OTs Gone Rogue

EPISODE 048 | Finding Your First Clients as a Pediatric Therapist-Turned-Parent Coach with Kylee Leavitt

January 09, 2023 Melissa LaPointe with Kylee Leavitt Episode 48
EPISODE 048 | Finding Your First Clients as a Pediatric Therapist-Turned-Parent Coach with Kylee Leavitt
OTs Gone Rogue
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OTs Gone Rogue
EPISODE 048 | Finding Your First Clients as a Pediatric Therapist-Turned-Parent Coach with Kylee Leavitt
Jan 09, 2023 Episode 48
Melissa LaPointe with Kylee Leavitt

Welcome to the first episode of 2023! We’re kicking the year off by re-introducing our “Coaching Conversations” series where I sit down with one of my students and coach them through challenges or roadblocks in their business that many of our listeners may also be facing.

Today I have the pleasure of hosting Kylee Leavitt. Kylee is based out of North Carolina, US and her clinical background is in pediatrics. After experiencing a tough transitional period in her life, she’s now using her own journey with a coach to inspire her work as a parent coach and an educator.

I’m so excited to have Kylee on the show as we dig deep into client acquisition & marketing and attempt to answer the question “My website is live and I’m really happy with the offer I've created, now what?”


  • The secret to taking your offer and turning it into social media content.
  • How to avoid getting caught up in the “perfectionist" mentality. 
  • Why you should be thinking twice before offering that discount as a purchase incentive.

To check out more of Kylee's work -- and cheer her on as she continues to put herself out there, you can go to her website https://www.kyleeleavitt.com/ or give her a follow her on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kyleecleavitt/

If you want to stay in the know with our podcast, go ahead and sign up for our OTGR Newsletter -- we'll send you our most recent podcast episodes, behind-the-scenes details + bonus resources, directly to your inbox! And if this episode resonated with you in any way, I would love to hear from you. Connect with me on Instagram @OTsGoneRogue or drop me an email at hello@otsgonerogue.com

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to the first episode of 2023! We’re kicking the year off by re-introducing our “Coaching Conversations” series where I sit down with one of my students and coach them through challenges or roadblocks in their business that many of our listeners may also be facing.

Today I have the pleasure of hosting Kylee Leavitt. Kylee is based out of North Carolina, US and her clinical background is in pediatrics. After experiencing a tough transitional period in her life, she’s now using her own journey with a coach to inspire her work as a parent coach and an educator.

I’m so excited to have Kylee on the show as we dig deep into client acquisition & marketing and attempt to answer the question “My website is live and I’m really happy with the offer I've created, now what?”


  • The secret to taking your offer and turning it into social media content.
  • How to avoid getting caught up in the “perfectionist" mentality. 
  • Why you should be thinking twice before offering that discount as a purchase incentive.

To check out more of Kylee's work -- and cheer her on as she continues to put herself out there, you can go to her website https://www.kyleeleavitt.com/ or give her a follow her on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kyleecleavitt/

If you want to stay in the know with our podcast, go ahead and sign up for our OTGR Newsletter -- we'll send you our most recent podcast episodes, behind-the-scenes details + bonus resources, directly to your inbox! And if this episode resonated with you in any way, I would love to hear from you. Connect with me on Instagram @OTsGoneRogue or drop me an email at hello@otsgonerogue.com

[00:00:00] Melissa LaPointe: You are listening to the OTs Gone Rogue podcast, where we inspire therapists to think outside the box and do things differently. I'm your host, Melissa LaPointe. My passion is in helping OT entrepreneurs have a bigger impact on the world while building a life they love and doing transformative work that lights them up.

[00:00:26] On each episode of the show, I'm gonna share tools and tricks to help you flex your entrepreneurial muscles and grow your business from the inside out. I wanna see more OTs step up as visionary leaders, change makers, and influential CEOs. So let's get started.

[00:00:53] Hey everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the OTs Gone Rogue podcast. So here [00:01:00] we are. We are officially in the year 2023, and one of the features that I wanted to include in the podcast, so earlier in 2022, we had some episodes that I will call coaching conversations. So where I had a guest join me and I was coaching them through some different roadblocks or some different challenges.

[00:01:27] Now, I don't wanna call these coaching calls because I very much do a dance between coaching the person in front of me, but also turning my attention to the audience. So that's why I call them coaching conversations because it's a little bit of coaching. But then it's also creating some teachable moments for our listeners, so really making sure that we are all benefiting from the work.

[00:01:57] Now, as you may know, I [00:02:00] love coaching. Coaching has changed my life in terms of my training, in terms of the work I've done with coaching clients, and of course, the work that I've done with my own coaches so that we are bringing back these coaching conversations. I think there's going to be so much for us to be learning together.

[00:02:22] So coaching is within the scope of practice for OTs, and there are a number of OTs who are now recognizing the value in furthering their other education, in furthering their training in terms of how they are showing up as coaches, and who better to kick off a coaching conversation with than a fellow coach.

[00:02:45] So today I have the pleasure of having Kylie Levitt join me on the call. Where I should say on the podcast, so Kylie is based out of North Carolina, the United States, and her background is as a pediatric [00:03:00] occupational therapist. Kylie is now offering or working as a parent coach and an educator. So she is, she has multiple things on the go, including being a mom to preschool-aged girls.

[00:03:15] And in 2021, she and her family, they moved across the country to a new place where they didn't have that support system in place. They didn't have their network, their community. And she admits that this was really, really hard. This was very challenging. And it led to her, she says, developing bad habits.

[00:03:36] I'm going to say developing coping skills. But really found this time in life trans, you know, this transition was challenging. So that is in part, you know, she was then motivated to hire a health coach. And that kickstarted her in terms of bettering her mental, physical, and emotional health. She now is very committed to being the best version of herself.

[00:03:58] And this [00:04:00] translates into the work she's doing as a parent from the challenges she's faced. Combined with her experience as a pediatric occupational therapist, she has been really motivated to reach more parents, to work with them on a deeper level and to share her experience, her passion, her knowledge of motherhood, of personal development, and of her work as an occupational therapist.

[00:04:24] So she has transitioned to the role of parent coach. She has started her own business. She is doing the work and showing up in terms of helping moms understand their child. So moms are her, you know, included in her niche and. Helping moms also make adjustments to their parenting style and creating a developmentally appropriate routine for their child that works for the whole family.

[00:04:54] Kylie has come through two of my programs, so my zero to 60 [00:05:00] program, as well as our clinician to coach roadmap. So I thought she was a, you know, when she volunteered to join me for a coaching conversation, I was really excited because I've seen a lot of her growth. I've seen her evolving, I've seen her putting in the work in terms of figuring out that niche and figuring out her coaching program and how she wants to be showing up in the online space.

