The podcast for soulful women in business

Ten red flags The Universe is trying to guide you if you are out of alignment 🚩

β€’ Laura Beddoe - Womens Empowerment Coach

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In this episode, we talk about how the universe is showing you with feelings that you are out of alignment this is nothing to fear but notice and take action to get back into alignment.

This is a talk I also recorded over on Clubhouse the audio social media app as a trial. 

It's only when we ignore the signs that the feelings we get that are trying to guide us back get stronger or louder!

Are you listening to your inner guidance? Are you one of these or all of them?

1. Waking up feeling exhausted?
2. You are agitated or restless?
3. Drink alcohol or drugs to feel calm
4. Can't sleep
5. Overeating for comfort
6. No appetite.
7. Stay in relationships too long
8. Never have enough time
9. You feel like life is dull and it's lost its spark.
10.  Nothing you do feels good enough.

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Laura Beddoe  0:13  
Welcome to spiritual and sassy with me, your host, Laura Beddoe. This podcast is for the daughters, the mums, and the sisters, the friends, this is for you. This is for the woman who can love a holistic lifestyle, and still have that sprinkle of sass. This is for the woman who wants it all. To own her power. She wants to be a magnet to great things. The woman who wants to break mold, she's on a journey to break free of what society says that she should be and finding her own way. So if this is speaking to you, then let's dive in and

Unknown Speaker  1:05  
bashes industry

Unknown Speaker  1:10  
Hi, and welcome to episode 32. With me, your host, Laura Beddoe. And tonight, or today, wherever you're watching this episode, I am going to be talking about really holding the space for yourself really grounding your energy really? How are you showing up in the world? And what are the red flags that are showing you that you're out of alignment, and when I say you're out of alignment, it's not something to be frightened of, it's not something to think I'm doing something wrong. It's just the universe's way of showing you and guiding you back into alignment. So we're, we're always vibrating in and out of alignment. So just in case, you're new here, my name is Laura Beddoe. And I am a spiritual empowerment and embodiment coach, and I help women just like you to really get into what they want to create in this world, what impact that they want to leave, and out of feeling like they are surviving. Because we were born to thrive. So I help women to really quantum leap out of that survival into a life where they have financial freedom, time, abundance, and pleasure. So let's get stuck into this episode. As a child, I was constantly told off for speaking too much. And now I make a living from it. So, you know, it just shows you as a child. We know we know what our soul path is, we know, we know where we want to go in the world. And it's only through living and experience that sometimes we that we forget, we forget about how limitless we are we forget how amazing we are. And we forget to ask for what we need. And this is the main thing that I see is so common in all of my clients in, in everybody that come into my world is when we start to do the inner work, it usually boils down to they really don't know one how they feel or two, they don't know how to ask for what they need. So these are some of the red flags that you should look out for that the universe is trying to give you the signs it's like though waving these signals that you your eye or power your your angel GYN guides team I'd like come on, get back onto the right path. And the way that you're feeling just really get curious with that. Not beating yourself up but actually just diving into it and really being curious as to what your feelings were for your feet if you're feeling really bad. Like what does that mean? Like how can you steer that and alchemize it and that's what I really, really do really well as I help my clients to feel into their pain points and outcome eyes them to turn them into something wonderful. I love that David has come up and joined us. You know he he said that we had a conversation I do remember it that he was really struggling to sleep and I sent him a sleep hypnosis and that got him off. So I love that. So so. So things that The universe when you have these red flags, so let me know, by sending me if you're listening to the podcast and you're like, oh my god, I'm one of these, or I have all of these or one of these is really resonating with me, I love to get your feedback if you're listening to the podcasts, or if you are listening down in the Listening lounge in the room, raise your hand and ask for some energy guidance, some angel guidance, if these are excavating with you. So number one, you are waking up, feeling exhausted, even though you've had a had a good night's sleep every day, every day, you're waking up, and you're just like,

