Nerding with You
Nerding with You
West Side Story - Not a Love Story
Hello mga ka-Nerding! Today we will talk about the movie na talaga namang napapanahon dahil sa mga nangyayari hindi lang sa Pilipinas kundi sa buong bansa.
In this episode, we will talk about West Side Story, a movie that reflects the conflicts between people. The plot follows two gangs, who are unable to get along, and the tragedy that unfolds when their battles take innocent lives.
Enjoy watching this and let’s love one another!
In this episode of Nerding With You:
- A film that’s representing our current real world situation:Ukraine-Russia war.
- Not a “kilig” movie? Glandz describes her reactions to the movie.
- It’s a “kilig” movie! Topz describes his “kilig” experience.
- Who’s the real winner in war? The expat couple discusses the conflicts in the movie and how it is the same with the Ukraine-Russia war and how normal people are being radicalized.
- What is the Christmas Truce? Topz shares the story of the World War 1 truce during Christmas.
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00:00 - Intro
02:35 - West Side Story - A quick background for today’s episode.
08:50 - The representation of the movie from our real-life situation: Ukraine-Russia war.
10:54 - The Clueless Wife, Glendz, gives her impression of the movie.
15:10 - The Geeky Husband, Topz, describes his “kilig” experience with the movie.
17:35 - The expat couple highlights the main point: conflicts between people.
26:24 - The expat couple talks about the conflicts in the movie and how it is the same with the Ukraine-Russia war and how normal people are being radicalized.
40:57 - Who’s the real winner? The expat couple talks about violence and conflicts in the movie
44:35 - Topz talks about the World War 1 story: The Christmas Truce.
48:14 - Glendz shares her takeaways.
50:25 - The expat couple’s final message.