Business & Lifestyle LEGENDS Podcast
Business & Lifestyle LEGENDS Podcast
How Marketing Strategies Helps in Achieving Your Business Goals with Eric Siu
“The Big Ones, they don’t need a work anymore, but the reason they keep working is they enjoyed the game, they keep playing. They have a very long-term outlook, they're willing to delay gratification. They do reinvest what they have coming in, they go find other opportunities. If you do that you're gonna build more enterprise value for the long term.”
-Eric, Single Grain CEO and Leveling Up Podcast Host
In this episode, Ben Schneider and Eric discuss the strategies on how to expand your business. They discuss about investing in different types of businesses. They also discuss about branding, different traffic source, SEO a lot more that will make your business boom.
Episode Notes:
Eric Siu is an Asian Internet marketer, SEO expert, and CEO. Eric founded the online business growth company single grain that has worked with world-class businesses like Amazon and Airbnb.
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