The Classroom
Welcome to the Class. Here, we'll explore some of the most influential/classical books and documents ever written on political philosophy, Religion, Literature, and more. Most importantly, we will try to understand their modern relevance.
This podcast serves two primary purposes, which I'd like to refer to as my "dual motivations." Firstly, it fulfills a personal and somewhat self-serving objective: to archive all the valuable insights and teachings I've received from my professor Ron Cline.
Secondly, I aim to safeguard Professor Ron's wisdom for not only my benefit but also for yours and that of future generations. The core concept involves creating an avenue for revisiting and absorbing his profound guidance whenever the need arises.
It's worth noting that this intention extends beyond Professor Ron's contributions; I am committed to earnestly preserving the teachings of any guest/educators who will appear on the podcast.
Yours, student
Erick Nganyange
The Classroom
On Liberty (1859) - John Stuart Mill
John Stuart Mill was born on May 20th, 1806, in London. His father James Mill was determined to mold John into a well‐educated leader. John was given an extremely rigorous education from a young age. He learned Greek at the age of three, Latin at eight, and read Plato’s dialogues in the original language before his tenth birthday.
His book "On Liberty"; Published in 1859, is a plea to find a balance between the state and individual. John Stuart Mill believed individual freedom has to be protected at all cost and should never be restrained unless there is a threat of a physical harm. He states that “the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.”
Thank you for listening.
You can contact us @: ericknga7@gmail.com