The Shatterproof Entrepreneur

The Millionaire Mindset— Strategies for Growing Your Business Value Amidst Economic Shifts with Daniel Gomez

Scott Reib Episode 3

“Every day you got to outsell doubt, you got to sell yourself on the fact that you're good enough, that you're strong enough, and that you're more capable enough. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and know that inside of you, there are reservoirs of deep greatness, there are reservoirs of success, and there are reservoirs of millions of dollars, dying to flow out of you. But you can't let doubt win today. You can't let doubt win tomorrow. You got to have the confidence in who you’re becoming because God didn't create you to be average.” —Daniel Gomez 

Developing the right mindset is crucial for any entrepreneur seeking long-term success. This is because our mindset will determine whether we act in terms of lack and limitation or abundance and opportunity. It's all too easy to fall into a scarcity mindset when facing challenges believing that there isn't enough time, money, or resources to achieve our goals. But with the right mindset, we can cultivate the courage to bet on our future. 

This week, Scott is joined by Daniel Gomez, the President/Founder of Daniel Gomez Enterprises, and an Award-Winning Business Strategist, Corporate Trainer, and Best-Selling Author. As a sought-after keynote speaker, Daniel translates his journey of overcoming adversity through faith into powerful strategies for building businesses and brands that can withstand any market shifts or challenges.

Join in as Scott and Daniel offer powerful insights on overcoming self-doubt by accepting compliments and charging your true worth, the importance of adopting a "millionaire mindset" before becoming a millionaire, strategies for surrounding themselves with an A-team of advisors and developing liquidity to weather economic shifts, and more. 

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As the official Zig Ziglar Small Business Lawyer and a Ziglar Legacy Certified Trainer, it’s no wonder that Scott Reib is known as “America’s Legal Coach.” For the last two decades, Scott has been helping business owners, entrepreneurs, and coaches “shatterproof” their businesses by implementing specific structure, growth, and protection strategies. 








🎙️ The Makings of a Millionaire Mind by Daniel Gomez

🎙️text “MILLIONAIRE” to 210-942-5059 and receive free millionaire affirmations … PLUS upon receiving the reply, send the word “Shatterproof”, and get a complimentary discovery session with Daniel Gomez

Episode Highlights:

01:45 Compliments: The Way to Self-Worth

06:58 Charging With Value

14:11 Faith-Driven Business

16:01 Bet on Your Future Self 

23:05 Reframe Expenses as Investments 

30:50 Building an A-Team of Advisors 

33:52 Navigating Economic Shifts

39:07 Tap Into Your Inner Greatness 

Scott Reib: Hey, welcome to Episode 03 of The Shatterproof Entrepreneur. I'm Scott Reib, your host. 

Today, I'm bringing you my friend, Daniel Gomez, all the way from Texas. I can't wait for you to get to know him. 

Daniel, welcome to the show.

Daniel Gomez: Scott, what an honor to be on your show. I woke up early this morning because I'm excited. I'm ready to drop some massive value to your audience. And, man, thank you for having me.

Scott Reib: You bet. Hey, tell the audience who you are, and why they should be listening to you. I've been telling everyone that you're coming and how excited I am, but give me your spin.

Daniel Gomez: Well, Daniel Gomez is a simple guy. But sometimes, simple is powerful. In 2017, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. Ladies and gentlemen, my life turned upside down. I thought I had it figured out financially. I thought I had to figure it out career wise. Little that I know that when breast cancer came into our lives, everything got flipped upside down. And that was gonna be the tipping point where I started my own business six years ago. And now, I speak all over the world. And why should you listen to me? Because God says. We've trained the United States Air Force, we had a big training for their officers. And if we can add value to the Air Force, my belief is this, Scott, that we can definitely add value to any business to any organization. And the truth is, I just love that in value to people and helping them because I realized as I speak all over the world, over 90% of people undervalue who they are, Scott.

Scott Reib: 90% of the people undervalue who they are, what do you mean by that?

