Love Raising Us - Women, Career, Motherhood, and the Messy Truth about Raising Ourselves
Love Raising Us - Women, Career, Motherhood, and the Messy Truth about Raising Ourselves
Defining Healthy Friendships, with Jessica Speer
Jessica Speer’s award-winning book, BFF or NRF (Not Really Friends)? A Girls Guide to Happy Friendships grew out of her friendship program that strengthens social awareness and helps kids learn to navigate common struggles. Her books engage and entertain readers by combining the stories of preteens and teens with fun activities and practical insights. She has a master’s degree in social sciences and explores social-emotional topics in ways that connect with kids.
She is regularly featured in and contributes to media outlets on topics related to kids, parenting, and friendship. Jessica lives in Colorado with her husband and two daughters.
For more from Jessica: @Jessica_Speer_Author
For more from Erin: @LoveRaisingUS