[00:05:25] And you know, I remember signing up for her first lead Magna to test it out for her and going to her first landing page and receiving her first welcome email. All these little milestones that may seem minor in the grand scheme of things, but when you're first getting started, these are really big action steps to take.

[00:05:47] And there are a lot of moving parts when we are learning the fundamentals of how to operate in the online space. So I got to be with Kylie for a lot of these milestones and celebrate alongside her. And when she [00:06:00] then reached out to say, okay, I have my coaching packages and my website is live, what next in terms of client acquisition and marketing?

[00:06:09] You know, I'm on social media. What do I do? So that's what we dive into in this episode. We really dig deep in terms of client acquisition and marketing. And there are some concrete examples. So Kylie does the work on this call. We really break down what she's doing already, how she's showing up, where she wants to be showing up and why, and then we problem solve and she leaves this call with some concrete action steps.

[00:06:41] So regardless of. How you are practicing or what you are doing in terms of your programs, your services, in terms of who you are targeting with your niche, your client avatar. I hope you find this call to be of value. I hope that you can see [00:07:00] yourself in Kylie's shoes in some capacity, and I think there's learning to be done for all of us in terms of how we are showing.

[00:07:07] In terms of the micro steps or the micro actions that we are taking we talk a lot about repurposing content or taking one piece of content and finding different ways that we can spin it. And I think one of the highlights is emphasizing how we can go about creating content that we enjoy, that lights us up, and really facilitating this relationship, you know, building a relationship with our prospects.

[00:07:33] It doesn't happen overnight and we forget that sometimes. So how we can be putting ourselves out there, how we can be meeting our potential clients, our prospects in where they are at this moment in their journey, how we can be making the ask and no, just doing the work and showing up and cutting through the noise.

[00:07:54] All right. So with all of that being said, let's go ahead and roll out my coaching [00:08:00] conversation with Kylie Levitt.

[00:08:07] Kylie, welcome to the OTs Gone Rogue Podcast. How are you doing? 

[00:08:11] Kylee Leavitt: I am doing good. Thanks for having me.

[00:08:13] Melissa LaPointe: Yeah, you're welcome. I'm excited to have you. Before we hit record, Kylie and I, as I always do with my guests, we were chatting a little bit and part of what we're going to talk about today, my goodness, some challenges that I think are universal to most, if not all, OTs in business.

[00:08:34] Yeah. So thank you for being here. Of course. So before we dive into client acquisition and marketing, so I think already people are like, what? Client acquisition, marketing. Yes. That's what we're gonna be diving into. So a coaching call with a focus on that. Kylie, can you share a little bit more about your story?

[00:08:51] So you're currently, you know, where are you in the world? So let's start with that. So where are you in the world and how are you currently [00:09:00] showing up as an ot? 

[00:09:02] Kylee Leavitt: Yeah, so I am located in Raleigh, North Carolina, and I would say recently, so I was working at a pediatric OT clinic, outpatient clinic up until the end of August.

[00:09:18] And then this has kind of been in the work since early spring, but now I've gone to focusing on being a parent coach. And so now what my focus is on it, Are for parents, particularly moms of toddlers and preschool aged children. Hire me to co-create daily routines that bring structure to days and relief from power struggles and transition battles and just time management dilemmas that they face throughout the day.

[00:09:50] And so that is what my focus is on and I got my website ready and I just need clients now.

[00:09:57] Melissa LaPointe: Okay. [00:10:00] Alright. So are you, I have some some more questions, so let's make sure we get a solid foundation before we dive in. So with your coaching, so how would you differentiate, and I'm not putting you on the spot here, this is something we can talk through together, but how would you differentiate for someone in North Carolina between if they were to work with you as an OT versus a coach?

[00:10:25] Kylee Leavitt: Thing I try and make very clear on my website is that I am offering coaching services, but if I was to work in ot, I would be working one-on-one with the child and focusing on the child's needs and treatment sessions. Whereas as a coach, I am collaborating with the parent. It's all a parent perspective and strength based that way.

[00:10:51] And so they are the experts of their child and I'm helping them problem solve and come with [00:11:00] reasons why their child is acting a certain way, and then providing education and strategies as well as being their accountability part and helping them make strides forward with connecting with their child.

[00:11:12] Mm-hmm. . 

[00:11:14] Melissa LaPointe: And that's certainly something as. Know as OTs when coaching is within our scope of practice, and I know you and I have had this discussion multiple times, how do we differentiate? Do we have to differentiate? What does that look like? And it's certainly a gray area, isn't it? Yeah, it, yeah, 

[00:11:33] Kylee Leavitt: definitely have had a hard time with it.

[00:11:37] Melissa LaPointe: Yeah. But you're doing it. Mm-hmm. . 

[00:11:40] Kylee Leavitt: So, and I'm making it work. And I also think another thing, like I'm not coming up with like doing an evaluation or this big treatment plan that I would otherwise if I was seeing a kiddo. Mm-hmm. and stuff. So I think that's also something that differentiates. 

[00:11:58] Melissa LaPointe: Yeah, being a [00:12:00] parent coach and it's not, you know, it's, it's not a clear linear path and I see a lot of OTs get caught up in what they should.

[00:12:09] They want it to be this perfect black and white ticky box process. The reality is it's not. Now, the more of us who are doing it, and the more of us who are creating these roadmaps and sharing our experiences, I think the more that we are inspiring others to think outside the box and to do this work. And the more that we're doing it, the more roadmaps there are and the more experienced mentors and coaches there are to help others through this journey.

[00:12:35] So that's where I say kudos to you, even though it wasn't this beautiful linear, oh, here's the instruction manual. And off we go. You know, you, you're here, you have a website, you have your packages. It's, this is something I've seen you put together. We've been connected for a year now, I believe at least.

[00:12:54] At least that. So yeah, these are, it's really neat to see how this is all, this is all coming [00:13:00] together. Yeah. Okay. So when we are looking at your ideal client, so we know you are in Raleigh, north, North Carolina. Do you know off the top of your head, what's the population of Raleigh? It's very large. Oh my gosh.

[00:13:15] Kylee Leavitt: I do not know the population. It is, yeah, the capital of North Carolina, but I would say it is rather large, 

[00:13:26] Melissa LaPointe: 469,000 as of 2021. I just multitasked. But it's big. So I'm confident in saying that you can, if you want to be working within Raleigh, just there, you could, and that's something that everyone has to realize.

[00:13:41] I know there's a push to go online and there are a lot of benefits to go online. But if you're struggling with licensing and how you hold yourself as an OT versus a coach and you don't have a high aversion to risk and you want to maintain your your OT [00:14:00] status and call yourself an OT in your marketing, I wanna reassure the majority of you that you can make this work in your community.

