The podcast for soulful women in business

Are you micromanaging the universe?

April 04, 2022 Laura Beddoe - Womens Empowerment Coach Episode 29
Are you micromanaging the universe?
The podcast for soulful women in business
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The podcast for soulful women in business
Are you micromanaging the universe?
Apr 04, 2022 Episode 29
Laura Beddoe - Womens Empowerment Coach

Are you playing god?

Manifestation and using the principles of the universal laws can often leave you feeling frustrated if you are giving what you want timelines and ultimatums. This usually comes from not being able to trust that what you want is coming.

In this episode, I talk and give you the steps to manifest in god/the universe's timing.

The world is designed to distract us, with technology, food, sex, drugs we are moving so fast. This creates stress on the body and when we are stressed with are in a state of mind called super beta, when we are here we don't notice signs that are steering us to what we want.

Our feelings and intuition is the navigation system if you are suppressing them then you are missing the guidance and prolonging your manifestation. 

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Show Notes Transcript

Are you playing god?

Manifestation and using the principles of the universal laws can often leave you feeling frustrated if you are giving what you want timelines and ultimatums. This usually comes from not being able to trust that what you want is coming.

In this episode, I talk and give you the steps to manifest in god/the universe's timing.

The world is designed to distract us, with technology, food, sex, drugs we are moving so fast. This creates stress on the body and when we are stressed with are in a state of mind called super beta, when we are here we don't notice signs that are steering us to what we want.

Our feelings and intuition is the navigation system if you are suppressing them then you are missing the guidance and prolonging your manifestation. 

Join my free group - How to be Spiritual and Sassy Community:

Let's connect on social media.

Intro: Because if you are thinking that I need to do more, I need to be more I need to x y Zed, and you don't really know why you're doing it. And you're getting frustrated with trying to attract it into your life. Getting frustrated with the universe, it's not coming quick enough. That's a sign that you are manicly manifesting, it's called.

Welcome to spiritual and sassy with me, your host, Laura Beddoe. This podcast is for the daughters, the mums, and the sisters, the friends, this is for you. This is for the woman who can love a holistic lifestyle and still have that sprinkle of sets. This is for the woman who wants it all. To own her power. She wants to be a magnet to great things. The woman who wants to break mold, she's on a journey to break free of what society says that she should be and finding her own way. So if this is speaking to you, then let's dive in. And that is history. Hi, and welcome to episode 29. With me, your host, Laura Beddoe.

