Business & Lifestyle LEGENDS Podcast
Business & Lifestyle LEGENDS Podcast
How To Change Your Mind To Change Your Life with Myles Harris
"We’re always gonna be fighting battles and figuring life out, don’t stress yourself trying to think that you have to know it all right now, because nobody did and nobody will. You’re always gonna be answering questions about yourself till the day you die, so stop comparing yourself to other people and stop blaming other people. Only you know what makes you happy, follow it, believe in it, take all the risk."
-Myles Harris, Host of Millennials With A Mindset
In this episode, Ben Schneider and Myles discuss the struggles young generations are facing. Myles gives pieces of advice to the millennials towards inferiorities and how to get back on track to achieve happiness.
Episode Notes:
Myles is the powerful owner of The Millennial Holdings. He is a best-selling author, motivational speaker and thought provoker
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