Business & Lifestyle LEGENDS Podcast

How SEO and Content Marketing Transform Your Business with Nate Turner

Benjamin Schneider Episode 50

“There's value in building your own audience and I would say, if you are thinking content is a channel you want to invest in, I would say starting it at a point where you feel like you've reached the conclusion that this is something I wanna build long term.”
-Nate Turner, Co-founder at Ten Speed

In this episode, Ben Schneider and Nate discuss the similarities between Link building and Outbound sales. They discuss how SEO increases the quality of traffic and how Content marketing is connected to it. They also discuss the strategies on how to deal with the competitors and getting your customers back.

Episode Notes:
Nate has been doing SEO for over 12 years, has consulted for top SaaS companies, and led the marketing and growth at Sprout Social from $100K - $100M in revenue.

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