And today's topic is all around micro managing the universe. Now I see in so many different communities, this kind of attitude of trying to micromanage the universe. So this is why I thought that I would jump into my podcast, and share with you my beautiful community. My thoughts around it. So if you're new here, I help conscious leaders to break free of trauma, bad habits and patterns, limiting beliefs. And I do this with a array of tools in my toolbox studying law of attraction universal laws, the divine feminine and masculine over almost a decade. And I've also trained as a clinical hypnotherapist and Reiki master. So I draw in all of my tools and skills to really help as many people as I possibly can with this podcast, with my group coaching with my one to one clients. The reason that I'm talking about this is because again, like the previous episode, you heard me talking about trying to be high vibe all of the time. And this kind of like toxic toxic positivity that people think that to manifest you need to be high vibrational all the time. And it's like that kind of fake it to make it attitude. And the thing is the problem with that, and I'm pretty certain that I've talked about this, in my earlier episodes, it's a bit like having a shit in the corner of the room, I aka all of your limiting beliefs, all of those blocks all of those patterns that you would have formed as a child to either believe that you are good enough, you're worthy, you know, even little things you know, I work with clients that I'm really helping them to get back into their bodies because we're so distracted from ourselves. We've been conditioned to think that everything is outside of us when actually everything is inside of us. And it's like I'm working with someone at the moment who is working on treating her body right and, and eating healthfully and listening to her cues of her body because she's been so distracted from herself i in relationships, ie in work I in scrolling on on social media that she doesn't listen to when her body is hungry and she doesn't listen to when her body is full. And it's really interesting though, if you are consciously doing things like eating food, or how you're showing up in relationships, if you're working on that stuff, rather than when I'm talking about micromanaging the universe. It's like you are looking outside of yourself aka I'm just going to talk about money. So for instance, you are looking to attract a certain amount of money into your life. Say for instance, 10,000 pounds a month, I'm just going to give a an example or 20,000 pounds a month, or maybe 1000 pounds a month. Whilst you're listening to this episode, you tell me what it is that you're trying to align with? Do you know why you're trying to align with it? And are you working on being the best person that you can possibly be and enjoying receiving over just Hustle Hustle culture, because if you are thinking that I need to do more, I need to be more I need to x y Zed. And you don't really know why you're doing it. And you're getting frustrated with trying to attract it into your life. Getting frustrated with the universe, it's not coming quick enough, that that's a sign that you are manic, the manifesting, it's called the Super attractor. She talks about manically manifesting, and it's a bit like planting a seed of a plant and then just staring at it, waiting for it to grow, and getting annoyed that it's not growing quick enough. That is what it means to micromanage the universe. You know the universe and God has a plan, that plan is probably better than what you can imagine. Because anything above what you are actually showing up as being in your life, because we are human beings, not human doings is above your paygrade it's up to God is up to universe and the universe doesn't play with us. It doesn't toy with us. It doesn't give us little gifts of inspiration and visions for the future. If it's not possible for us, it's not like a tease. So trusting in that, and trusting in your vision. And knowing that every single day, you have the opportunity to take action on that. And trust. It's like trusting having this infinite trust. And I think that's the key to manifestation. And I've heard Marissa Pierre, say it before, the only key to manifestation and the universal laws is believing in yourself. Trusting is a massive thing for so many people. Because a lot of children have been conditioned not and desensitize from their feelings. And, and that's what we're seeing. We're seeing a generation after generation of children being conditioned to not cry, to not have feelings to stop being silly to eat food when they're full, because you have to clear the play. And lots of these things where it's actually not allowing a child to feel or have a sense of being. And there was another really interesting talk that I listened to. And it was around how a lot of parents are kind of like thrilled treating their children like a little mini me dressing like them. And obviously we see it like these trends on Instagram and things they have. They're sort of conditioned to believe that they're children a bit like when they're playing with dolls when they're younger, that you know that they're just going to be led by what you say all of the time, and they're not going to have their own thoughts and feelings. And I think that say this to my clients all the time, parents don't have children and think, right, I'm going to I'm going to really fuck this child up, if no parent ever does that. So it's not like sitting here, listening to this and thinking, right, I'm going to blame everything on my parents. Because as we become grown as adults, we have the decision to make choices. We can either choose to still be operating from that inner child or in a teenager.

Or we can choose to heal that part and become the man or the woman heal the inner child and you will bloom into the person as I was saying right at the beginning of the episode, it's like if you're not dealing with this inner stuff, and then you're trying to manifest it's like having a shirt in the corner of the room and pouring glitter on it and expecting it not to smell. Or another way of looking at it is it's like trying to build a mansion on unsteady ground. So if you're looking to attract and start to manifest, step one is asking for what you want. And knowing what you want is what most people don't know what they want. They think they do, and they look at what other people have. And then they think they want that too. So it's not really getting a solid vision, what do you truly want and desire for yourself? Then it's okay. Is there anything that's holding me back? Is there any limiting beliefs? Is there any blocks that I think I know are gonna hold me back and it's not like, Okay, I'm just going to ignore them because they're going to go away. It's like working through them, working through the shadows with somebody, a professional, liked myself, and alkalizing it and then starting to attract it. And trusting, trusting God, trusting the universe, trusting handing everything over that surrender. And I've I've recently done some stuff on Instagram around surrender. And people think that surrendering is like giving up. It's not giving up on what you want surrendering means that you are handing it over to the universe and saying, You know what, I've really trust you with what is coming in the future, show me how to be the best version of who I am. Show me how to show me how to lead from love. Show me how to show up as the man or the woman that I'm supposed to be? Not the broken child, not the stroppy teenager in my case. And yeah, just show me how to be. So that's everything for today. I hope that you have enjoyed this episode. If you feel like you are trying to manifest something into your life, if you're, if you feel like to know what I'm fed up with, feeling stressed about the thing that I want to come into my life, then book an alignment call with me. The link is in the show notes. If you don't feel like you're ready to go to the next level yet. Continue to listen to the podcasts. I hope that you get so much value from them. And please share it, share it, share your nuggets, share, share the podcast and tag me because it absolutely makes my day when I hear that somebody has listened to the episode and they got so much value from it. Honestly, it does. It really, really fills my heart with joy. And if you can leave me a review and a rating it means that the algorithm will spread this episode to more people so that we can all manifest and elevate our lives together. God bless