Friday Night Therapy

Ep.#107 | the A-SPOT, Singapore Grip, & Fake Cuddle Therapists!

Austin Mooneyham Season 2 Episode 107

FNT is hosted by, Austin Mooneyham, Branden Morganstern & as always FNT producer Trevor Ames!
 This week we get into a sh*t ton of wild topics! We kick the show off with a recap from the guys as usual! We discuss Austin and Bmo recently attending a wedding, Bmo getting sick while at the wedding, Austin's twin (the kid from monster house), and appropriate Halloween costumes. We get right into this weeks show starting with our Weekly Recap! This weeks recap consists of A submission from a new listener, and a WILD video form a "sex teacher" about the A Spot! We wrap up our RECAP and jump into CONFESSIONS! This weeks confession consists of a date gone horribly wrong! (Chickens and Intoxication!) We wrap-up confessions and move onto our LISTENER SUBMISSIONS! This weeks Listener Submissions consist of the Singapore Grip, and a listener that needs a little relationship advice regarding an EX/FWB. One of our last topics of this weeks show is a discussion and extensive research into the life of a "Professional Cuddler". We close the show with three Time Line Topics! Sex at the bar, Period cereal, and a sex dolls' human twin! ENJOY THE SHOW!  
All of this and SO MUCH MORE!
 This show is made possible by YOU, the listeners! If you'd like to send in a submission/ CONFESSION consisting of either Relationship advice, topic suggestion, wild story, Q&A,  or response to something we've said, DM us! Thank you for rocking with us y'all!
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