Million Dollar Monday

How The Chive Founders Built an Empire & Started a Business with Bill Murray

Greg Muzzillo
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00:00 | 28:22

Do you live your life with blinders on or off? Are you aware of the opportunities that surround you? Leo Resig is Co-Founder of the well-known lifestyle and comedy website The Chive and creates popular apparel such as “Keep Calm and CHIVE on.” He is also Co-Founder of Atmosphere TV, the world’s largest audio-optional streaming TV service for businesses.

Chapter Summaries

Key Takeaways 

  • “Enjoy” is a word that is thrown around our household a lot. If you're not “enjoying” it now, when are you going to? I think right now, we're moving so fast and we live in a very stressful world that, you know, there's no more appropriate time to stop and smell the roses.
  • Yeah. It's funny. You say, have your antennas up. I say, live life with your blinders off. And some people just go through life like that.
  • And we were just getting good at selling t-shirts with “Keep calm and Chive on” when we launched our Bill Murray shirt, it flew off the shelves.
  • So the commercial model is that we sell advertising on our website, the minority of the traffic comes through our website. Now it's mostly native iOS and Android apps on your phone is where we get the most of our traffic.
  • There are TVs everywhere. There are people with dwell time, they're stuck somewhere. They want to be you know, at a bar or restaurant. And for us, we curate a bunch of owned and operated channels on the platform with CHIVE TV. We built happy TV which is softer, cute puppies and kittens and, and fails, and baking and cooking and everything that is popular on YouTube. 

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