[00:14:09] I used to do this in a population of 14,000 people, so it's doable. And that's something that I think a lot of people Oh, but if I can just. Work in different states and different countries, I would be able to fill, you know, get more clients. And I'm gonna say yes and no. You still have to market, you still have to niche down and you still have to do mar you know, in terms of your marketing.

[00:14:29] But if you don't want to, you can certainly stay focused on your geographical area. So there's definitely some pros and cons to the growth we're seeing in the online space in that now a lot of people are thinking, ah, I have to be online to make this work. And that's not true. So do you, in the ideal world, if you were to fill your coaching practice, would it be solely within Raleigh?

[00:14:53] How would that look? So if I could wave my magic wand and say you're full with a wait list, what would that, what would that be like? 

[00:14:59] Kylee Leavitt: Yeah, I [00:15:00] definitely think it would be people in the ro moms, specifically in the Raleigh area. Because I would love to at some point, like get involved with like local mom groups and events like that.

[00:15:15] Melissa LaPointe: Okay. And that was one of my questions is, okay, let's problem solve at some point today. You know, can we problem solve ways that you're going to stand out to your local community? You know, have you ever thought of hosting a mom retreat or in-person events? Is there something that can help you to stand out to the Raleigh community?

[00:15:36] Mm-hmm. . 

[00:15:37] Kylee Leavitt: I have not done anything with that, but I'm definitely open to it. I also I think having like Raleigh clients, I still am planning 

[00:15:47] Melissa LaPointe: on 

[00:15:47] Kylee Leavitt: doing online as if it was anybody okay out in the world sending it for my coaching practice, but, 

[00:15:58] Melissa LaPointe: So [00:16:00] on that note, knowing you also want to practice online, and these are some things that, that I know you and I have talked about before, but this is for anyone out there as well, when we wanna be able to have the best of both worlds when we wanna be able to practice online as a coach, as well as within our, you know, where we are licensed, how we are positioning ourself and making sure that we are not changing our title to match where the population would be.

[00:16:35] Does that make sense? Kylie? 

[00:16:37] Kylee Leavitt: Do you know where No, totally. Yeah, I a hundred percent agree. I've been like, if you go and look at my accounts and everything, it will say parent coach. I of course will specify that I am like an occupational therapist, but when promoting myself, I try and say like, I am a pediatric occupational therapist, but I've transitioned to being a parent coach, and so trying to make [00:17:00] that aspect clear.

[00:17:01] Mm-hmm. 

[00:17:02] Melissa LaPointe: and to take it to the next step in terms of really covering your butt, you could say, I am trained as a pediatric occupational therapist. Oh yeah. That's a good, so not I am, because that's still putting yourself, you know, I am an ot so I'm trained. My background includes training as a, you know, training and however many years experience as a pediatric occupational therapist.

[00:17:29] Oh, I like that. So that we're really getting clear. Do you have OT services on your website? So if I were to go to your website right now, what services do you have? 

[00:17:41] Kylee Leavitt: List. Nope, I just have one-on-one coaching services. 

[00:17:46] Melissa LaPointe: Okay. Okay. So that's something that's really important as well which I'm really happy to hear.

[00:17:52] So if we are promoting our services, if you have, and this is for the, for our listeners, if you have both [00:18:00] occupational therapy and coaching, how can you differentiate that? And Kylie hit the nail on the head. She just has coaching on her services on her website. That makes it so much easier. But not, you know, not everyone has the luxury of having an entirely different website or two separate websites, so I get it.

[00:18:21] But you do, and we're focusing on you, so that's great. Alright, what, so you have a website. What do you currently have in place? And this is a no judgment zone. What do you currently have in place? What are you doing for client acquisition? So for finding new clients, for marketing, 

[00:18:40] Kylee Leavitt: Yeah, so I do have an Instagram account, so I try and post there regularly if, you know, life doesn't get in the way like recently.

[00:18:51] And then I also, I feel like a big thing that I try and do are local mom Facebook groups cuz I feel [00:19:00] like they're constantly posting questions on there that I can answer. And so I just try to show up there and answer them the best I can while also saying if you, I'm a parent coach, here's my website or feel free to message me.

[00:19:15] Melissa LaPointe: Okay. What are you doing in terms of community? So in terms of Raleigh, in terms of a physical presence? 

[00:19:25] Kylee Leavitt: None. I have not gotten to that point yet. Okay. 

[00:19:30] Melissa LaPointe: So you're posting on Instagram and posting on and local mom Facebook groups. So showing up and answer questions. Those are the two. primary. Mm-hmm. , yeah.

[00:19:40] Ingredients we have. Okay. With Instagram, can you give me an idea of what type of content you're posting? Yeah, 

[00:19:47] Kylee Leavitt: so I try and post like tips and strategies for moms. Like I talked all about bedtime routines, about like mealtimes and as well as just [00:20:00] a lot of like positive parenting strategies. And then I try and just really make my Instagram relatable to my life because I also am a mom to twin preschool aged girls.

[00:20:13] And so I talk a lot about our life and the things that I'm doing, the wins, the struggles. All of that. I did at one point when I started my Instagram post quite a bit about like Raleigh and my life here living in Raleigh. Mm-hmm. , but I kind of went away from that. But now I feel like maybe I should try and incorporate that more into my Instagram to just get more outreach with the Raleigh moms.

[00:20:38] Okay. 

[00:20:40] Melissa LaPointe: Have you been intentional in who you're following on Instagram? So do 

[00:20:44] Kylee Leavitt: you follow other 

[00:20:45] Melissa LaPointe: Raleigh? You know, have you done any brainstorming in terms of who may be in your referral network in Raleigh? 

[00:20:51] Kylee Leavitt: A little bit. There are some, there definitely are some Raleigh accounts that I follow that I'm like, oh, that would [00:21:00] be good.

[00:21:00] But then I'm like, okay, this is a good mom group. But I also know that they've had another parent coach come. And talk and do workshops. So then I get in my head imposter syndrome and oh my goodness, she has all of this experience, so maybe I'm not good enough. And so, yeah. 

[00:21:20] Melissa LaPointe: Okay. When that happens, and I think this is a really important reminder for everyone who's doing any type of coaching.

[00:21:27] With coaching, we go really deep with our clients, which means there is never capa enough capacity to serve everyone, ever. And you don't want to, you want your coaching clients to be in alignment with who you are and the type of work that you're doing. So anytime we feel that, you know, imposter syndrome being triggered or that scarcity mindset in terms of, ah, there's someone else doing what I'm doing, I want everyone to remind ourselves that there's enough work out there for all [00:22:00] of us.

[00:22:00] There is a lot of demand, and it doesn't matter how much experience, you know, I, I think of. I think of my friend group and what, even though we're all friends, a coach for one person is going to be, you know, such a different personality, such a different combination for who might be a coach for another friend.

