The podcast for soulful women in business

What could a past life regression teach you?

May 20, 2022 Laura Beddoe - Spiritual empowerment & embodiment coach Episode 30
What could a past life regression teach you?
The podcast for soulful women in business
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The podcast for soulful women in business
What could a past life regression teach you?
May 20, 2022 Episode 30
Laura Beddoe - Spiritual empowerment & embodiment coach

Hi beautiful soul, This is a solo episode sharing with you the lessons that my past life regression wanted me to learn about surrendering and shining my light fully no matter what. Love wholeheartedly and pause when agitated so you don't have to regret actions later down the line.

It wasn't what I expected! A little snippet is; that I was a Victorian man called John that is all I'm saying for now, so you can enjoy the full episode!

Mentioned is Zena Roders please reach out to me for her details as she is redeveloping her website currently.

Download your gift E-Book - How to use your menstral cycle to manifest magic here

Join before the doors close The Wild Woman Inner Tribe founding members for my first ever membership community -

Let's connect on social media.

Show Notes Transcript

Hi beautiful soul, This is a solo episode sharing with you the lessons that my past life regression wanted me to learn about surrendering and shining my light fully no matter what. Love wholeheartedly and pause when agitated so you don't have to regret actions later down the line.

It wasn't what I expected! A little snippet is; that I was a Victorian man called John that is all I'm saying for now, so you can enjoy the full episode!

Mentioned is Zena Roders please reach out to me for her details as she is redeveloping her website currently.

Download your gift E-Book - How to use your menstral cycle to manifest magic here

Join before the doors close The Wild Woman Inner Tribe founding members for my first ever membership community -

Let's connect on social media.

Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to episode 30. I know that I have been away for quite some time. As you know, if you're on my email list, I went to Amsterdam and I had a plant medicine experience. And it really helped me to look at my life and look at my business and reassess, assess what is needed, what strategy I'm going to be using moving forwards. And I've decided to open up a membership and teach the skills that were in the course that I taught last year called rediscover your feminine gifts, over 12 months at an affordable rate.

So if you're new here, my name is Laura Beddoe. And I am a spiritual empowerment and embodiment coach and I help women to reconnect to their sole purpose to really elevate their life, strip away that survival, all of those limiting beliefs that are holding you back from stepping into a life, which is fully activated, aligned, and full of time and financial freedom. So let's get stuck in today. Today's topic, I'm going to be talking about my experience having a past life regression. Oh my goodness, what an amazing experience I had, I did a skill swap with one of the friends that I met during my hypnosis diploma. And I did. I supported her with some work around her business because as you may or may not already know, I have 20 years of experience in sales and marketing. So she was struggling to make sales in her business. So we did, I did about three or four sessions to help her find her values to unblock some of her limiting beliefs. And to really support her to elevate and get herself seen online. And in return, she did a past life regression. So I had not we hadn't spoken about it for a long time. And I believe that everything happens in divine timing. And I saw that she hadn't spoke to her for a couple of years. And to be honest, I'd actually forgotten that we had done that skill swap because of the pandemic and having my daughter Arabella. I just forgot all about it. And as I said, I went off to Amsterdam about six weeks ago. And that's why I haven't recorded any episodes because I had a bit of a ego death again. But so many in the past year, where I just let go of some of the things that were holding me back and all that ego def means by the way, if you're listening to this and you're wondering what that means is it just means letting go of those limiting beliefs, some beliefs that you're carrying, that you have adopted in your life that actually aren't really serving you anymore. And it means that you're not running on fear. And I've had so many of these over my life and I believe that When you are reconnecting with your soul purpose, ultimately all that is, is stripping away all of the conditioning that you have adopted, maybe your parents have told you when you were little things that you have adopted as your own, maybe it's things that you've seen in the media, you know, we were very conditioned as women to not like ourselves very much to put ourselves down so that commercialism, beauty, can sell off stuff, ultimately. So it's like, really reached reprogramming your mind to become that limitless version of yourself again. And yeah, just really realised that I was over overcomplicating things. And as I've shared many times on the podcast, we make life complicated for ourselves. And that's through us trying to prove ourselves or trying to

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trying to keep up with the Jones so comparison, thinking that you have to do something because somebody else is doing it that you've seen runs a business, but the truth is, is that wherever you are in your life right now, it's a different chapter to somebody else that you see online or you know, that you see in life. Comparison itis is a real thing and when you spend a lot of time comparison comparison post tinnitus is a real thing. And when you spent a lot of time. comparing your body to somebody else, comparing your business to somebody else, comparing your relationship to somebody else, is never going to serve you in the long run. And that's what this experience really taught me is like, am I looking at my life as to what it is now? Or am I stepping into that, that future version of myself shoes, my highest self shoes, and really making decisions on helping her out. And now I've really simplified the way that I do things. There are only two ways to work with me through joining my membership, which the cart is now open ladies, to the wild women in the tribe. So if you haven't already checked out that then this is your invitation to check it out. So I just give you a little snippet of what is going to be in store for you if you're to join the wild women in the tribe, so wild women in a tribe. is a spiritual soul school where women can remove the masks and the shoulds to become wildly authentic and boldly unapologetic for asking for what she needs. There is only F YES energy allowed in the tribe and What does wild stand for? Wild stands for wildly inspired, limitless and living in your divine sovereignty. What does that mean? So being in your world, in your wild woman archetype is being turned on, she knows her own boundaries, and she dances to the beat of her own rhythm,

