The Cold War continues to terrify and inspire, so say hello to orbital laser strikes, new games of power politics, and the start of a long-running Japanese series. The British are still weird.
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BattleTech: hiding from George Lucas
Sorcerer King: a magical battle royale
VG: Sixth Fleet sails forth
VG: Pacific War takes up your entire table
VG: Pax Britannica is not peaceful
World in Flames makes a great pagan idol
The best Wabbit Wampage of the year
Chaos at the magic school
Balance of Power, a Kissinger fangame
Daisenryaku, Japan's Cold War classic
Victory Games corner 1986
Fortress America, nerd drama central
Rodger MacGowan in flames
Shogun, watch the ninja bins
West End Games and Tank Leader
Britannia is a crowded isle
Die Macher, getting elected in Germany
Lords of Conquest, EA's Borderlands
Six Gun Shootout. No tentacles here.
Roadwar 2000: nukes are not bad enough
Don't build in Wargame Construction Set
Rebelstar, a tactical pride parade
Victory Games corner 1987
VG: CIA helicopters in Central America
TSR's best, Clay-O-Rama, is free
For the people: Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader
The Ancient Art of War… AT SEA!
Can't harass combat units in Halls of Montezuma
A derail into Tenkatoitsu
Nether Earth could be made by people
The Empire of clicking and dragging