Daniel Gomez: I spoke in England, and then I spoke in Asia. And really, when I was flying back, I was pondering on just everything that had happened. And it amazes me that when you try to give someone a compliment in the States, they don't receive it. But when I did this in other countries, in Europe, it didn't accept that easily. And I was like, why? I'm going to Asia, thank you. Great hospitality, we appreciate it. They don't receive it. In most, most adults. One of the hardest things for them to do as grown adults is to receive a compliment. And the truth is, if you can't receive a compliment, then you can receive bigger things in your life. You can receive a bigger business, you can receive a happy marriage, you can receive just fulfillment. Because if you're blocking receiving a small compliment, that question I want you to ask yourself ladies and gentlemen is, what else are you blocking yourself from receiving?

Scott Reib: Boom, man. If you can't accept a compliment, what else are you blocking yourself from receiving? I can identify with that because I try really hard to give compliments because I know people don't get them all the time. And you and I are both trying to be positive influences in the world. And so often, you'll see it as simple as, that's a really cool outfit you're wearing. Those are cool shoes. It's amazing how everyone will have some explanation or excuse for, well, I just don't really specialize, pull them out of my closet, or while they're kind of dirty today. No one can just say thank you.

Daniel Gomez: Great example. It's been the holiday season here. And the other day, I saw somebody coming in, man, that's a beautiful dress, ma'am. Exactly to your point, Scott, exactly what we're talking about. I bought it on sale at Ross. I'm like, A, nobody asked you where you bought it at. And B, Nobody asked you if it's on sale. And the very fact that when those insecurities rise up, and that's you undervaluing yourself instead of just saying, you know what? Thank you so much. I appreciate it. We say that I bought her Ross, who cares? And who cares if it was on sale? But think about that, ladies and gentlemen, how many times do you do that? I mean, does that make sense?

Scott Reib: If you're here with us listening, it's really important in life and in business to evaluate where you are today. If you want to move forward, you have to know where you are today. And if you're thinking, well I don't know anyone like that. It's probably you. And if you have a tendency to always want to explain why you're wearing this, or what kind of a deal you got on it, or kind of downplay the compliment? It's you. And so get in the practice of just saying thank you and receiving that compliment. It will change a lot of things for you. Because like Daniel said, it's a sign that you've got some problems in the value that you believe you bring to the world. And we're here to tell you that you are made by God, designed with purpose, and you are special. And when people tell you that you're special, accept it. Say thank you, and move on. The same if someone gives us some criticism. If it's constructive, accept it. Say thank you, and move on. Because we're not perfect. Sometimes, you may not get the compliment. You may get something else. But let's learn. As we're hearing the shatterproof room, let's learn to take that compliment. It's such a simple thing.

Daniel Gomez: Yeah. And the thing is, this is your point. When he talked about value, the marketplace is going to reward you, ladies and gentlemen, 40 inches of value you deliver to it. Again, the marketplace is gonna reward you according to the value you deliver to it. And inside your heart, if you've your core belief and your paradigm of paradigms, if you believe that you're not delivering value, that's why many small businesses and entrepreneurs struggle because they don't believe they deliver value. So how can the marketplace reward you if you don't see the value in yourself, Scott?

Scott Reib: That shows up a lot, ladies and gentlemen in your pricing. When you're having to ask for the money, if you don't have a really strong belief in the value you bring this as a person to the table, and then the next step as the value that your product or service brings to the business or person that you're trying to sell to, that's why you're struggling because you don't believe the value. And so you need to go do some work and believe in yourself. Believe in what you're selling. And if you really believe you're getting value for what you're selling, you shouldn't have a problem charging a premium price for it. And so you got to do some mindset work there that's a struggle for you. I know lots of people have a hard time thinking that people should pay me $10,000 for this program, but you got to look at it objectively and go through whatever you're offering and write it down. What is the monetary value of this? The good commercial, it's priceless. Well, it's not priceless, it's got some value. Put some numbers on it and say those numbers out loud to yourself so that you understand the value that you're bringing to the world from a business perspective. You can't put a number on the value you're bringing as a person just in relationships, but you are valuable. And I think that's huge. Thanks for sharing that. That's really big.