Unknown 10:22

she will not write anything less than what her soul is destined for, or take any BS from anyone. So if you're leaving yourself at the bottom of the pile all the time, not looking after yourself, not making time for yourself, not making time for your children, not making time for your partner. And having that really lovely blend, you are not listening to your inner world, women currently, if you're living an inspired life, you're waking up in the morning, you're feeling alive, you're taking action, and you are deeply connected to your soul purpose. If you're living as a limitless woman, you know, your worthiness, you are abundant with money friendships, and you trust that the universe has your back you when those limiting beliefs crop up, which they do for all of us, I've got to say, there is no such thing as limiting beliefs ever going away. Fear doesn't ever completely go away. Because we are designed to have fear for survival. So it's learning the tools. And this is what I teach inside of the wild woman in a tribe is learning to have the tools so that you can be limitless and not listen to those limiting beliefs. If you're in your divine, you are pure magic, you know that everything that you touch it, everything that you touch turns to gold, you know that everything is flowing in divine timing, and you know how to nurture yourself, mind, body, and spirit. If that sounds like something that you would like to be involved with, then the link is in the show notes for this, the doors open officially, on the first of June, it is just 66 pounds, that's just two pounds 12 per day, for you to be in tribe, and actually be celebrated, to be wildly honest with yourself. And let's face it, we've all listened to a podcast, we've listened, we've gone to a retreat, or we've read a self development book and felt activated. But then we bump into that person that pisses us off, or we go back to that to do list or we share our passion and our idea with somebody that poo poos it. And then we're back to those limiting beliefs. So this is a really affordable way that you can get surrounded by women that want to see you win. And with me as your facilitator to help you to unpick those blocks that are controlling you ultimately. So you can just let go of comparison, you can let go of judgement. You can let go of fear, shame, all of that stuff inside of the truck tribe. And I'd love to see you there. So getting back to why, why I started to is talking about the membership. So there are only two ways to work with me. And that is through the membership. And through my one to one signature course. And yeah, just not making things complicated, like having these courses and one to ones and all of these things like we do, we do like to make things complicated, like think about it. Like every single day, we have the decision to wake up and have rituals and routines which are going to set intentions. So setting intentions for your day for your month for your year so you know where your energy is flowing. step one. Step two, trust the process. Knowing that you don't have to be perfect, there is no such thing that you don't, you're not always going to get it right you may fail in what you're going to be doing. But at least you tried, at least you listen to your intuition.

Now, this past life regression, I went to this past life regression with the intention to really start to trust the process. Because as I shared in my last episode micromanaging the universe I like to play God. so many of us now, we like to think that we are in control. And we are at the steering wheel all the time, and we want to do everything that we think that if things don't go exactly as we'd planned, then we failed. But maybe God's got a better plan for you. Have you ever thought about that? Do you ever think that God's might have a better plan for you? And I know that on my core level, I know that on my soul, soul level, but Laura Beddoe doesn't know that sometimes she forgets, my soul never forgets your soul. If you're listening to this. Never forget, that's why you resignate with what I'm saying? Because your soul was nodding along saying yes, listen to her, thats your higher self. But the version of you that's in this 3d reality, sometimes that version of you forgets and that's what's, that's what's blocking you. So, I went to this past life regression to really learn about trust and why I sometimes find it really difficult to trust the process. And then Laura steps in that human version of me, and sabotages things sometimes or, or questions the process and, and thinks that I know better than the universe, which is laughable really, when you think about it and. It was just so interesting from start to finish. So I it was up in Essex, that I went to see her, I'm going to put her details in the show notes. And she has asked me to do that. And I am going to be getting some training myself to do past life regression. So if you are interested in that, then just keep that in mind. So I went there, I was a little bit late. And I find it easy to get into a calm, relaxed state because I meditate quite frequently. So I laid on the bed and she had a pendulum. And she she got me into a hypnosis state calmed me down. And I was laying down. And she put this pendulum all over my body. And she asked me to notice if I felt any tingling, or cold sensations, or any sensations that were out of the ordinary in my body and mind was in my hands. And then she asked me to really dive into that. And she did like a whole thing around hypnosis. And then she took me back to the time that was the core belief, to why I couldn't trust the process. And there's me with my my ego self, which we will have everybody has an ego self that obviously wanted me to go back to being some healer, or, you know, some badass or some a Gyptian queen or something. But no, no, that isn't at all. I went back to a Victorian time, and my name was Jonathan and I was a blacksmith. And my father was a heavy smoker, and drinker and was physically and emotionally violent. And my mum was lovely, by all accounts, from what I can remember. And my wife was called Janie and I'd love to be able to research the actual dates. And maybe I can go back to her and find out more but

