How to Shoot Hybrid - Photo & Video
A podcast for Photographers, Videographers & Hybrid Shooters looking to build successful and sustainable businesses.
Great chats about various aspects of photography and filmmaking, being multi-skilled and providing a hybrid photo / video service for weddings, commercial and creative work.
How to Shoot Hybrid - Photo & Video
E94 | Trends and what's next?
However you feel about the 'new thing' or what 'everyones doing' it is something we all need to be aware of so we can understand how the current trends will interact with us and our business.
The new trend might not be your thing, but we still need to be aware of what potential clients might be looking for. Even if that isn't something we want to offer them, it can help us by understanding what we do that is different and how that will help us identify and find our ideal client.
So in this episode we have a frank chat and a bit of a laugh about the current trends in the world of wedding photography and videography, and of course, what we think might be next.
Song of the week from musicbed is: Right where I belong by Atlantic Runaway.
On the How to Shoot Hybrid Podcast we talk about all things Photo, Video and Hybrid Shooting!
This is a place for photographers and videographers who want to build successful and sustainable business capturing weddings, live events, working with commercial clients or working on creative projects.
We discuss different topics around photography, filmmaking and business as well as interviewing guests in the photography, filmmaking and hybrid content creation industries.
To discover more about the podcast click this link: https://lnk.bio/howtoshoothybrid