[00:22:23] I have some friends who are early adopters or trendsetters, meaning they're always looking for someone who's just getting started. They're always, look, they're not looking for the big influencers, but I have other friends who that may be exactly who they're looking for. They only wanna work with the influencers.

[00:22:39] So that again, is just an example of sometimes we get in our own way and it's not true. Right? The stories we're telling ourselves about what we have to offer or why we may not. Be in a bigger spotlight. It's it, there's always gonna be someone out there that that is meant to work with us. So what we have to do is [00:23:00] find them cut through the noise.

[00:23:02] So it sounds like that's where you're still experimenting, let's say, in terms of how to cut through the noise and find your people. Would I be correct in saying that? Yeah, I think. 

[00:23:12] Kylee Leavitt: Okay. I think 

[00:23:13] Melissa LaPointe: that's appropriate with Instagram. So Kylie, when I talk about, so let's talk about Instagram here for a moment.

[00:23:21] When I talk about giving results ahead of time, what comes to mind for you in how you may support so someone before they sign up to be a client of yours? When I talk about the importance of giving results ahead of time, what comes to mind? And I wanna then apply this specifically to your Instagram account.

[00:23:42] Kylee Leavitt: I think just helping them visualize and see the picture of what their life can look like. If I'm understanding your question correctly. 

[00:23:53] Melissa LaPointe: Yeah, that's definitely, and I would d take it a next step in terms of how can [00:24:00] you, so your avatar, you've done a lot of work on your niche and your avatar. What are some, so give me a, give me two examples of specific concrete problems that's someone who meets your ideal client avatar, what that they would be wanting to solve.

[00:24:19] So what would be two concrete problems? 

[00:24:22] Kylee Leavitt: Yeah. So trying to get their child to leave like the park or somewhere fun, a friend's house without their child having like a tantrum in. Okay. Just fighting you to get in the car 

[00:24:36] Melissa LaPointe: to leave. Okay, perfect. So that's one. So I'm gonna say let's focus on the park cuz that's what you said first.

[00:24:41] So leaving the park without totally losing their shit. Love it. Mm-hmm. . Okay. Yep. What would another one 

[00:24:48] Kylee Leavitt: be? I would say putting a plate of food on the table and your child yelling and saying, no, I don't wanna eat this, I'm not gonna eat this. And so just having that power struggle and then being like, [00:25:00] oh fine, I'm gonna go make you some chicken nuggets and then giving into your child.

[00:25:04] Melissa LaPointe: Okay. So the specific problem in that scenario would be not having to resort to cooking the same thing all the time because of the temper tantrum. 

[00:25:18] Kylee Leavitt: Yeah. Or just cooking everybody a different meal because okay, you are letting them decide what to eat versus you being the one in control. You deciding what they're going to eat and they themselves, your children get to decide how much of it they're going to eat.

[00:25:37] Melissa LaPointe: Okay. Okay. So those are two specific problems. How might you demonstrate, or how might you give results and help someone overcome those problems through your Instagram account? Probably just 

[00:25:53] Kylee Leavitt: give scenarios. You're walking in, you give your child the food and they say no and you're like up. [00:26:00] But I think maybe giving instead of, I could give them that type of negative scenario, I could give them the positive scenario of this is what dinner times can look like.

[00:26:12] You can make. 

[00:26:14] Melissa LaPointe: Chicken 

[00:26:14] Kylee Leavitt: and rice for your family and you know that your child might not like it, but you put some grapes on there cuz you know they'll like the grapes and other stuff and you sit down and you don't say anything about the food and it's an enjoyable mealtime experience for your whole family.

[00:26:33] Melissa LaPointe: Okay. So if we were to put this into content for Instagram, would it be so a before and after, here's the before what the plate might look like and then here are, you know, in a reel. So here are some tips, here are four ways to make it more child friendly. Take the grapes, put more colors, put more variety, you know, and, and show the the after.

[00:26:57] Is that 

[00:26:58] Kylee Leavitt: more in line with what [00:27:00] Yeah, I think I could do that. I've yet to make a reel. Okay. Not my forte kind of makes me nervous, but have a husband who loves making them so. Probably need to utilize that strength of his 

[00:27:14] Melissa LaPointe: anytime. As entrepreneurs, when we have to go outside our comfort zone and do something in terms of marketing that makes us a bit uncomfortable, this is where it, a really powerful exercise or activity is to be putting yourself in the mind of your client.

[00:27:31] Meaning you are also asking them to do things outside their comfort zone, aren't you? Yes. And it's helping you to understand them better. It's helping you to connect, and you can bring that into your marketing too. Hey, everyone. Jumping on for a quick Instagram live, to let you know this is a reel I'm working on.

[00:27:54] This is why I wanna work on this reel. I really wanna show you this, and full [00:28:00] disclosure, this is my first reel and I'm a little bit uncomfortable and I'm a little bit nervous, but I was thinking about this and I'm asking some of you to do things differently at mealtimes. And you know what? I bet that makes a lot of you nervous and a lot of you uncomfortable in terms of what is going to be the aftermath of that.

[00:28:18] So we're on the same team here. I'm gonna try something new. I'm gonna put myself out there. I may, this may go well, this may not, but I'm gonna try it and I hope that you continue to follow me and join me on this journey as we all try new things because some of the old ways aren't working anymore. So let's be brave and acknowledge that there are different ways we can do things and you know, we're a community and we can support one another in doing the hard things together.

[00:28:48] Kylee Leavitt: Yeah, that's a great idea. 

[00:28:50] Melissa LaPointe: So, That right there. Now we have two pieces of content, right? So you have that story about your reel, but now we [00:29:00] also have this reel. Then the reel can be posted on your feed. You can also then bring it into a story and with that reel. So again, and this applies to anyone, whatever population you're working with, but how can you give results ahead of time?

[00:29:16] So for example, some of you listening, I am helping to give you results ahead of time just through this podcast episode in that you are not one of my paid clients, but I am helping Kylie work through some of this. Which is then giving those listeners who this may be applicable to. It's giving you a working example of how you may overcome some challenges in regards to client acquisition and marketing.

[00:29:41] So I am, you know, this is me giving results ahead of time in terms of our business as well. So this can be a really powerful way to generate new clients, because if you are able to do this through social media, through podcasts, through a [00:30:00] Facebook live, through an Instagram reel, after you do that enough times, guess what happens?

[00:30:05] We hit a tipping point. Oh my goodness, if I'm able to get this, you know, these results, and then they share with you and DM like, Kylie, oh my gosh, I, I made a meal. Because now you may be issuing a challenge. You created that reel. Here's a before and after. Okay, everyone, now I wanna see what you can do.

