Friday Night Therapy
Friday Night Therapy
Ep. #98 | S*x tip of the year, Complements by gay men, & "Daddy" is banned!
FNT is hosted by, Austin Mooneyham, Branden Morganstern & as always FNT producer Trevor Ames!
This week we get into a sh*t ton of wild topics! We kick the show off with a recap from the guys as usual! We discuss how everyone's 4th of July went, Austin being hit on by a gay man, B-mo winning a July 4th corn hole tournament, and the season finale of Stranger Things! We start tis weeks show off with a "Sex Tip" from one of the FNT listeners ( which is a fire tip for men and women). Then jump right into our CONFESSIONS! This weeks confessions consist of: A hell of a coincidence of a listener running into multiple partners that she slept with(there's much more to that story), A hilarious misunderstanding during sex that involves the word "daddy", and a Listener that got revenge on her ex-husband for cheating! We finish up our CONFESSIONS and get into our Listener Submissions! This weeks submissions are fire! We have a very difficult situation in which a listener needs help with her Porn addicted BF, and our second submission consist of a man not wanting sex with his pregnant GF! After our Listener Subs we move on to our FNT Topics! This weeks Topic is "Pick up lines". We asked you guys to send in some pickup lines and we appreciate the delivery! We end the show off with our Timeline Topic: People that have gotten things stuck in there ass and had to have a doctor remove it! ENJOY!
All of this and SO MUCH MORE!
This show is made possible by YOU, the listeners! If you'd like to send in a submission/ CONFESSION consisting of either Relationship advice, topic suggestion, wild story, Q&A, or response to something we've said, DM us! Thank you for rocking with us y'all!
YouTube- Friday Night Therapy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_jZ...
Instagram- @fridaynighttherapy- DAILY! https://www.instagram.com/fridaynight...
TikTok- fridaynighttherapy2.0 - DAILY! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8FeMoVe/
Apple podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/3ZTaV9c...
FaceBook- Friday Night Therapy