Laura Beddoe  5:45  
I've just exhausted or number two,

Unknown Speaker  5:50  
you feel like you are just agitated. All of the time. Even though you don't even know why you feel agitated, you got a great life, great job. But you just feel rested. Restless, a lot of the time, it's almost like you, you can't quite put your finger on what it is that you are feeling restless for, or you know that there's something you know that there's something bigger out there for you, but you just can't quite figure it out. That used to be me, this used to be a really big one. For me, it's about it always felt like I was it's almost like I always felt like I didn't have enough time constantly. And it's exhausting, restless. So number three, you are feeling overstimulated through the day, you run a business, I know lots of people that listen to the spiritual and sassy podcast, or entrepreneurial types. And you feel overstimulated, and you feel like you need to drink alcohol, or take drugs at the end of the day to relax. So that's number three. Number four, you can't get to sleep, you feel like you get into bed, and it's like your brain starts to have a little party. And sometimes you even wake up in the middle of the night. Number five, you have this pattern of yo yo dieting or overeating. Number six, you don't have any appetite at all, you just don't feel hungry ever. Because you're just so stressed, your body doesn't send you the signal to that what that makes you want to eat. Number seven, is that you have been in a relationship for quite some time. But you just you know that you're unhappy, you know that they're no good for you. But you just keep going back to the relationship. Number eight, you are, keep getting poorly, you keep getting poorly, you keep getting sick. Number eight, you feel like you never have enough time. Number nine, this is a biggie, you just don't remember what lights you up anymore. These are really big signs from the universe that you are out of alignment. And, you know, I know that so many of us now are waking up and knowing that we are made for more than a nine to five or we were fed up of the rat race. These are some signs that we're ready to break free from this. It's like our bodies try out and our guides are trying to wake us up to know that there's something more Yeah, just knowing knowing all of these things that we are like, if you could think we are layers of consciousness, so we've got our conscious mind. That is what we're thinking about. And then we've got all of this subconscious stuff that is like our inner child. It's our beliefs, our core beliefs, it's our limiting beliefs. So all this conversation that is going on in the background, it's our judgment of others. It's it's all of this stuff that we're not really aware of. It's all going on in the background, that is what is creating this these patterns. This is what is creating these things to happen. And the good news is if any of those are happening, you can change. You can use these are your guides to saying come on Wakey wakey. There we're trying to steer you to something better. And this is why I created my community spaces, which is why I became a mentor. I was really out of alignment. I didn't I thought that life was happening. I mean, to me, nothing had any rhyme or reason. And it's only when I've really discovered universal laws and read the secret and, and all of the things that I speak about in previous episodes, that I started to realize that actually, when I can tap into my truth, when I can, when I can actually

Unknown Speaker  10:31  
clear away all of the conditioning, which is the stuff that we're taught when we're children, and I can create new beliefs that I can actually use my life, like a game, and that it's magical. And every day is what I create not, it's not happening to me, it's happening happening for me. And that actually, when I can be really, really present in my life, that I notice, the beauty, and all of the wonderful things that are always happening all of the time, every single day. Because before I knew what I teach, I was asleep. I was stuck in my own head, thinking about all of the worries, all of the fears, all of the all of the things that were going wrong, all the things that will go wrong in the future, have a stuck in this story just going round and round around in my head, that I had a crap childhood, therefore, pull me. And it's only since I've pulled myself out of that. And yes, of course, we all have moments, we are human beings, that all of that all of the shifts that I've been through all of the pain, all of the heart ache, it was all leading me to where I am today. And it was teaching me to love myself more. So that's why I've created a new workshop for you, which I'm really excited about, it's going to be released 27th of June. So it's going to start on the 11th of July. What is this going to be all around all about. So it's gonna be called reawaken the magic for love and abundance. It's a three day workshop. And it is to connect with your highest self, and to stop feeling drained, like you have been hurt before. And you don't want to open your heart up, you're fed up with having to fix everyone else. And you are just done. You are done with people pleasing. And you want to reconnect with that sparkle that somebody robbed from you. Maybe it was recently, maybe it was a long time ago. But you are ready to let go of that you're ready to cut the cords and to start to elevate your life so that you can start to wake up every day excited. And it's not going to be like a podcast or a book where you read it. And you forget all about it. This is going to help you with self sabotage is going to help you with money blocks is going to help you with fear of failure, fear of failure, feeling like an imposter is going to have all of it in there. It's going to help you to overcome the blocks that we were talking about in the beginning of this episode. All of the stuff that makes you feel like those red flags that are popping up. You're done with that good girl bullshit, you know, we were told our whole lives that being a good girl and blending in was the thing to do. This is the fast track to being taken advantage of like you have. So I'm going to teach you how to be fierce and lean into that rebel inside of you. That wild woman energy, how to be seductive without manipulation, to believe in yourself and let go of those beliefs that are holding you back. If you feel ready to let go and to step into that highest version of yourself, head down into the show notes and click to join us. Join us on the call or on the replay. If you can't make it live. I cannot wait for this one. I've put so much preparation into it. And it's going to be epic it. So over the three days we're going to be day one is going to be understanding your house yourself and your sole purpose, and removing the blocks. Day two is how to hold the energy of love, money and magic. So we can all attract a date, or we can attract some money. But often, it seems like it's coming in one hand and going out of the other. All those all of the games in dating and getting yourself out there,

Unknown Speaker  15:32  
how can you start to learn to hold the frequency of love? That will be day two, and day three is letting go of fear to reclaim your wild? And what do I mean by this is reclaiming that sparkle that spark that part of you that you once lost? Because you were told you wasn't good enough, where you were told that you wasn't worthy, or you believed? What happened? Maybe it's a long, long time ago, or maybe it was recent, but we're gonna dig right into it. I can't wait to meet you inside. And to get to know you more. I love meeting you. I love meeting my listeners and I love getting to know you and seeing you grow into this beautiful goddess. It is my absolute passion. So thanks for listening, and I will see you next week