Daniel Gomez: It was something that happened to me when I first started speaking professionally six years ago. I was charging 500 to $1,000. I remember God put it in my heart, it's time to raise your prices. I was speaking quite a bit, 1000. I was like, well, what do I raise them to? I let her worth double. And I was like, well, who's gonna pay? Who's gonna pay me 2000 to speak? I'm here thinking that, and this is an internal fight I've had within myself. And what I realized is once I raised my prices, I actually raised them to 2,500 because I sought some wisdom and some coaching through this. They go, Daniel, just wait. The moment I doubled it, I got booked even more. Because there's a perceived value that people are watching you, okay, if he's charging 1000, is he not that good? But when you raise your value to a certain price point, then people say, well, okay, there's a perceived value. And what do I mean by that, ladies and gentlemen, if you price yourself too low, you're pricing yourself at the wrong audience. Be your true clientele, your true prospects that maybe want to do business with you. You're putting yourself out of their reach, because they're not looking at people that are charging 1000, they're looking at people that are charging 2500. And many times, they'll pay more because there's a perceived value there. And now when I speak, my honorariums are anywhere from 5000 to 10,000 depending on where I'm traveling to in that location. But you got to charge your word.

Scott Reib: Especially in the world that we live in where we're providing advice and coaching. People don't want cheap, they want value, they want it to be good stuff. And if you're not charging a price that reflects that, you're giving them good stuff, there's a problem. They're gonna go find someone that's charging more, because that person obviously believes their stuff better. It has more value. You mentioned something in that last answer that I had in my notes to talk to you about, I know that you're a Christ follower. How does your faith influence your approach to business leadership and coaching?

Daniel Gomez: It's everything. And literally, we had a huge, lot of great things happening for us. But we had a couple of meetings with our lawyers, we had to change some things around as far as business and everything. That was a big decision to be made, and I didn't make a decision before the younger Daniel. You do need to be decisive. But in some things, I need to see God's wisdom. And last night, I just told my wife, well, you know what? We're not going to think about it. We'll just pray about it tonight. And just wondering, I woke up and I just looked at the Bible. Okay, God, what's the answer for what we need to do? And the answer came. And to answer your question, when I was younger, it was always Daniel, then business, then family, then God. That was the order I lived. But when I really started succeeding in my business is when God said, look, if you want this to succeed, you gotta put me first either I'm the CEO or I'm not. And then I'm reasoning in my mind. I'm like, man, I'm making revenue. You're making money. But a lot of the time, we think being busy is making money. It's not, ladies and gentlemen. If you're an entrepreneur, they're just busy moving one paper from the next. So you're busy, but are you creating money activities? You are making money creating activities for yourself. 

But when I put God first, Scott, then my family, my wife, and then my kids, and then business, we doubled in 2020. We doubled in 2021. We doubled again in 2022. And 2023 has been just a breakthrough year. And when I met you this year, because I put God first. People say, well, how is that? It doesn't make sense all the time. We look at things from a physical standpoint, but you have to understand that, for me, there's a spiritual element to business. There's a spiritual element to everything that we do. And most people miss that part. What do I mean by that? A lot of the high level executives that I coach, they have the money, they have the house, they have the title, they have the fame to say. But there's always a certain part inside of some of these most successful human beings, man or woman, that's missing. And that's the god and the mental spiritual element. Because this is what we think in our own mind, in our hearts, that I'm a human being trying to figure out this spiritual world. No, you're a spiritual being trying to figure out how to live in this human body.

Scott Reib: A lot of people say, gotta put God first. Two follow up questions for that. Who is God to you? What does that actually mean to put God first in life and business?

Daniel Gomez: That's great. Today before I did anything else, I just spent time with God. So my normal routine is I always wake up and I'll say some affirmations. And there's definitely a lot of biblical scriptures that I say in my affirmations. I say like, no man shall be able to stand before you. I declare, I am the head and not the tail. I will say that the joy of the Lord is my strength. This is part of my affirmations. The Millionaire affirmations that I say. Then as I finished that process, I went into prayer. I spent about 30 minutes there. Some days it's 45. Some days, it's an hour. But the first time on my day I dedicated myself to God, and that's what it looks like putting God first. Because Sticker Shock Speaking Academy came from spending time with God. The Daniel Gomez Inspire show came from spending time with God. The Makings Of A Millionaire Mind book that's been exploding all over the world these last two years going on in April came from spending time with God. So all these ideas are like a download. 

