at the top of mind. We’ll find out just how different Long Island is when it comes to drought struggles and if there are lessons to be learned from the west. Joining me today is John Entsminger, General Manager of the Southern Nevada Water Authority