Friday Night Therapy
Friday Night Therapy
Ep. #86 | Ass eating, Bro-zilian wax, & Dudes that moan!
FNT is hosted by, Austin Mooneyham, Branden Morganstern & as always FNT producer Trevor Ames!
This week we get into a sh*t ton of wild topics! We kick this weeks show off with a weekly recap from the guys as usual! We discuss a "near death experience" Austin had that involved shower sex. As well as B-mo getting pulled over AGAIN (twice in one month!) We kick this weeks show off with our brand new Segment, CONFESSIONS! (DM us your confessions @fridaynighttherapy on IG.) This weeks confessions consist of accidentally shitting while getting off, and retaliation for a partner that cheated! We jump straight into our Listener Submissions after our new segment. Consisting of, Very jealous older women, and another extremely complicated Cuck situation within a relationship! After our Listener Subs we jump into our FNT Topics and this weeks questions are: Do women actually enjoy getting there ass ate, Should men get Brazilian waxes, and lastly Do women prefer there man to moan or talk dirty? We wrap up this weeks podcast with our Weekly Timeline Topic consisting of an OF model finding out her father is subscribed to her OF account and has sent requests for personalized videos!
All of this and SO MUCH MORE!
This show is made possible by YOU, the listeners! If you'd like to send in a submission/ CONFESSION consisting of either Relationship advice, topic suggestion, wild story, Q&A, or response to something we've said, DM us! Thank you for rocking with us y'all!
YouTube- Friday Night Therapy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_jZ...
Instagram- @fridaynighttherapy- DAILY! https://www.instagram.com/fridaynight...
TikTok- fridaynighttherapy2.0 - DAILY! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8FeMoVe/
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/3ZTaV9c...
FaceBook- Friday Night Therapy