How to Shoot Hybrid - Photo & Video

E78 | Handhold vs Gimbal vs Sticks - The battle for stability for your camera as a hybrid shooter

Jules & Lyndsey Nelson Season 4 Episode 78

Moving on from the last episode around practical considerations when composing shots on a wedding day we go into the equipment and techniques that need considering to be able to hold those cameras. How they will give you different looks to your footage. How those techniques/approaches will help or hinder you in capturing images - in particular as a hybrid shooter. 

If you are moving from photography to add video into what you offer this is an important episode. 

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On the How to Shoot Hybrid Podcast we talk about all things Photo, Video and Hybrid Shooting!

This is a place for photographers and videographers who want to build successful and sustainable business capturing weddings, live events, working with commercial clients or working on creative projects.

We discuss different topics around photography, filmmaking and business as well as interviewing guests in the photography, filmmaking and hybrid content creation industries.

To discover more about the podcast click this link:

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