The podcast for soulful women in business
The podcast for innovative and progressive thought leaders anchored into their authority unapologetically.
Creating Leaders, Building Legacies, Maximising Profit.
You no longer have to apologise for wanting to stand out as a female leader here.
Ready to evolve and expand to embody feeling comfortable to be visible, to speak without fear of judgment, this is a place where you can take up as much space as you desire without being labeled as ‘too much.’
The podcast for soulful women in business
How to attend or facilitate networking without ego as a soulful leader
In this episode Laura Beddoe Collins - Unconcoius Mind Expert and Soulful Business Consultant explores the importance of networking for female business owners. She shares her experiences of attending different networking events and provides advice on how to approcah them. She emphasises the importance of being yourself, asking questions, researching the event, and looking for potential collaborations, partnerships.
If you are running a business and you are working hard on creating your first 60 k year sales is at the forfront of your mind, what comes before that is building relationships. In this episodes LBC talks about 6 points that will either make or break a networking experiance
Connection and investigation is part of who Laura Beddoe- Collins is a mentor, do you need to learn how to express yourself? Do you struggle with big groups and an introvert which is why you avoid these types of events? Perhaps this can be changed through working in your Akashic Records and unlocking your limiting belief that is holding you back from shining at a networking event?
Do you know your values and who you are supposed be serving these are all questions to explore before attending theses events and in this episode LBC has your back with the do's and donts so you know how to navigate without ego.
Have you seen the 14 day experiance LIVE training that starts on 1st November 2023 just £14 which will increase to £444 on the 15th November?
Check it out HERE>> https://www.laurabeddoe.com/14-days-journey
Connect with me your host: Laura Beddoe- Collins.