When I'm in prayer and talking about that, I never forget, it was COVID happened March 15, 16th, the world shut down. I lost like $50,000 in speaking engagements. What was I going to do? Just in prayer, the idea of Sticker Shock came to me. So I called my old publicist and said, hey, man, I got this idea in prayer. I want you to tell me what you think. I was hoping he would say that I was stupid and crazy. I really was right. I'm being honest. I said, I got this idea from Sticker Shock Speaking Academy. What do you think? Let's do it. Come on, man. Let's do it. We'll do it together. And next thing, Sticker Shock was born. And you'll be coming to that. But we had the illusion in our minds in 2020 that COVID would just be right for a couple of weeks, maybe a month. By this time, it was already April when the idea came to me. So come July, people are already tired of being at home. They were tired of dealing with their husband and wife because they weren't used to being in a house. You were forced to love your family in a sense. So people came from California, Maryland, DC, Florida, all parts because Texas was the only state that was open to be remembered, ladies and gentlemen. And San Antonio was wide open. So we had 23 people from all over the country during COVID that invested thousands in themselves. I just never looked back from there. And here we are going on five years later, brother.

Scott Reib: That's awesome. Thank you for that. That's really cool. We're in a marathon business in a sprint. It's a marathon or a journey. Can you share with us how you became a sought after speaker and coach? Because everyone wants you on their stage. I see that you're all over the country. You're doing so many great things. How did that happen? What was a pivotal moment that shaped your speaking coaching career?

Daniel Gomez: I was crazy enough to believe in it. I think so many times, we don't believe in ourselves. And if we think about Americans in how much money we invest in NFL, NBA, NHL, tennis, whatever it is, it's easier to be a spectator and stand on the sidelines than to do the work yourself. And for me, I was just crazy enough to say that when the idea came that you can be a motivational speaker, I started my business when my wife had a double mastectomy, breast cancer, Two major surgeries. If I had a legitimate excuse not to start my business? I had it. But even though I had a legitimate reason not to begin it, I didn't allow my current circumstances or situations to keep me from doing it. Even in my dream, I was crazy enough to say, God, if you gave me this idea, I'm gonna run with it. And the truth is that I understood a little bit of business because I ran a multimillion dollar Chevrolet dealership, and I ran some other dealerships. But the thing is that I didn't realize how much knowledge I knew about business because I had never really stepped away and looked at the forest from the top. And when I did that, the first year out, we made over 100,000 not even knowing what I was doing. And I don't say that in a dumb way. But I had a concept of business. But speaking, no. I just kept walking forward. And next thing, I kept betting on myself. I kept believing in myself. And the problem is many people out there are listening to your show right now, you don't have the courage and the boldness to bet on your future self the way you should. And that's what's keeping most businesses at bay. Not growing, not scaling because they have that scarcity mindset. They don't have the confidence that they're going to be able to deliver what they would love to see in their life, in their future.

Scott Reib: Wow. I gotta unpack that a little bit because I agree with you. Having courage doesn't mean you don't have any fear about what you're doing. I can be pretty courageous. And some people might think that we get out there on stages, and we're doing this stuff. It's like, how did I do that? That would scare me to death. And when I first started, I was nervous. I was scared. Are they gonna like me? Are they gonna like what I'm saying? Courage is being able to push through that and do what God designed you to do. It's getting stuck in those thoughts. You got to move on. And the way Daniel and I do that is by spending that time with God and spending in the Word, I love the positive affirmations. And with scripture that we are, we are designed for greatness. And if you really believe that, then you can push through the spears because we have self doubt. I remember watching cartoons when you're little and you'd see the little red devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. That's real, right? That's happening inside of us all the time. There's spiritual warfare where one side says that you can't do it. You should be scared. And God said, no, go do it. And the Holy Spirit said, you can do this. You're meant to do this. You've got to learn to listen to that voice, push the other aside and courageously move forward.

Daniel Gomez: You have to invest in yourself. So many people, they leave that 9:00 to 5:00 job, and you come into entrepreneurship. For me, it was becoming a motivational speaker. And to circle back to the question you asked, I invested in two speaker coaches. I remember that I hired one. He took me to a certain degree. Not that I worked with, or maybe for like three months, and that was enough. I got what I needed from him because I had the understanding. And then I needed somebody that was next level. So I heard this, I just ordered him for about maybe four or five months. And the rest is history. I took everything that I got, and that was where I catapulted. So many people cheat to invest in themselves. You got to do your best investment, ladies and gentlemen, your best investment. At this point, I've invested over $400,000 in myself just because I want to get better. And even though we have a million dollar organization, I didn't stop at that level because I still want to go more. Just the other day, I paid an invoice. I never thought I'd be paying invoices for 10,000. But hey, it is what it is. But I can do that now because I have belief in what I can do in my abilities. I know that when I make that bigger investment, the reward is going to come. Write this down, ladies and gentlemen, you got to stop counting pennies. You got to stop counting dollars because counting dollars is costing you millions. Counting pennies and counting dollars is costing you millions, and you're wondering why your business isn't accelerating at a higher rate.

