The podcast for soulful women in business
The podcast for innovative and progressive thought leaders anchored into their authority unapologetically.
Creating Leaders, Building Legacies, Maximising Profit.
You no longer have to apologise for wanting to stand out as a female leader here.
Ready to evolve and expand to embody feeling comfortable to be visible, to speak without fear of judgment, this is a place where you can take up as much space as you desire without being labeled as ‘too much.’
The podcast for soulful women in business
How your womb energy & pussy is connected to money and relationships.
But why? What has it got to do with anything?
We create from our energy centers in our lower body, life force flows through us and the chakras are what allows that to be abundant and easy or blocked and frustrated.
Listen to the full episode for more info on this.
Have you downloaded your gift E-Book - How to use your menstrual cycle to manifest magic here https://www.laurabeddoe.com/menstrual-cycle-workbook
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Hello and welcome to spiritual and sassy the podcast with me, your host, Laura Beddoe. Your spiritual empowerment and embodiment coach, you're about to go on a journey of rapid transformation. Using the quantum field with this podcast. I'm widely considered a leading expert in subconscious transformation. I've coached women worldwide that are ready to take the leap into a freedom lifestyle. Here is a place to deeply connect with your soul to embody wealth, pleasure, and become wildly successful in all areas become more spiritually aligned and still have that sprinkle of sass. In this podcast, I'm bringing you the science, the transformational psychology, and ancient wisdom methods all rolled into one. Keep listening. If you want to take your life to levels you never thought possible. If you've ever dreamed of having more, to feel better, to love the skin that you are in and have peace of mind, this podcast is for you. If you are ready to master your mind and understand your energy. If any of this connects, I'm excited that you're here. Now let's dive in. Hi, and welcome to episode 34 of the podcast spiritual and sassy with me your host, Laura Beddoe. This week, I'm going to be talking all about why it is so important to take care of your womb, energy system and feel connected to your womb and your pussy in terms of energy, and what chakras are and why if they are blocked, that you are being why you are being affected in the area of relationships or money. And that's something that I've really helped people with, to really make peace with the relationship that they have with themselves, firstly, and then how they can actually get every single answer that they need from within, because we're so bloody addicted to looking outside of ourselves and thinking that that's where the answers lie, always striving for that next thing, always thinking if I have a partner, then I will be good enough. If I have X amount of money in the bank, then I will be good enough. But the truth is, is that you are already good enough. You already have every single tool, every single answer within you. And people like myself mentors like myself, we help you to find the answers that you need, we just shine the light on to what is already inside of you and help you to draw it out. And knowing that I'm very well known for connecting women with their menstrual cycle. But actually it runs deeper than that. The menstrual cycle is showing you what is on top of your iceberg. Whatever is going on with that is showing you what work needs to be done. And why is how does how do I work with women and help them to see what is manifesting through the menstrual cycle is I help them to connect to the energy systems, which is the chakras the chakras is where we are letting lifeforce our prana run through our bodies and that's where we're creating life. That's where we're creating everything, everything is within. And then what we are experiencing in our physical reality, what we can see touch, feel taste is what is going on within.
So if you don't like what is going on in your reality, it's time to start looking at what are your thoughts, what are your beliefs? What is your mindset that is creating that life started? I wanted to talk about the chakras because I talk about chakras a lot, but I'm not sure whether you actually know If you're listening, if you're new, if you've been here for quite some time, I don't actually know whether you know what a chakra is. So let's really start with the basics. You've probably heard of me talking about the chakras. And you've probably heard about me talking about alignment. So what even is a chakra? A chakra is an energy center in which energy flows in and out. There are seven chakras in the body that are located along the spine, from the tailbone, the base or the route, what you'll hear me talking about a lot of the time, grounding yourself rooting yourself, what I'm talking about, is the safety that anchors us to the universe. And then it runs all the way to the top of your crown. So that is your crown chakra, when I'm talking about the seven chakras, think of it as like heaven and earth. And we are the thing that binds that together. We are a physical manifestation of source and life, the more life force that can flow through us, the more that we are able to create abundance, love, joy, ecstasy, all of the higher vibrational frequency that we are able to obtain joy is at the top. And fear is at the bottom, we can't be in the same frequency at the same time. So that's what I've really helped my clients to understand is to really connect with their joy, and to let go of all of the conditioning, which is the blocks in the chakras, that is stopping you from creating the life that you truly desire and that you were born to create, which is this exciting thing you chose to come here, you chose to come here and experience the life situation that you have, so that you can tune into and learn to love no matter what. So each chakra is connected to a different area in your body. The root chakra, which is the first chakra, which is right at the bottom of your spine is connected to your pelvis, you're Percy, if you're a woman, you're your genitals if you're a man, and it is the chakra that is closest to the earth. And it's responsible for both grounding and survival. The areas that have the body that are associated with it are the feet, bones, that legs, the root chakra will connect you to Mother Nature and help you to drive