[00:30:24] Please send me via dm. I wanna see those pictures, or please post those pictures and tag me. What does your before and after look like in terms of a more kiddo friendly meal with, you know, these tips and tricks that I've asked you to put in place? Let me see them. Now all of a sudden, you're getting pictures that you can then share to your feed because you're super excited and you're celebrating with them.

[00:30:47] Then someone sends you a DM about their win. Oh my goodness, my four-year-old is so picky and she actually sat down and tried something new. This is amazing, and you can say, wow. Super excited to [00:31:00] hear that. Thank you so much for sharing. Would you be okay if I took a screenshot of this and shared it with my people?

[00:31:05] I can black out your name or I can keep it as is your choice. Is that something right? So see how one piece of content now all of a sudden is snowballing into multiple ways that you are able to share wins, that you're able to share experiences and you are creating more marketing material in a way that lights you up.

[00:31:26] Yeah, 

[00:31:27] Kylee Leavitt: I think that's great. And especially in like bringing them into it. So helping to bring that connection and that community. Mm-hmm. , cause that is something I have not done yet, is Okay, show me what you're doing at home. Yes. And how you're implementing these strategies and. 

[00:31:45] Melissa LaPointe: Yeah. Yeah. And that's something we always want, you know, asking for engagement and finding ways to get that engagement.

[00:31:53] Because again, client acquisition isn't a black or white thing. It's, it really is that breadcrumb, dripping [00:32:00] the breadcrumb down or dripping that trail of breadcrumbs out. So think of it as building a relationship. We wouldn't just get down on one knee and propose to somebody the first time we meet them.

[00:32:10] And it's the same with client acquisition. We aren't going to sign someone up, not always. Sometimes it happens. But generally we have to warm someone up. They've been following us for a while. They've been listening to us for a while. They've been engaging with our content for a while when we're first getting started.

[00:32:28] It feels like it takes forever sometimes. But if we continue to put yourself out there, create content, create content that you have fun with, and again, how can you give results ahead of time? How can you form those connections? and making sure we're asking. Right. So that was another question is how often are you asking?

[00:32:50] I have a, you know, in terms of do they have an opportunity to chat with you to jump on a discovery call? So a lot of times we're also hesitant to even put out our offer. [00:33:00] So can you give me an example of one of your offers 

[00:33:04] Kylee Leavitt: referring to like coaching call? So a coaching package and what that looks like or exact, or what I said at the beginning that I help moms of toddlers and preschool aged children.

[00:33:20] Melissa LaPointe: So if I were to jump on a discovery call with you, what do you have in what is available in terms of the 

[00:33:27] Kylee Leavitt: ways we could work together? Yeah. And so I have a three month package and a six month one-on-one Perfect 

[00:33:36] Melissa LaPointe: coaching package. So that would be another example of content. Here's what you get when you sign up for my three month package, and it could be a series of posts.

[00:33:48] The first step is our free consultation call. Here's some questions that we cover here, and you can make reels out of this. You can have fun with this. You could have a video of you at your [00:34:00] computer where you are, you know, here's how I prep for my calls. Here are some of the questions that I ask, and why.

[00:34:06] So you could take just that package and break it up into a number of posts. Here are some common questions that I get about my package and as we keep doing the work. So right now we're working on getting you some clients, but then once we have those clients, there's ways that we can, you know, hear some things that some of my past clients have said, right?

[00:34:27] Mm-hmm. , and then it keeps going. But often we hesitate to talk about our offers, and that's part of your story. That's part of, you know, what's, why you're working with the people you're working with, who is your ideal client? What motivated you to, to do this work in this first place? What are the ways that they work with you?

[00:34:47] You know, it's just a great opportunity. And then at the end, put out the ask. If you'd like to know more, I would love to set up a free call with you. Can I give me dms? Okay. 

[00:34:59] Kylee Leavitt: [00:35:00] Mm-hmm. . I do feel like I try and do business posts every, maybe like every fifth post or something on Instagram. And I say exactly what you said, like click my link in the bio for a free consultation or strategy call, discovery call, whatever we wanna call it.

[00:35:21] But I have yet to have people sign up for those calls. 

[00:35:27] Melissa LaPointe: Okay. And there are other ways. So again, what's, what is a way you can facilitate engagement with someone that's not book? So when we get into direct response marketing and we want them to take an action, so one action is, click on the link in my bio, what would be some other actions that's still building on that relationship with someone?

[00:35:51] So going from a cold audience to a warm audience. What would be some other actions that you could invite them to take on an [00:36:00] Instagram post? Just 

[00:36:01] Kylee Leavitt: commenting what questions they might have or whens that they are experiencing. I would say those or to like message me with any questions that they might have to sign up for my email list.

[00:36:19] Melissa LaPointe: Okay. Keep going, but I'm gonna put a filter over this. You are targeting busy moms who've got a lot on their plate, who've got little ones pulling out their feet at their arms and at their phone. So what is another action step that doesn't, that is even simpler than that? I like my post, like your post, post an emoji.

[00:36:44] Mm-hmm. You know, post a heart if you agree with this. So these are, you know, these are still ways of boosting engagement and connecting with your people. And that's not to say they [00:37:00] won't eventually or they won't sometimes answer or comment, but again, we always wanna make sure we're talking to our audience.

[00:37:07] And you can say that. You could say, I know you most likely have little ones pulling at you right now, so just give me a thumbs up emoji if you connect with this.

[00:37:21] if we imagine so, and there's no literature supporting this. This is just me pulling out a random number, but I want everyone to understand. So imagine it's going to take 10 interactions with someone before they go into your dms. So don't think of it as no one has messaged me, or no one has clicked on that link.

[00:37:41] That's not the the mindset we wanna take. It's more, how can I be creative to hit those 10 interactions? What can I do to get those 10 interactions? How can we have fun to get those 10 interactions? If you focus on that, guess what's going to happen? They're going to warm up and they're [00:38:00] more likely to then, you know, hit that conversion that you really want, that you've been focusing.

[00:38:05] And it's easy for us to then say, ah, and I'm not getting anyone. But if you're focusing on just getting those 10 interactions, now all of a sudden you may be able to say, oh my gosh, there's like 20 p and you're not gonna know this, but it's like, ah, there's 20 people and they've got six interactions. I just have to get four more.

[00:38:21] Like, it's like a video game. You know? What else, what else can I do to get these interactions? But we, again, you're just making it a smaller baby step. Okay. That's a good idea. Okay, so we have that. Now I want you to think, so what would be, let's go back to this plate of food a before and after. What would be some local businesses?

[00:38:47] How can you be creative in tagging them or in including their products or their services, or, even just a few. Do you have any ideas of how you may be [00:39:00] able to collaborate with some local businesses who may also be getting in front of moms and Raleigh? 