Scott Reib: My grandfather's saying, don't step over dollar bills to pick up nickels. I know that I'm guilty of that at times. I'll look at things that use the term scarcity mindset. What does that mean to you?

Daniel Gomez: You don't have the belief to bet on yourself. I think for me, it's a process. It's a never ending process. When you have scarcity, it shows up in so many different ways. In my book, I talk about, you gotta become a millionaire before you can become a millionaire. You got to think like a millionaire. And what does that mean? There's so many ways that you can put that. But one thing that I talked about in the book when I say that, is that you gotta start thinking like a millionaire before you can become one. One hack I'll give your audience is that you have to start getting comfortable with bigger numbers. I say half to 20 times because I want to anchor this right. You have to start getting comfortable with bigger numbers. And what do I mean by that? Well, if you're looking for lunch specials every day, that's what you're going to attract. You're going to attract special people every day. But the moment you go out there and you start putting yourself in these nicer restaurants and nicer venues that you go eat at, it attracts a higher cost by the customer. What do I mean? When I joined a country club, I didn't join the country club just for shits and giggles. It was because the people that can pay me what I'm worth are at the country club. They're not going to be staying at Motel 6, they're going to be staying at La Cantera resort. And so many people, they want to lock into your resort clientele. But they want to be having that multiple six mentality, and you can't be having that multiple six mentality and that scarcity. 

And then another thing is when you have that scarcity mindset for every dollar you have, you hoard it. You hold on to it. You're scared to spend it. We make the revenue that we make. I release the revenue that comes in, I do pay myself. I do do my ties, and I give when God tells me to give, but I'm okay. If Scott sends me an invoice, I'm going to pay within two or three days. Why am I going to wait 30 days or 50 days to pay it? If it's a 45 day net or a 60 day net, pay it. If you have the money, just pay it because Scott needs his money, as an example. So people need to understand that if the scarcity comes in, well, I'll just pay it later. I'll pay it when it's due. Why are you going to wait 30 to 60 days to pay it if you have the finances to do it now? And that's part of getting away from that scarcity mindset. And getting away from that poverty consciousness and delivering that, getting that millionaire consciousness, that prosperous consciousness where you're like, okay, no. I know that when I let this go, more is going to come in. And I got another hack for the audience here. It comes with scarcity, start telling yourself this. Everything I spend comes back to me times 10. Everything I invest comes back to me times 10. Everything I spend comes back to me times 10. And when you say this over and over, you start to believe it. Now, that becomes your new paradigm.

Scott Reib: I'll use the word invest. I think that's another part of that paradigm. Yes, there is money to spend, for sure. And that's great for the economy. But when we're talking about hiring coaches, doing self improvement classes, those things are investments. Go into the country club so that you can be around the people that you want in your network. That's not spending, that's investing. And from a scarcity or poverty mindset, it's spending. You've got to learn to train your brain that this is an investment in my future. I am spending the money. But it's an investment, not just an expense. That's a waste of money. I get that it's tough. I grew up without that mindset. I grew up thinking that I had unlimited resources, which wasn't always true. My parents probably should have told me that they were a little more limited than they were. But it taught me that I know that my provider isn't me. I knew that it wasn't my dad, it was God. And so if you know that you have someone that can provide for you, he even takes care of the sparrows, right? Then he can provide for you. So don't hold on to those resources. Invest them, spend them. Give them away, take care of people that are in need with fewer resources. And the more you do that, the more God can bless you with.