and help you to get your survival needs. So when you feel blocked in this area, it will come up as paranoia, financial hardship, procrastination, and fear. If you're doing any of those things, it's because something in your life has rocked that safety. And you can absolutely work on it. And that's what I really specialize with helping my clients move is to help them get that unblocked. And there are so many different ways that you can do that. The second chakra is called the sacral chakra, the sacral chakra is represented by the color of orange, and it's located at the base of the spine and the navel is closely associated with your kidneys, your bladder, your reproductive organs, and it's responsible for the feelings of desire, pleasure, pleasure and creativity. If your sacral chakra is blocked, or misaligned, you will be experiencing detachment from your womb, which is what I really helped my clients to, to work on is to really help them to reconnect with their per se reconnect with their womb, let go of any birth trauma, let go of any feelings of guilt around sexual pleasure. It will give you lack of inspiration and compulsive behavior. So addiction, overspending, these are all things that can be affected by these two chakras, which are closely linked with the womb. So the topic of this podcast is why is it if you are disconnected from your womb, it is showing up in your relationships and money that explains it right? If you're not connected to your sexual organs, then it's going to be because you won't be lot in this area, we create not just babies from our sexual organs, we create everything. We're manifesting everything from that creative chakra. Everything that is coming into your desire is channeled through that chakra. So if it is blocked, and you're not grounding yourself, you're not feeling safe to be within your body, then it is going to be showing up in your reality as a block. And it's sounds simple. But when you're experiencing this, as I did, I had infinite infertility issues, I had major money, blocks. And this was because as a child, I was experiencing lack of safety, but didn't feel safe. I didn't feel that security. So therefore, I created a rule about myself that I must look outside of myself, I must fix others to feel safe, I must people please. And thus creating the tidal wave of disaster. That was my life in my early 20s. Going into toxic, abusive relationships, getting credit cards and running up 1000s and 1000s of pounds worth of dead debt, and then hiding the bills in drawers with not looking at them. And at the time, it didn't affect my life. Because I didn't think about it. I was I was being reckless, I didn't think about the future. But what we need to remember is every decision that we are making today is creating tomorrow. We aren't in a dress rehearsal. This is your life, this is your time. So if you're procrastinating, because you have a blocked root chakra, you feel disengaged from your pussy, you feel disconnected from your body, now is the time to do the work. Now is the time for you to make the decision to change. And I know that change can be scary. And unfortunately, I know that if you're listening to this podcast, that until you've got in enough pain, you're not going to change. But you can decide to step off the elevator anytime you like. It doesn't have to keep getting worse and worse and worse. When you decide to put your stand in the sand and say, today is the day that I am going to change.
Nothing will change. And that's what had to happen to me, the universe had to get really loud and take away a lot of things. My home for one, until I listened. And I did the inner work. I just pray and hope that when you're listening to this, if it is resonating, that you're going to do the work that's required for you to have the life that you want. And you're going to invest in yourself with somebody that feels aligned to you. And if that's me, amazing, I can't wait to meet you. I can't wait to have the conversation. And to help you to start to build the life that you deserve, firstly, and that you were born to have, you were born to be here to thrive. You were born to be here for a sole purpose. Let's find it together. I hope that you've enjoyed today's solo episode. Next week, we have an incredible guest talking about embodiment work and the dark priestess. So I really look forward to that. Until next time, make sure if you haven't already go across and enter our competition to win a full day with me in person. At my retreat reset as the top prize. The second prize is a 50 pounds voucher from me. And the third prize is a crystal set from My affiliates and a pair of the brave bird pants which I am also affiliated with. So there is lots for you to go ahead and win if you're feeling abundant, which I hope that you are after this episode, knowing that you are limitless and you have to take the step and enter the competition if you want to win. So I look forward to seeing your reviews, your light bulb moments, your favorite episodes and if you're not already If you haven't already got the guide to your menstrual cycle the link is in the show notes I love you Love and Light Laura