Wildlife and Photography

2 - Badgers in our garden

M & J Bloomfield Episode 2

Badgers are the largest mammalian land predator in the UK. It's active during the hours of darkness and therefore rarely seen. If you are curious about Badgers and want to look into its secretive world, this podcast is for you. We have a group of Badgers that regularly pay our garden a visit on their nightly foraging trips. Years of watching and much research gives us a wonderful insight into their world, and the impacts we have on theirs.

If you would like to know a bit more about us you can listen to Episode one which is an introduction to us and our work or visit our website https://www.mandjbloomfield.com/

To find out more about Badgers and locate your local Badger group, visit the following websites depending on where you live.
England, Wales and Northern Ireland visit the Badger Trust website.
Scotland then Scottish Badgers is the website for you.