Daniel Gomez: I love what you're saying. Because what comes to mind when you're saying that, when you truly start seeing God as your CEO, God is your source. And the thing is, I've gone through this. I'm talking about real business here. I'll never forget when I lost one of my big accounts. This was probably back in 2019. And man, I was heartbroken because you're talking about a lot of revenue. I think yearly at the time, maybe our second or third highest paying corporate account. I think we're generating 24,000 a year in revenue, which is a lot for me. So for two years I was like, okay, that was kind of a safety net to say. And then all of a sudden they said, Daniel, we're not going to renew. I'm like, what? Like, yeah, we're done. I was disappointed. I was even a little bit distraught because we had a great relationship. But God showed me that that's not your source. I'm your source. And when you realize that that client contract is the resource that God uses, sometimes we don't let go of that old resource because we're so used to it. Scott, that it hinders God from giving him that new level or that higher level of resource because of that. 

Another example of that just happened to me this week. I got a gig, and it was local. I'm not going to travel. It's really around the block from my house. I'll do it for $4,000. I was trying to be up to people. Well, you try to help people out. They're like, well, our budgets 1, 500 to 2 000. I said, based on what you do, even though you're doing this, this is the lowest I can do. He goes, well, we can do 2,000. And then we can do future business together. We're gonna have more events. Everybody says that we're gonna have more events. But I had to make a decision, was I gonna lower my standard or my work? And not that I'm better than that, but I know what the value I bring. I said, look, man, I said you can find another sheaper speaker, but what's the quality of the content you're gonna get? I thank you for allowing me to bet on your event, but I'm gonna pass on the opportunity. I walked away from $2,000. So there's a point in your journey, ladies and gentlemen, in your business where you have to understand that every client, every customer that comes your way, every prospect, it's not your clients, it's not your customer. And when you keep setting and lowering your price points and lowering your standards, you're never going to go to the next level of business. I'm not saying that you're not going to help people because believe me, Scott, there are people that I help when God says to bless somebody. Listen to what God says. But I've understood it. Going back to how we started in this part of the conversation is that God is my source. And my resources are just the people that I serve. Yes, I'm gonna love them. But there comes a time when sometimes that resource dries up because God's trying to take you to another level. But if you hold on to that, we'll just say that that first level of resource, you're never going to get to the second and third level.

Scott Reib: Wow, that's powerful. Daniel, since we're here in the shatterproof room today, you hear me talking about shatterproof everything, what would you say are key attributes of being a shatterproof entrepreneur?

Daniel Gomez: You have to hire Scott as your lawyer. We had a great conversation meeting you in Orlando, and so many people don't think of their IP, their Intellectual Property. They don't think about it, if you look at my shirt, you see that it says TM, Trademark. This we trademark Sticker Shock. And shatter proofing your business is shatterproof in your brand's. Shatter proofing what you do for your business. AMany people don't think about trademarking or copywriting. That's why they need to connect with the Scott because that's what you do. So shatter proofing, having a great lawyer in your corner and envy, it's really having a CPA, an accountant is going to help you. Because if it wasn't for my CPA, I don't know where I'd be like. We pay our taxes. I think one of the misconceptions that people have is they start as a young business owner, they want to pay the least amount of taxes, and they want everything to be free and cheap. And let me tell you, if you go out there and you hire a cheap CPA and you think that he's saving you money, it's going to come back and bite you in the ass because you're doing things wrong. And when I have to pay $100,000 in taxes, when I have to pay $50,000 in taxes, I had a hell of a month, I had a hell of a year. I'm grateful. You have to shift that perspective. I am ridiculously happy that I get to pay my taxes. I am ridiculously happy that I get to pay the IRS. Because if I'm paying this much in taxes, I had a great year in revenue. But so many people want to make the first quarter million. They want to make the first half a million, but they don't want to pay any taxes. It doesn't work that way. You got to get comfortable, and you've got to have a good CPA that is going to help you.

Scott Reib: I think there's certain industries. You can be in real estate, for instance, where maybe you don't pay a lot of taxes because it's the way that it's set up. But if you're a business lawyer, or a consultant, a coach, or speaker, you're going to pay taxes. It's really kind of how you keep score. IYou'll know that you're winning the business if you start paying big tax bills. That may be a time to still have conversations with your CPA about, hey, what are some things I can do differently in my life that could maybe lower that tax bill? Is there something that maybe we could do better? I want you to keep more of your money. It's a great way of knowing that, hey, I'm hitting some higher levels in my business because that tax bill is getting bigger. Instead of, oh, no, how am I gonna pay those taxes? Just celebrate that I'm getting there. I'm seeing some big tax bills. That means that there's some big money coming in, which is another one of the shatterproof concepts that you need to have that team of advisors. One of them is me and an attorney, you need to have one that you can afford. And that works with you in a way that makes it easy to work. A CPA to help you keep score in business and that helps you with strategy. Not just tells you where you've been, but helps you get where you're going. You need to have a business coach. 