[00:39:08] Kylee Leavitt: Probably local ones that like dinner wear 

[00:39:13] Melissa LaPointe: for kids.

[00:39:13] Okay. Yeah. Perfect. 

[00:39:15] Kylee Leavitt: Yeah, like even seating options, I would say. I'm trying to think what else. Those 

[00:39:22] Melissa LaPointe: are just, well, so that, that is a great one right there. So do you see how you could, and guess what that business is going to wanna do? They're gonna wanna share your posts. Mm-hmm. . 

[00:39:32] Kylee Leavitt: Okay. Yeah. Right.

[00:39:34] Great idea. So, 

[00:39:35] Melissa LaPointe: yeah. And it's asking, you know, Hey, do you have? So going in, physically, going in, introducing yourself, explaining your idea and seeing, do you have any dinnerware? Do you have, make sure they get the, it's a pitch. It's a pitch that's gonna benefit them, but it's still a pitch. Mm-hmm. . So going in, presenting the idea, making sure they see the vision, making sure they see how it can benefit them.[00:40:00] 

[00:40:00] And then do you have anything, you know, that like I can borrow or that you wanna donate or contribute that I can include in this reel? And then I can promote your business through that and I'll tag you so then you can share it and your audience can see how I'm using this. It would be great for advertising for you as well.

[00:40:18] Is that something that you'd like to collaborate on? Hey, that's a great idea. So, you know, and you could come back to the park. So again, where, you know, are there any like drop in. Parent and taught groups. Are there any, you know, so thinking in terms of doing, you know, the business side of things, right?

[00:40:36] Doing the research on your community. What, what businesses, what organizations are already in front of the moms that you wanna work with, and how can you collaborate with them? How can you connect with them? And I know that's a great idea. Bunch. That's, yeah. So that's, you know, another way that, again, we can bring that into your Instagram account, we can bring that into I mean, you can bring it onto Facebook.

[00:40:59] You can, [00:41:00] you can bring it anywhere and it's getting but starting somewhere. No, I like that. I think I could go to 

[00:41:07] Kylee Leavitt: like a mom group on Facebook and even say, I'm just wondering what businesses, local businesses have to do with, like kids and children of like this age and just seeing what people have and then seeing how we can collaborate.

[00:41:24] I love that idea. 

[00:41:25] Melissa LaPointe: And that is a strategic move in and of itself, in that you showing up in a mom's group, you are, they've already recognized your name because you've been supporting and posting, but now you're showing up with a question and you're asking them to help you. People love to help. And in your ask, you're also sharing a little bit more about what it is, you know, Hey everyone, I'm looking for businesses that support and listing it off.

[00:41:55] When I say that strategic, it's not like, don't take up that extra step and try, especially if [00:42:00] it's a Facebook group that doesn't allow promotion, but take up that extra like I'm not saying to, oh, and if you're interested in coaching, I'm gonna link my package in the comments. Mm-hmm. just have faith in them seeing your name and that they have to see your name so many times before it clicks.

[00:42:19] Before they remember before. Oh, right. Wait a sec. I've seen that name a few times now. And then when they see that name with their favorite children's clothing store with the fancy bibs that they love, oh my gosh, there it is again. Then all of a sudden they remember this Facebook post you made, or this Instagram post about getting the kiddo out of the park without totally losing their mind.

[00:42:41] Then they actually have that lived experience and guess whose name comes up? Mine. Okay. Yeah. , 

[00:42:49] Kylee Leavitt: but it takes 

[00:42:50] Melissa LaPointe: time. I like that in repetition. Mm-hmm. . Ok. And that's where a lot of us give up. We get discouraged because we're setting these lofty goals. We're not hitting them, but we're not seeing all the [00:43:00] little drips, all the little micro actions that it takes to get there.

[00:43:04] And we are a daresay overachievers. We like to do well. And when we are setting these lofty goals and never, you know, there's no gold star and there's not even like checky marks that are happening, how can we take a step back and take these micro actions and then we get those little dopamine hits knowing we're doing something.

[00:43:26] So when we look at our week, what am I going to be doing this week? What's one post or one theme that I can build three posts around? And what are the micro actions that I'm gonna be tracking? So that way you're seeing that you're doing something. You know, at the end of the day when you're thinking, what did I even do today?

[00:43:44] Where did the time go? And I'm making, that's a, you know, a. Common message we tell to say to ourselves like, yeah, I'm not getting anything done. I'm not making any progress. Our brain likes to say that to us a lot, but you can keep that brain in check and be like, wait a minute, [00:44:00] actually look at all the engagement that I got on this post.

[00:44:03] And look at the ways that when we're targeting parents, we do have to build that relationship. You know, that no, like, and trust, and it does take time, but then we hit the tipping point. So it's how can we keep our head in the game and stay persistent and be creative and create content that is fun to create.

[00:44:21] If you're creating content that makes you wanna pull out your hair, why are you doing it? Yep. 

[00:44:26] Kylee Leavitt: Nope, that makes sense. Question for you. So like, in the meantime of me taking these micro actions and having that consistency and just over time to try and get clients, like, would I do like offer. Have people come and practice with me, like sign up for practice, like my three month or six month program and like I do it at a really discounted range.

[00:44:56] Melissa LaPointe: So I'm always hesitant to offer discounted services. When it comes [00:45:00] to coaching you, you wanna be careful with that in that there needs to be enough buy-in to what you're doing. And sometimes that, that buy-in happens through a financial exchange. Coaching can be really hard work, very rewarding work, but hard work.

[00:45:21] And you don't want to be coaching someone who doesn't take it seriously or who doesn't show up or who. And I've had that happen. I've had, you know, oh they canceled last minute, or they no showed, I've never had a paying, you know, client, no-show. But I've had free clients, no-show. So sometimes the value we equate to the offer, when we take away the opportunity for people to pay, we may not get the right people in front of us.

[00:45:52] So we wanna be careful with offering discounted services on coaching. Okay. Now, are there still [00:46:00] ways that you can, again, give results ahead of time? How can you still do that? You could, just trying to think while being careful. In terms of confidentiality, I wouldn't, sometimes when we are struggling with marketing because of our stories with money as healthcare professionals, our first go-to is to discount the service to make it an easier sell.

[00:46:34] And I'm going to push back on that and say, what if. That's not the case. What if discounting the service doesn't make it an easier sell? What if it makes it a harder sell because now you're not getting the right people? Does that change how you would approach that problem? So if the problem is I'm not getting the signups, the solution isn't to discount the service, there may be other solutions out there to consider.[00:47:00] 

[00:47:00] Okay, that makes sense. It could be, it's a three month program and you, if it's not the right fit, you can cancel at any time. Or it could be, You have an Instagram story or a series of stories on why you offer free calls. I offer free calls because I want to make sure that this is a good fit for the type of work that we're doing together.

