Lorekeepers - A Worldbuilding Podcast
Lorekeepers is a worldbuilding podcast about two friends chronicling the journey of an ever-expanding tapestry of interwoven lore.While other podcasts may start a new world with each episode, Carter and Frank return to Halûme each week, determined to create the deepest, grandest, and most nuanced fictional setting ever. Never forget that in an infinite world, there are always more tales to tell.
Lorekeepers - A Worldbuilding Podcast
Ser1.1 - Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (S5.2)
Carter & Frank
Season 5
Episode 2
New year, new look. In our first series of season 5, we kick things off by taking a good, long, zoomed-out look at the damage the gods can bring (but not just damage).
To keep things fresh, we sprinkle in a tad of structure and end the episode with a clear idea of what episodes we're likely doing for this series.
Website: thelorekeepers.com
Email: lorekeeperspodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @thelorekeepers
Lorekeepers art by Sam Wade.
Instagram: @bysamwade
"Land of Heroes" theme by Josh Silker.