Daniel mentioned that he hired one for three months. And that's a lot of what I do. I'll bring on an expert coach for, I got this part of my business, I want to get better. I've also worked with coaches for a couple of years before where we had a long term project like building the access plan. But you can find people that can like, hey, I want to achieve this. I don't have that expertise. I need someone that's already been there, give me the map, hold me accountable. Hire that coach. Super important part of that team of advisors. And then I always say that you gotta have insurance. I can help you protect yourself in a lot of ways, but you gotta gotta have insurance. You need an insurance broker that knows you. And all of these things. It's all about relationships. I'm not just saying to check the box. I've got a CPA firm, I've got a bank, I've got a law firm. You need to have a relationship with a person. You've got them on your cell phone so you can text them. You have a speed dial, right? This is a relationship where you're talking to them regularly. Have coffee with them. Take them doughnuts. If they live far away, then do Zoom calls. But make sure that you're talking to them, and that they really know the heart of your business, what you're doing, why you're doing it so that they can help you be successful.

Daniel Gomez: Yeah, you hit it on the head. Shatter proofing your business is you can't be too prideful and think that you know it all. I think that's where most small businesses fail. I'll figure it out, I got this. Because they don't want to make the investment in themselves.  I'll frame it like this. Because when I teach leadership, this is how we teach it. There's so many CNB leaders that are scared to hire talented personalities and then they wonder why their business doesn't grow. Because all they surround themselves with is C and D players because they're scared to pay the higher for that A player for a Kobe Bryant or David Robinson. And it's the same thing in business. If you're a B, or C business owner, you're never gonna hire that attorney or that CPA because you feel intimidated by the way they talk. They're too smart for you so you settle for a lower level. I've learned like, try to hire the best people that are out there possible that you can work with. Because when you take shortcuts, it comes out to a short paycheck somewhere along the way.

Scott Reib: Nice. I was watching a video earlier this week of Simon Sinek talking about this exact thing that you got to get over having to be the strongest person in the room. That's why we have our own businesses because we do believe in ourselves. We believe we're talented and smart. You don't want to be the smartest person in your room. You don't want to be the smartest person in your world. You want to surround yourself with people like Daniel Gomez that have been there, done things you haven't yet. See the world from a different perspective than you do, and can help you get where you want to go. If you're an A player and you're hanging out with C players, they're not going to help you. You want to be the B player hanging out with A plus players so that they can help you come up in the world. So get over yourself. You're not the smartest person in the room. You don't need to be smart. People hire smarter people to get things done. That's so important that you brought that up. Yeah, I love that.

Daniel Gomez: Hire smarter people.

Scott Reib: So let's kind of talk about the future. This is December, we're kind of going into the new year. How do you see the role of business coaching evolving in the next few years?

Daniel Gomez: I see myself getting busier than ever. I say that because they need Daniel Gomez in their corner. They need me. And I think so many people that I coach, they miss that spiritual side of it because I can definitely do the X to Y. I can definitely do your sales process. We have our new book coming out in January called Sales Accelerator where we're gonna have a business revenue and sales accelerator bootcamp. We're gonna have fun. We're scheduled for April. It is going to be our first one. But I understand, you definitely need to understand business parks. But I think what we're going to do is as business grows and the dynamics change, you really have to have common sense wisdom and a deeper understanding of who you are as a business owner. And what I mean by that is, who you are in what role does God play? Because I really feel that there's going to be a shift in the marketplace, or God's gonna make a huge move. And it's not going to be business. They're gonna be like, Daniel, how are you increasing, and we're decreasing? Because God is my CEO, and people don't understand that. Because there's going to be a shift in the economy, there's going to be a shift in the stock market. And when people start losing money, they go into a panic. So I really see myself and yourself coming in, where are the people we're going to need, not just the business aspect of it. 

