910 Outdoors Podcast
OUTDOORSMEN, WHO JUST HAPPEN TO USE CAMERA EQUIPMENT! We are a small family of CREATIVES, telling BIG STORIES of the great outdoors THROUGH PHOTOS AND FILMS. We strive to be the best by pushing ourselves to CAPTURE HUNTS IN THEIR PUREST FORM that reflect true personality, character and emotion.
910 Outdoors Podcast
Sandbar Social w/ Joseph Edwards (Hipster Woodsman)
910 Outdoors
Season 4
Episode 19
In this episode I get a change to finally catch up with a long time friend Mr. Joseph Edwards or you may know him as Hipster Woodsman. We get to chat cameras and his new venture with the rapidly growing Sandbar Socials that he has been hosting alongside with Water Cowboys. If you like photography/videography or duck boats, then your going to enjoy this one.