[00:47:31] That's really important to me and I think it should be important to you as well. I want this to be a right fit for both of us. That's why I offer free calls. Here's some of the things we cover in free calls. It's not a sales call. It's really an opportunity for me to help you. You know, we do problem solve a specific scenario.

[00:47:48] We do get into your challenges, your roadblocks, and this is an opportunity for me to support you and for you to learn more about me and for me to learn more about you. And if at the end of the call we think it might be the right [00:48:00] fit, I then take a few minutes and I share about how my two different packages work.

[00:48:05] If you would like to take me up on these free calls, because I offer so many per month, I'm going to add the link to my bio or you can send me a DM and I'll just message it back to you. Okay, awesome. And that's a type of a post that often we think, oh, I'll do it once. And I did it. Whew. It's done. , you can do that once a month.

[00:48:28] Okay. Right. So remember, just because someone sees something, that doesn't mean they've seen it. They've heard it, they've connected with it enough. You're targeting busy moms. They're gonna have to see something several times. Don't think you're being a nuisance. Don't think you're being repetitive. You have to be.

[00:48:51] And if they're like, oh my gosh, Kylie, I've seen this like 17 times, that's okay. I doubt they're gonna say that. They're like, ah, [00:49:00] yes. I keep meaning to message her. That's right. And I keep forgetting. Right. Think of who you're targeting. So you do have to, and it's social media, things happen in the blink of an eye and we forget.

[00:49:12] But how often we see something again, you know, it's like, oh, right. Oh, right. Ah, it's meant to be. I've just, I've seen that again today. I keep meaning to call her. Right? So remember that your audience needs repetition because they, they're busy, they've got a lot of things. Everyone's busy, but your audience has a lot of demands on them in terms of their attention, their energy.

[00:49:33] So don't be afraid to repeat yourself or, or repeat yourself in different variations. That's a very good point. Yeah. Okay, so what are. Some takeaways for you in terms of like, when you look at the next 30 days and you think client acquisition and marketing, what are three concrete action steps that in [00:50:00] the, you know, you can come back to me in 30 days and tell me either I did it or I didn't.

[00:50:04] So, binary action. Yes or no? What are three 

[00:50:07] Kylee Leavitt: things? Making a post on a Facebook group about people who are local, who have, who are selling child goods. 

[00:50:18] Melissa LaPointe: Okay. And then getting and yeah, and asking if they have ideas too, right? Is anyone here selling or does anyone have ideas on businesses that might be selling?

[00:50:30] Okay. Yeah, 

[00:50:31] Kylee Leavitt: that's a good idea. 

[00:50:32] Melissa LaPointe: And the reason being, remember the algorithm likes engagement. Oh, okay. Yeah, 

[00:50:39] Kylee Leavitt: so just I forget about that with 

[00:50:42] Melissa LaPointe: Facebook. Yeah. And just because Jenny doesn't sell anything, Jenny might know of five businesses that do. So make sure you ask the Jenny's right, like it's not just, Hey, are there any businesses?

[00:50:54] Hey everyone, I'm looking for some help. I'm looking for businesses that have [00:51:00] products geared towards kiddos these age, these ages, for example, right? And you can, if you're comfortable, put a picture of you and your girls for attention, or put a picture of you or food or something, right? Like, mm-hmm , that helps too.

[00:51:14] But make sure you're asking, not just for businesses to raise their hand, but for moms too. Post your favorite businesses or post your favorite products in the comments section cuz now you're getting more. Okay, 

[00:51:27] Kylee Leavitt: awesome. Would you recommend like doing that in multiple, like we have different towns here, like suburbs and so like there's a Holly Springs one in Apex, one at Carey One.

[00:51:41] Would you recommend posting it in each one? 

[00:51:44] Melissa LaPointe: So what would be, why wouldn't you, is what I'm gonna ask. So what would be holding you back from the idea of posting in each one? What do you think would be 

[00:51:54] Kylee Leavitt: negative communication? Would that somebody would be part of those, all of those groups and be being like, what is 

[00:51:59] Melissa LaPointe: [00:52:00] she doing again?

[00:52:02] Okay. So that someone may see you posting in multiple groups and they may think, Ugh, this person's showing up in my feed with an ask about a business promoting kiddos. What would be annoying about that? It's 

[00:52:18] Kylee Leavitt: true. I guess it would be annoying if I kept light. If I made it very obvious that it's like me promoting, like my parent coaching, but it probably is not annoying.

[00:52:31] Okay. It's probably awesome for moms to, for their businesses or other people's businesses. 

[00:52:37] Melissa LaPointe: If it was a business, if it was a Facebook group that you could promote, what would be annoying about? So if I'm a mom, what do you think could possibly be, why would I be annoyed to see you promoting your parent coaching business?

[00:52:53] Kylee Leavitt: I think it could be annoying if I just showed up to promote it, but I didn't show up [00:53:00] like in serving and answering questions and things like that. Okay. 

[00:53:08] Melissa LaPointe: That's fair. So it may be annoying if I'm only promoting and not showing up from a place of service, but I'm also going to remind you that it sounds like you have been showing up from a place of service and that that inner critic that you have about marketing, that's a false narrative you're telling yourself.

[00:53:30] So be careful with that. Okay? Yeah. In terms of promoting is annoying. I like when businesses promote to me all the time because I can see what I like and I can see what I don't like. Mm-hmm. , okay. I can choose to look away if it's in my face all the time, and it's annoying, but it's gotta be pretty, like pretty obnoxiously in my face.

[00:53:53] You don't have the. Obnoxious 

[00:53:57] Kylee Leavitt: personality, . 

[00:53:59] Melissa LaPointe: Well, 

[00:53:59] Kylee Leavitt: but 

[00:53:59] Melissa LaPointe: [00:54:00] you don't have the resources, like, the reality is you don't have the resources. So when I'm saying obnoxious in my face, so I think of a website. I went on to check something the other day during a meeting and it was, I was screen sharing and popups with the ding.

[00:54:12] It made me jump every time. My team's laughing if they're listening to this because finally, I, we were trying to get the info. I couldn't get off that website fast enough because a popup with an offer and a ding every 15 seconds, I'm like, oh, for the love of God, I just wanna get this info. We can get away.

[00:54:29] Or, you know, I talked to my husband about something and then I'm just being targeted by Facebook ads repeatedly because I dared mention it, plus I clicked on a link. So when I say you don't have the resources to be in someone's space all the time, I mean, you're not a multis not doing business. That's investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into paid marketing and feeding into, you know, every action I take on my phone or my laptop.

