Friday Night Therapy

Ep. #92 | Sucking from the back, Queefed in his mouth, & Oral after cream pie?

Austin Mooneyham Season 2 Episode 92

FNT is hosted by, Austin Mooneyham, Branden Morganstern & as always FNT producer Trevor Ames!

This week we get into a sh*t ton of wild topics! We kick this weeks show off with a weekly recap from the guys as usual! We are back in the studio! We discuss Austin getting sick AGAIN, Bmo going home with a Reggae artist, and Trev's ankle situation! We start the show with a re-cap from a listener about leaving things at a one night stands house! We jump into our CONFESSIONS right after that. We have two send ins consisting of, Giving a car salesman head, and MICRO penis situation! We wrap up confessions and jump into our Listener Submissions. Queefing in your mans mouth, and the difference between your sneaky link coming to your house or you coming to there's! We wrap up our listener subs and head straight into our FNT Topics! Tis weeks topics are: Sucking dick from the back, and your man helping you pick your panties when buying new ones. Our final topic of the night is our Weekly Timeline Topic, A man growing a penis on his arm!
All of this and SO MUCH MORE!

This show is made possible by YOU, the listeners! If you'd like to send in a submission/ CONFESSION consisting of either Relationship advice, topic suggestion, wild story, Q&A,  or response to something we've said, DM us! Thank you for rocking with us y'all!

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