Of course, we're going to give the X's in the O's, but there's going to be a spiritual element. And because Scott and Daniel are going to have a sense of peace when everybody else is freaking out, it's like, that's why I didn't buy that stock because it was bound to happen whatever it goes up. At some point, it has to be corrected. Right now, people are freaking out because interest rates are higher. People are trying to guess and be right. If they think they're wizards and trying to say, oh, they're going to come down. What if they go up to 10%? What are you going to do? RIt could happen. No one knows. No one predicted COVID to the extent that it did. My point is you have to be more liquid in your business. I think so many businesses, they look good on a spreadsheet, they look good on a balance sheet. But when it comes to assets, they don't have anything liquid. And I think for me, what's helped us is your liquidity, how soon can you become liquid? And do you carry in a lot of depth? And I think that, A, yes. You got to carry some of that with you. But I think there's too many people that are too heavy on their balance sheets on just the floating assets that they have. And then you have an Enron that happens and like, what happened? 

Well, because they look good on paper. All of a sudden, it collapsed from underneath them because they didn't have anything valid to say like an apple. I can't think of the last step, but I don't know. They have like billions in the bank. Literally, that's where I see business going where you want to have more liquidity because you just never know what's going to happen. And the ones that have the foundation to handle that disturbance, it's gonna happen. They talk about a recession since 2008. It's been going up, and up, and up, and up. And the only thing that's really kind of slowed things down is the interest rates. But at the end of the day, people still gotta eat. People still need to buy cars. They still need a house. And the world's not going to stop moving. But at some point, you're going to see that you need to be more liquid in your business.

Scott Reib: All right. Well, finally, Daniel, I want you to look into the camera. I want you to talk to the entrepreneurs out there that maybe they're not feeling so shatterproof today, what advice would you have for them that are struggling to make an impact in their industry?

Daniel Gomez: I want to say this to you, ladies and gentlemen, you're more powerful than you think. You're more capable than you realize. There's nothing in this world that you cannot overcome. Yes, every day, we're going to wake up, and there's going to be a little salesman on your shoulder. And he's the best salesman in the world. You have a choice today to either listen to that little salesman called doubt. Or you're the one who's going to sell doubt on the fact that you're going to make your dreams come true and you're going to have that successful business. And everyday, you have to outsell doubt. You got to sell yourself on the fact that you're good enough, that you're strong enough, and that you're more capable enough. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and know that inside of you, there's a reservoir of deep greatness. There's reservoirs of success. There's reservoirs of millions of dollars dying of flow out of you. But you can't let doubt win today. You can't let doubt win tomorrow. And you have to have the confidence in who you become because God didn't create you to be average. God didn't create you to become mediocre. God created you with a gift inside of you. He created you for something amazing because you're God's masterpiece. So get off your chair, go out there, visit a client, visit a prospect. Make a phone call because action equals traction. And the sooner you get back in movement, the sooner you're going to have momentum because movement creates momentum. And this is Daniel Gomez Inspires saying that no one's ever told you that they believe in you. I'm telling you right now, I believe in you.

Scott Reib: Thanks, Daniel. Hey, where can they find you? Where can they connect with you?

Daniel Gomez: Well, first of all, I want to invite your audience to go to Amazon and get a copy of our book. You can go to Amazon, get a copy of your book, or you can go to the Makings with an S,, and order an autographed copy. I want you to text the word millionaire, text the word millionaire to 210-942-5059. That's 210-942-5059, text a word millionaire, and you're gonna receive millionaire affirmations inspirational quotes on a weekly basis. And my handle is Daniel Gomez Inspires. We're on Instagram. We're on Facebook, and we're also on LinkedIn. So Daniel Gomez Inspires, you see in the back on my podcast, and listen to our show. We'd love to have you and for your audience. I want to do this. When you text send a word millionaire 210-942-5059, when he takes that input in Scott and puts it in shatterproof, I'm going to give your audience a complimentary discovery session. One more time, text the word millionaire to 210-942-5059. And after you get the response text, a word shatterproof, and I'm going to send you the link for a complimentary discovery session where I want to help you shatterproof your business with the Millionaire Mind.

Scott Reib: Wow, guys, that's incredible. Thanks, Daniel. Really appreciate you being on the show. As we wrap this up, I was wanting to bless you. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and may the rain fall soft upon your fields. Until we meet again brother, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Daniel Gomez: Thank you everybody.