[00:54:57] That's what I mean when I say you don't have the resources and [00:55:00] that's who you're competing with. So often when we think, Ugh, I don't wanna be annoying you guys, you're not, you're not being annoying, you're spreading a little bit of good in the world and, you know, don't feel like you need to hold back. Yeah, I think there's, that's a good point to have is show up from a place of service, but also remember that the best way you can support someone, Is by engaging in that client relationship.

[00:55:24] And in order to do that, they have to hear about your work. So you have to, you know, you're casting the net, you're casting the net, you're casting the net, and that is showing up from a place of service in some way, because that's how your ideal client's going to hear about you. There's someone out there who's in pain, who's struggling, who's suffering.

[00:55:42] You have the solution. What it is that they need. And if you don't talk about that and put it out there and promote it, in many ways you are being selfish because you are not helping that person and they, they don't know about you yet. So that's, you know, in part when I say that inner critic [00:56:00] telling you like, well, marketing and promoting a little bit too much can be annoying.

[00:56:04] No, that's not true. And you can do it in a way that feels good and that shines a light brightly on all the awesome stuff that you're doing and why you're so motivated to do it, and the ways that you can help. But again, come back to giving results ahead of time. Micro actions on what you know about social media and what you know about your people and how you can create content and repurpose that content.

[00:56:28] Right. So how you can stretch it out. It doesn't just have to be one reel, it can be a reel and a story and a Facebook post. And then you can do a behind the scenes story and then you can do the next step and then you can bring a business in and talk about the experience, right? Like there's so many just different ways that you can stretch that out.

[00:56:47] Kylee Leavitt: Yeah. Okay. That's awesome. Okay, so 

[00:56:50] Melissa LaPointe: I, before I let you go, we, that was, I had said three action steps. So that one was going into the Facebook group and I won't go off on any more tangents, . So what would be two [00:57:00] more action steps in the next 30 days that you can take, moving you in the direction of client acquisition?

[00:57:06] Kylee Leavitt: I am going to find 10 local Instagram accounts and follow them and then engage in their social media. . 

[00:57:18] Melissa LaPointe: Yeah. And again, coming from a place of service, right? You're not just engaging to sell your stuff. You are actually like following people that you enjoy and ah, that's a great, make sure so they're recognizing your name, you know, great post.

[00:57:30] That's awesome. It doesn't always have to be, you know, oh, great post and I see this all the time and my parent coaching , right? Mm-hmm. . 

[00:57:38] Kylee Leavitt: Yeah. Don't have to always relate it back to 

[00:57:40] Melissa LaPointe: me. Yeah, it's okay sometimes too, but we don't always have to. Okay, so 10 local Instagram accounts, what would be a 

[00:57:46] Kylee Leavitt: thing?

[00:57:46] And then, cause this has literally been on my to-do list for however long, I am going to make a real Yes. I don't know if I dare say one a week for the next [00:58:00] month. . 

[00:58:01] Melissa LaPointe: Hey, but 

[00:58:03] Kylee Leavitt: let's start with how. Two reels 

[00:58:07] Melissa LaPointe: in the next 30, two reels in the next 30 days, plus we have Christmas in there. I like it. I like it. I think that's great.

[00:58:13] And don't think, oh, is that enough? We're not, we're not jumping ahead 12 months, we're just focusing on the next 30 days where you can see that you have made progress. A year from now, I guarantee you and I are going to be having such a different conversation about how you're showing up on social media, about the clients that you're serving, about the content that you have about the, like it's going to be a different playing field, but so often we get so caught up in the present moment and.

[00:58:43] Where things are right now. And it's a dance. It's a dance between three year vision, you know, three years from now, that's 12 quarters, that's 1290 day periods away. Think of how much you're going to be able to accomplish between now and then, but we gotta [00:59:00] start with the next 30 days that's building into this 90 day cycle.

[00:59:03] And then what are the micro actions we can take? We underestimate how much we can do. You know, we, we underestimate how much we can get done in so many ways. Yeah, we just get in our own way is what we do. But when you look at the grand scheme of things and how long you have to figure this out, just keep working on those micro actions.

[00:59:24] It is like climbing that mountain. You know, if you keep looking up at the top of the mountain, it feels like it goes on forever. But when you put your head down, you know, before you know it, you've hit another milestone. And just one step at a time. One step at a time. Awesome. I can do that. Okay. So Kylie, I'm going to share your, so where can people find you on Instagram so they can, I'm putting you on the spot.

[00:59:48] Where can people find you on Instagram? Because by the time this is published you should have some reels up. Oh, yes, . 

[00:59:54] Kylee Leavitt: Okay. So Kylie c Levitt, so k y [01:00:00] l e e c l e a v I T T. Mm-hmm. on Instagram. And then you can also check out my website, which is www.kylielevitt.com. 

[01:00:12] Melissa LaPointe: Awesome. Okay. Well keep doing the work.

[01:00:16] It's been awesome watching you grow and evolve and figure this out. Yeah, and I can't wait to hear how these milestones go and I will be there celebrating with you. Not physically though. I would love to you don't have as much snow as I do right now or any, 

[01:00:30] Kylee Leavitt: any snow or 

[01:00:31] Melissa LaPointe: Eddie. But I will be there in spirit and we'll find a way to celebrate online once you hit these milestones.

[01:00:37] So make sure to let me know. Sounds 

[01:00:39] Kylee Leavitt: great. Thank you so much for having me. 

[01:00:42] Melissa LaPointe: You're welcome. We'll talk to you soon. All right, there you have it. Our first coaching conversation of 2023 is officially a wrap. Go ahead and give Kylie a follow. Better yet, reach out to her and let her know your [01:01:00] takeaways.

[01:01:00] Cheer her on in terms of those Instagram reels now really trying something new and putting ourself out there, I think we can all relate. So I will include her Instagram and her website in the comments section. So go ahead and check out our podcast show notes. I would also love to hear your takeaways you know, coaching conversations.

[01:01:22] This is something we're going to continue on a monthly basis. So I have a number of participants in our different programs who are signing up being brave to be coached on the air. If you would like to know about our programs and the different ways that you can apply, simply go to www.otsgonerogue.com/apply.

[01:01:45] Alright, hope your year is off to a good start, everyone. I hope you enjoyed this coaching conversation and I'm looking forward to rolling out more in the. As always, it is super helpful if you leave our podcast [01:02:00] a recommendation or a review. So always helpful in terms of word of mouth and letting more OTs know about all the awesome things that we're doing.

[01:02:09] And as always, you can go ahead and tag us. So at OTs Gone Rogue on Instagram, fill us in on what you're up to. Let us know what you wanna see on the podcast or rather than what you wanna hear and stay in touch. All right? Take care guys. We'll talk to you soon.