Unknown 19:17

yeah, it will related that to not trusting because of what my how my father treated me abusive. And then my wife, I was looking her up her in the house because she was being promiscuous, and I think that there was violence involved. And yeah, just she died of cancer and then I'd just beat myself up for the whole of my life, because she was the love of my life in this past past life. And I died an old man really lonely. And in my heart, I still had all of this pain that I've released like a A manic release. And it is interesting because I did a tapping session about a week before. And this pain was really prevalent in my chest. And when the the EFT instructor asked me when was this pain from? It was from being a baby. And it was keeping me safe. And oh my goodness, this stuff is just so interesting that actually what is stopping you in this life might not even be in this life. It might be from a previous life and you've just been going I believe that we go through the lives we reincarnate until we've learned the lesson. And the lesson that it wanted to teach me and in the past life regression was to trust the process. And to know that I am enough, and that I need to show up fully in my life and, and know that if anybody does me wrong, or if anybody isn't aligned to me, or if I show up as a people pleaser, or if I show up as not my the best version of myself, then actually, I'm staring myself from the right path. So I just wanted to share it with you, to give you some insight around limiting beliefs. And again, it just, it really, it just really enforces that message, that message that I want all of you to know. And that I believe on a soul level, a core level that you are enough. And if you feel like you're blocked, then it is time to let it go. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes therapy, hypnotherapy, past life regression, whatever it is, don't be ashamed, either. If you feel like you need to work through something, because all the time that you're not looking at it all the time that you're just thinking, just sorting along maybe it's not that painful. Yeah. Because sometimes it has to get really painful before you listen. And I just hope that isn't you, I hope that you listen to these podcasts and you think, ah, there's a niggle I want to work on something, I want to release some past stuff. But actually life gets in the way that to do list or whatever it is that's stopping you. Maybe you think that you haven't got enough money? Well, I'm telling you today that I used to be the person that used to listen to the podcast, read the books, but never invested. And it wasn't until I invested in myself and fully committed to the process, that my life was completely elevated. Because the free stuff that we get is, is the IS is the why it's happening. It's not the actual remedy, you know, you're not gonna get the healing that you need, unless you are you know how to self heal. And that is what I teach inside of my membership is going to be teaching you how to connect with your intuition how to heal your inner child, you know, it's actually going to give us the solution. So, yeah, just if you're thinking, oh, you know, it's too much, it's too expensive. It's never actually too much or too expensive. That's never the real reason is because it's not important to you. That's the truth. So ask yourself this question is, are you willing to do whatever it takes, because it's only the people that are willing to do what it takes to overcome the blocks that really reach those high destinations, you know, that actually,

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that actually are released from trauma, that are alliances that goes on to reach their desires, their hopes, their dreams, and obviously, that looks different to everybody. Not everybody wants the same things, but even just peace of mind. Peace of mind is like priceless. And since I had a therapy session last week, and that past life regression, I can honestly say I just feel lighter. So much lighter. And of course I've been for years of therapy and I have a therapist. So of course that is the case I have a therapist. So of course, that is the case so much later, and if. As you know, if you've been listening to my podcast for some time, one of my values is vulnerability, and I invite all of my listeners to take off that mask to be vulnerable to share their truth, like I am now, you know, I share that I go to therapy, I share these things, because then it invites you to be able to give yourself permission to do the same. If we all just walked around with that mask on, like I used to all those years ago, pretending I'm okay, if things are right, everything's good for me. Fake it to make it attitude. If we all walked around like that, then there would still be a lot of effing broken people. So that's why I take off the mask, I undo all of those shoulds that you should be, you know, you should have 2.4 children, a dog and a house by x age, or you should have this size, whatever body and, you know, do all of the things like I'm just giving you permission to give yourself permission to say, You know what, eff it, I'm going to do me, and I'm going to heal myself. And I'm going to show up as my true, authentic self. That's what this podcast is all about. So I hope that this episode has helped you in whatever way and I invite you to come and connect with me on all of the socials. All of the socials are in the show notes. And I also invite you to download my free workbook all around how to use your menstrual cycle to manifest magic. And our body is literally telling us absolutely everything. In this workbook, I talk about the archetypes of womanhood. I talk about the wild women and why most of us are pushing that part of ourselves away, and we're suppressing our feelings. I talk about rituals and routines that really serve me in my everyday day to day life. You know, I have a two year old an 18 year old to take care of myself. And you know, I do pretty well because of these tools that I teach. So I invite you to go and check that out. If you feel ready to come and join us inside of the membership. Then go and check that out. And thanks for listening. I hope that you can leave a review and that you can share with me your golden nuggets from this episode. Much love. Take care