Business & Lifestyle LEGENDS Podcast

Building A Community And The Fundamental Things To Keep It Growing with Jono Bacon

Benjamin Schneider Episode 56

“Communities have this amazing phenomenon that we've seen for 1000s of years. If you've got 100 people, let's say there's 100 of your listeners, each one of those people has got different ideas and perspectives, and time, and expertise and experiences. And when you bring all of those things out into the open in a collaborative environment, then we can learn and we can benefit from each other, we can collaborate more effectively together.”
-Jono Bacon, Founder of Jono Bacon Consulting

Join Ben and Jono as they talk about the strategies in building a community. Jono discusses the disadvantages of forums and what platform is best in building a community. They talk about the fundamental things that will make all communities work. Jono also shares best tips to grow your community and get that kind of the wheels turning with a new community.

Episode Notes:

Jono Bacon is a leading community and collaboration speaker, author, and podcaster. He is the founder of Jono Bacon Consulting. He previously served as director of community at GitHub, Canonical, XPRIZE, and OpenAdvantage. He is the author of ‘People Powered: How communities can supercharge your business, brand, and teams’ and The Art of Community, a columnist for Forbes and, founder of the Community Leadership Summit, founder of Conversations With Bacon, and co-founder of Bad Voltage. He is an advisor to AlienVault, Moltin,, Mycroft, Open Networking Foundation, and Open Cloud Consortium.


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