ADHD Friendly Lifestyle

42: the one about doing my best

Moira Maybin Season 1

Moira has an impromptu end of season 1 message for you. Not getting to a softball game on time, so many thoughts, feelings, and unrealistic expectations, and how that connects to ADHD, time management, and podcasting, are all fair game today. Moira needed to take a moment, take stock, have a reality check, get honest, be compassionate, and come up with a plan to continue with her day. That’s not even all of it—it was a busy 9 minutes!

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Moira Maybin  00:00 I acknowledge with gratitude that I’m a settler who lives and creates on the unceded traditional territories of the Semiahmoo First Nation, which lies within the shared territories of the Kwantlen, Katzie, and Sto: lo First Nations.

Moira Maybin  00:17 Welcome to the ADHD Friendly Lifestyle. I’m your host, Moira Maybin a woman mom, educator and I have late-diagnosed ADHD. This is the place to practice getting rid of guilt and shame and spending more time with our strengths and passions. There are things that I wish I had known about my ADHD sooner that are allowing me to make different decisions to make my life more ADHD friendly, and I want to share them with you. For show notes including next steps, resources, and articles on this topic, visit

Moira Maybin  00:52 Okay, I just hope you can hear this. I have the air conditioner on high because I'm sweating buckets because I feel completely guilty. And my insides are turning, and I'm anxious. And I'm late for my daughter's softball game. And I feel like I'm letting a whole bunch of people down. And honestly, I don't know if anybody cares where I am. And I don't mean that in a bad way. I know my daughter is understanding and we're at a tournament, I'm gonna get to see six games this weekend. So missing the first 15 minutes of an hour and a half game might not be a big deal to her. It's a big deal to me. And it's something that I wanted to make a priority. But I'm also struggling right now. And I know that she would understand that. I'm worried about what the other parents will think I'm not as socially connected with them as I would like. And this weekend is an opportunity to work on that. And I feel like I'm feeling that. Especially because last night I prioritized my own needs of going to bed, instead of going for a dinner that my daughter got back from at midnight.

Moira Maybin  02:03 And I'm feeling crappy because I did not put in the time to figure out what I could actually do this morning before the game. I was tired of feeling rushed, ironically. And I just wanted to relax a little bit more. So I had a whole bunch of ideas in my head of what I wanted to do. Didn't really think through how long they would take or how much time I had. I stayed in bed quite long this morning. So as I did my last stop before hitting the softball field, I looked at the time and went in an hour and 15 minutes: I went back to the hotel, I got breakfast I showered, I communicated with my husband and my son, I communicated with a friend I was trying to meet up with, I found out another very dear friend is ill with COVID. And I also made stops getting food for the group for the day. And so to make it back with a fifteen-minute drive each way, that's actually pretty impressive. I'm like super impressed that I did that in that timeframe.

Moira Maybin  03:12 So that got me to thinking about how we beat ourselves up for stuff like that, like how crappy I'm feeling? And do I really need to feel that crappy? And then that got me to thinking about the podcast and about how this is the longest stretch that I haven't put out any episodes. And I said I was going to take a season break. But I also had one more episode to do. And so I'm going to do what I've done this entire time is I'm going to be honest with you and with myself. And part of the reasons why I haven't had an episode is because I finally decided to let myself off the hook of feeling guilty about it. Because that's what kept driving me I felt guilty for not being in the timeline that my editor and I agree to some guilty about not being able to meet this timeline that I created. And the reality is, I'm in a situation that I didn't create. And that has changed, not my life completely, but my time management completely. I was planning to spend April, May and June coaching a program that I was very familiar with, it was going to be my 10th time through the curriculum for that particular course. And over the course of a weekend that changed on a dime. And with that came people who really wanted to be coached by me and who had had a commitment to be coached by me. And so like we do, I just said yes, that yes, I would honor their commitments and their desire to be coached and I would offer something and then I realized after about 48 hours, that meant that I was going to be having to create a new curriculum. And I didn't think it was going to be that hard because I have lots of things in mind, there was lots of things that are very common to coaching things that I've already developed on my own. But you know, I'm a bit of a perfectionist. And so what that meant was, it wasn't just slapping something together, this had to be something that I felt good about and was proud of. So I've been working my ass off, and everything else, almost everything else in my life has, um, you know. So almost stopped to a standstill. And I gave myself two weeks that I knew I had two weeks where I had to just buckle down, get things up and running. And, and I did that. And after two weeks and very little sleep, I also realized that I had to have more in my life, I had to keep things going. And so I got a little bit more balance in. But I'm not there yet. I know there is no there. But I'm still struggling under the responsibilities that I have. And the obligations that I've taken on. At the same time, I have to say it's a completely joyous experience. The group of women that I'm working with, we're doing a group coaching, we’re four weeks into a 10-week course. And this is amazing, it's absolutely everything I had hoped it would be, and even more so. So all of this is joyous. But I just really wanted to give all of you an update that what I'm doing is I've had to prioritize my time. And the podcast is important to me. But just like most things I do, I put a lot of time and effort into it. And I just didn't have the time to create the episodes that I wanted. So now I'm trying to create the episodes that are good enough and will let you know that I'm always thinking about episode ideas. I am, I am posting more on Facebook and Instagram for myself, and hopefully for you on the managing an ADHD lifestyle. And as soon as things calm down a little bit, I'm gonna get back to writing and recording. And when I have a few episodes in the can, that's when I'm going to start releasing them again. And they'll be coming out every week after that. So I'm really looking forward to that.

Moira Maybin  07:32 So I have started a Patreon page. And there are $5, $10 $25, and $50 tiers, they're just starting. So if you have input on what you'd like to see offered at the tiers, please go to Patreon and send me a message. It's under At the $25 mark, you get to join us in a group monthly coaching call. And it's going to max out at a certain number of people. But right now we have seven people. And so it's a small group, we're meeting once a month, and you can bring your questions and we'll do group coaching calls. And if $25 is too high for you, we've got a $10 one where you get the audio recording of our monthly group coaching calls, so you don't have to miss out on the thing. Last but not least $50 Patreon tier, we have got some ideas there. But I'm open to suggestions and one of them is shoutouts. And so I like to shout out to Erin the Awesome and Brittany the Brave because they have been incredibly supportive. And I thank my Patreon  subscribers.

Moira Maybin  08:42 So I am now sitting is actually a side road. I'm sitting away from everybody else in my car because I just arrived at the field, and I wanted to finish this recording. And once I stop the recording, I'm going to take five minutes by myself to breathe, to watch the game and just ground and center. And then I'll go to the parking lot and join everyone else. I hope you're safe. I hope you're well. I hope you're happy. I wish you nothing but the best. Talk to you soon. Bye