Friday Night Therapy

Ep. #95 | Waxing your pu**y, Mother-in-law seduction, & wtf is a Digi-sexual?

Austin Mooneyham Season 2 Episode 95

FNT is hosted by, Austin Mooneyham, Branden Morganstern & as always FNT producer Trevor Ames!

This week we get into a sh*t ton of wild topics! We kick the show off with a recap from the guys as usual! We discuss pride month, the proper term for a "hoe", Bmos drunken misunderstanding, and Austins experience with Blue Chew! We start this weeks show with a little recap from a IG Story we posted of a woman getting her pu$$y waxed! Directly afterward we head into our CONFESSIONS! Tis weeks confessions consist of a mother-in-law trying to seduce her son in law, and a very revengeful story of a bad breakup! We wrap up confessions and jump into our Listener Submissions! This weeks Listener subs are: What its like to date/ marry a woman with a higher sex drive than you, How to spice up a relationship when its dying sexually, & an age old case of bailing after a one night stand! We jump into our FNT Topics after our Listener subs. This weeks topics are: Would you rather be taken out to dinner or stay home and be cooked for, and would you be okay with your man wearing a hair piece? We wrap the show up with a strange kink known as Digi-sexual as well as our Time line topic: a horrific proposal gone wrong!  
All of this and SO MUCH MORE!

This show is made possible by YOU, the listeners! If you'd like to send in a submission/ CONFESSION consisting of either Relationship advice, topic suggestion, wild story, Q&A,  or response to something we've said, DM us! Thank you for rocking with us y'all!

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